I don't like "They've been helping us." Maybe:
-[ ] We fought them, beat them, put them under house arrest, and have been working on convincing them they can do better. That they can do good, and help people, without going to the extreme lengths they did.
I'm not sure. We still need to show Sayaka some evidence that the two aren't completely malicious.
I've made the modifications below.
Also, Ugo raised a good point about involving Mami and Homura in our talk with Sayaka. We'll have more people to keep the Blueberry from going off the rails that way.
[ ] Ask Sayaka and Hitomi if they have time to discuss a couple of things privately once Kyousuke's back.
-[ ] If they do, telepathy Mami and Homura: Go or no-go on the discussion?
--[ ] If Mami and Homura give you the OK, ask Homura if she can Time Stop so the three of us can discuss what to do in private. Give them a general run-down of what you're planning to say, ask them for critique, and tell them they're welcome to chip in on the conversation if they want to.
---[ ] After that's done, telepathy O&K that we're about to talk to Sayaka. We'll tell them how it ends. Wish us luck.
[ ] Accompany Hitomi and Sayaka back to the hospital with Kyousuke, along with Mami, while Homura escorts Madoka home.
-[ ] Once that's settled, get to a more private setting and start talking.
Follow the vote below if there wasn't any major modifications to our plans, otherwise, do what Mami and Homura suggested.
[ ] There's two magical girls Sayaka should meet. Mikuni Oriko is,
was a precognitive; she was the one who warned us about Sayaka getting Witch Kissed; and Oriko's girlfriend, Kure Kirika.
-[ ] Remember when we said some Magical Girls are misguided? They're like that.
-[ ] Oriko's a fatalistic girl who was firm on the 'ends justify the means' mindset, and used her visions to try and achieve good things... by hurting anyone and anything in the way of her goals.
-[ ] We fought them, beat them, put them under house arrest, and have been working on convincing them they can do better, that they can do good and help people without going to the extreme lengths they did.
We've made some progress, but, well, there's a reason why we haven't let them out.
-[ ] The truth is, Oriko sent Kirika to push Hitomi down the stairs, and was the one who burned down Sayaka's home.