This is how I see the thread.

[Q] Telepathy Oriko.
-[Q] Tell her you haven't given up on her; that she shouldn't give up either, for Best Buddy's sake; that you'll change the future for a better one; that you'll somehow convince Homu-
--[Q] -does she know a nice place you could take Mami for dinner, actually? Like, nice and fancy that Mami would really like?
---[Q] Actually, could Oriko set you up a reservation at such a fancy place, and after you bring Sayaka to her place, you can stay afterwards and she can help you dress up nicely, too? Mami will worry, but it'll be a nice surprise.
----[Q] Thanks Oriko! You're a great help.
[x] Telepathy Oriko.
-[x] Tell her you haven't given up on her; that she shouldn't give up either, for Best Buddy's sake; that you'll change the future for a better one; that you'll somehow convince Homu-
--[x] -does she know a nice place you could take Mami for dinner, actually? Like, nice and fancy that Mami would really like?
---[x] Actually, could Oriko set you up a reservation at such a fancy place, and after you bring Sayaka to her place, you can stay afterwards and she can help you dress up nicely, too? Mami will worry, but it'll be a nice surprise.
----[x] Thanks Oriko! You're a great help.

You joke, but I think it might actually help oriko.
All right.

[x] Telepathy Oriko.
-[x] Tell her you haven't given up on her; that she shouldn't give up either, for Best Buddy's sake; that you'll change the future for a better one; that you'll somehow convince Homu-
--[x] -does she know a nice place you could take Mami for dinner, actually? Like, nice and fancy that Mami would really like?
---[x] Actually, could Oriko set you up a reservation at such a fancy place, and after you bring Sayaka to her place, you can stay afterwards and she can help you dress up nicely, too? Mami will worry, but it'll be a nice surprise.
----[x] Thanks Oriko! You're a great help.
This is how I see the thread.

[Q] Telepathy Oriko.
-[Q] Tell her you haven't given up on her; that she shouldn't give up either, for Best Buddy's sake; that you'll change the future for a better one; that you'll somehow convince Homu-
--[Q] -does she know a nice place you could take Mami for dinner, actually? Like, nice and fancy that Mami would really like?
---[Q] Actually, could Oriko set you up a reservation at such a fancy place, and after you bring Sayaka to her place, you can stay afterwards and she can help you dress up nicely, too? Mami will worry, but it'll be a nice surprise.
----[Q] Thanks Oriko! You're a great help.
...That's practically rubbing in her face the fact that she can't go anywhere. What are you even thinking? How is that supposed to "help"?
I don't know about you guys, but I think I'm blind to Romantic text/sub-text/anything because I didn't see anything romantic in the update. T'was just two friends having a good time.


"No, no, I'd be happy to," you say, beaming at her as you step forward. "Er..." You bend over, looping one arm behind her knees and the other behind her back to scoop her into a princess carry. "Is this OK?"

Mami blushes a little. "Um... Yes," she says, shifting to get comfortable.

Princess carry.

Kirika's pulling the glass door open by the time you set Mami on her feet, flashing you a grin and a thumbs up.

Kirika sees it. :V

"Sabrina?" she murmurs into your mind.

"Mm?" you say.

"Let me go," she says.

"What? No!" you tighten your arms around her.

"I won't be hurt," she says. She reaches up to cup your face, golden eyes glowing with utter trust. "And you'll catch me if I don't succeed."

"I-" Your breath hitches in your throat. "OK."

In the face of that kind of sheer, absolute trust, what can you do?

^ this. Just this.
I don't know about you guys, but I think I'm blind to Romantic text/sub-text/anything because I didn't see anything romantic in the update. T'was just two friends having a good time.
This sort of thing is inherently subjective, and is going to vary somewhat based on cultural expectations of what sort of displays of affection are considered appropriate for a platonic relationship versus a romantic one.

That said, the princess/bridal carry (especially while flying, which is pretty evocative of Superman/Lois) and Mami touching Sabrina's face to reassure her would be considered very suggestive, at least here in the U.S.

So yeah, the yuri subtext is pretty strong here, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Remember how a majority of us voted to refrain from pursuing romance with Mami until she's less emotionally fragile and better able to give informed consent? Just last night she was a sobbing wreck. Let's give her some time to recover before we consider going any further.

