[X] plan mumi nosebleeds
-[X] Start by cooking lunch.
-[X] Then, ask Mami to help you choose good-looking variations on your magical girl outfit for the lunch later.
--[X] Start with casual clothes and summer dresses that would sort-of blend in with civilians. Then, try a couple fancy ballroom dresses, and finish by mentioning how carrying Mami made you think of something, then making a white wedding dress.
OK, the vibe I got is that this is the best plan:

[Q] Make Chibi-Brina.
-[Q] As a proper Familiar.
--[Q] Except for the killing people thing.
-[Q] With braids.
-[Q] With a lie detection enchantment.
-[Q] With detective skills.
-[Q] With psychology skills.
[Q] Send Chibi Brina to search for Kuroko and later to talk with Oriko, verify she's not lying and just help her through her problems.
-[Q] Actually, add Grief Cleansing abilities to Chibi Brina and also send her on a Grief cleansing trip.
--[Q] Actually actually, make Chibi Brina take care of everything for you.

[Q] Meanwhile, have picnic, later dress up nicely and take Mami to a fancy restaurant and generally live a nice and fluffy life.
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I still don't get why that would make her pull a gun Sabrina for wearing braids.
Her from back then tends to remind her of bad times from what I've sometimes seen. Remember that the time she stopped using that look was after she shot Madoka.

Also it's an omake and character traits are deliberately played up. But Homura really, really doesn't like to be reminded of back then.
Her from back then tends to remind her of bad times from what I've sometimes seen. Remember that the time she stopped using that look was after she shot Madoka.

Also it's an omake and character traits are deliberately played up. But Homura really, really doesn't like to be reminded of back then.
Are you trying to say we can't braid Homura's hair?

Because that's preposterous.
What's she doing outside of academy city? I didn't think this was a crossover :V
Kuriki, Kuroko, Kuroki, I get it right a third of the time.

"So... Homura," you say, tucking the notebook away again into its little sphere of Grief. "If we find this Kuriki, do you think we can keep her alive?"

"Kuroki," Homura corrects. "Kuroki Matsuko. I..." she glances away. "I think you can. But I don't think she's worth the effort. Even less than Miki Sayaka."
We could play up the name confusion a bit more and present Homura with Kirika.
That's a little far-fetched.

... So... what are we doing in between lunch and picnic times?

I doubt trying to make a Lie Detector would take more than five minutes... hopefully.

I think we should try and finally work on that Grief Contrl Enchantment, while Mami works on her homework, if she's got any. It'd be really cool to see what Mami could make with Grief Control, even if it ends up being limited in Enchantment form.
We might have an easier time making a Cleansing enchantment than a flexible Grief Control one.
We might need to crush Oriko's unhealthy thinking completely before she can heal, telling her she is loved and should find something better to do hasn't worked.
We might need to crush Oriko's unhealthy thinking completely before she can heal, telling her she is loved and should find something better to do hasn't worked.
Well, we could try reinforcing the fact that everything she's done for 'The Greater Good' was pretty much evil shit and she sucks?

I mean, at least we'd get her to agree with us. :V Maybe we can work on her from there on.
So, Kuroko is probably dead or dying like now. Given that, and in the absence of calling everything today off for a manhunt that has at least a 50% chance of ending in heartbreak, we do have one fairly attractive option.

Dial Kyouko, and offer her cash to do a bit of detective-work.

I talked about leverage a while ago in an essay in thread, Kyouko clearly values actual money and if we offer her a few hundred bucks off the Yakuza money to go look and a bonus if she actually finds Kuroko... She'll go for it.

We'd probably have to give her a reason why we're not doing it ourselves -- which is actually pretty easy, we've got prior engagements with people who would be curious & upset about us breaking them off and we don't want to rope them into a manhunt that's honestly probably going to end with a dead body.

If she asks how we know Kuroko is a meguca / potential we just drop the precog line, but she may well just accept it.

Currently this is just a suggestion.
:eyebrow: Am I missing something here?

Me being over philosophical about how Homura views her 'old' self and her choice hair style. Sabrina wearing her hair like Moemura may bring up unpleasant memories for Homura. Or be somewhat akin to imitating a friends late relative shortly after their death. It's the same reason why trying to get Homura to wear her hair in braids/pig tails/whatever its called is a bad idea.

Her from back then tends to remind her of bad times from what I've sometimes seen. Remember that the time she stopped using that look was after she shot Madoka.

Also it's an omake and character traits are deliberately played up. But Homura really, really doesn't like to be reminded of back then.

... what he said basically.

Though now I have rather melodramatic scene idea of Sabrina managing to get a picture of Moemura, and Homura asking Sabrina where she got it and Sabrina deflects and brings up how its a shame moemura had to die, she was such a nice girl.