I don't know about you guys, but I think I'm blind to Romantic text/sub-text/anything because I didn't see anything romantic in the update. T'was just two friends having a good time.
This sort of thing is inherently subjective, and is going to vary somewhat based on cultural expectations of what sort of displays of affection are considered appropriate for a platonic relationship versus a romantic one.
That said, the princess/bridal carry (especially while flying, which is pretty evocative of
Superman/Lois) and Mami touching Sabrina's face to reassure her would be considered
very suggestive, at least here in the U.S.
So yeah, the yuri subtext is pretty strong here, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Remember how a majority of us voted to refrain from pursuing romance with Mami until she's less emotionally fragile and better able to give informed consent? Just last night she was a sobbing wreck. Let's give her some time to recover before we consider going any further.
Jeez, we got rushed out of Oriko's place so fast that we never got to do what we came for....
[X] Lunch? Lunch.
[X] Telepathy Oriko. Today was the day that she thought would be best for us to tell Sayaka about her. Does she feel up to having visitors again this evening? We understand that this will not be easy, but it has to happen eventually. One has to take responsibility for one's actions to be forgiven.
-[X] Whatever happens, you have to hang on, Oriko. Not for the sake of the world, or for us, or even for yourself. For Kirika. I don't know if she can survive losing you. If you love her, then don't give up. You have to live for her.
[X] Talk to Mami. She didn't ask about the thing we had Kirika researching for us, but it's not a secret. There's a magical girl named Kuroki who hasn't been seen the last few days, and we're getting kind of worried. We were thinking about hiring some of the magical girls we know from the surrounding areas to search for her. Would Mami be okay with letting them pass through her territory to search? It's not like we have to worry about our Grief Seed supply.
-[X] If she's okay with that, telepathy Masami and Hiroko over in West Mitakihara. Explain how we need some help finding a missing girl, and we're willing to pay people to help out. How does 50,000¥ (about US$500) per day sound? For each of them. And Ono too, if she feels like participating. With a bonus for everyone involved if the girl's actually found and saved.
--[X] Her soul gem might be filling up with corruption, in which case it might cause her to behave irrationally. You might have to make her use a Grief Seed to keep her alive. Telepathy us if you need help. We can be there quicker than you might think.
---[X] Free passage through friendly territory and hunting rights for any witches they might encounter during the search are guaranteed, and of course we'll cleanse anyone who needs it. Oh, and we're also going to be making this same offer to Sakura Kyouko over in Kasamino, so if you cross paths with her during the search, try not to butt heads.
----[X] It might be that we're too late and the girl's already dead in a witch's barrier, but we have to at least try, and we've got too much on our plate to handle it all ourselves.
-[X] Contact Kyouko with the same offer.
-[X] Find some way to send the search teams the info Kirika gave us. We can take a picture with our phone and e-mail it to Masami's team, but we'll probably have to take Kyouko a physical copy. Do they have Kinko's in Japan? Or does Mami's computer have a scanner and printer?
[X] Hope for the best.