Jeez, we got rushed out of Oriko's place so fast that we never got to do what we came for....

[X] Lunch? Lunch.
[X] Telepathy Oriko. Today was the day that she thought would be best for us to tell Sayaka about her. Does she feel up to having visitors again this evening? We understand that this will not be easy, but it has to happen eventually. One has to take responsibility for one's actions to be forgiven.
-[X] Whatever happens, you have to hang on, Oriko. Not for the sake of the world, or for us, or even for yourself. For Kirika. I don't know if she can survive losing you. If you love her, then don't give up. You have to live for her.
[X] Talk to Mami. She didn't ask about the thing we had Kirika researching for us, but it's not a secret. There's a magical girl named Kuroki who hasn't been seen the last few days, and we're getting kind of worried. We were thinking about hiring some of the magical girls we know from the surrounding areas to search for her. Would Mami be okay with letting them pass through her territory to search? It's not like we have to worry about our Grief Seed supply.
-[X] If she's okay with that, telepathy Masami and Hiroko over in West Mitakihara. Explain how we need some help finding a missing girl, and we're willing to pay people to help out. How does 50,000¥ (about US$500) per day sound? For each of them. And Ono too, if she feels like participating. With a bonus for everyone involved if the girl's actually found and saved.
--[X] Her soul gem might be filling up with corruption, in which case it might cause her to behave irrationally. You might have to make her use a Grief Seed to keep her alive. Telepathy us if you need help. We can be there quicker than you might think.
---[X] Free passage through friendly territory and hunting rights for any witches they might encounter during the search are guaranteed, and of course we'll cleanse anyone who needs it. Oh, and we're also going to be making this same offer to Sakura Kyouko over in Kasamino, so if you cross paths with her during the search, try not to butt heads.
----[X] It might be that we're too late and the girl's already dead in a witch's barrier, but we have to at least try, and we've got too much on our plate to handle it all ourselves.
-[X] Contact Kyouko with the same offer.
-[X] Find some way to send the search teams the info Kirika gave us. We can take a picture with our phone and e-mail it to Masami's team, but we'll probably have to take Kyouko a physical copy. Do they have Kinko's in Japan? Or does Mami's computer have a scanner and printer?
[X] Hope for the best.
I submit we find a way to do some unspeakable things to the Incubators .
After we saved the Meguca.

And for all of you still finding excuses to defend the Incubators as just doing their job and not being objectively moral evil....

Imagine sentient, living beings. Tortured forever mentally, living in the equivalent of the endstage of some violent madness where the world stops making sense , getting killed and revived just to be put through that hell AGAIN AND AGAIN.... and we have enough hints that the witches are still on some level sentient and experiencing JUST that...

Hell. Living hell, no way out, and all for the crime of having been a trusting minor.

Yes, I know , the Incubators are supposedly incapable of feeling emotions.... but they know and recognize what a pain reaction is, or they are not only uncaring, but stupid.
They may not be able to emphatize, but interletually they know that they put the Meguca through eternal pain for temporal gain (the wish) .... and they have the gall of calling
that a fair exchange.

So, monthly scheduled rage against the hivemind out of the way.
Let us returnto discussing ways to woo the Mumi.

I don't believe in revenge.

I agree with you on how horrible what they've done is, but all that makes me want to do is stop it.

I just want to make them incapable of doing it again. Not to torture the back.

Plus, we know that some Incubators do feel emotions, and they are considered insane by their peers. I suspect that these Incubators are probably also victims and deserve to be saved as well.
-[X] If she's okay with that, telepathy Masami and Hiroko over in West Mitakihara. Explain how we need some help finding a missing girl, and we're willing to pay people to help out. How does 50,000¥ (about US$500) per day sound? For each of them. And Ono too, if she feels like participating. With a bonus for everyone involved if the girl's actually found and saved.

Presumptuous. Masami and Hiroko appear to have actual income. This is something that might get in the way of that depending on what that source of income is.

[X] Talk to Mami. She didn't ask about the thing we had Kirika researching for us, but it's not a secret.

Don't even bother with the extension. Just, "We had Kirika look up a girl for us and she's missing." Best not to talk about things not being secrets.

You might have to make her use a Grief Seed to keep her alive. Telepathy us if you need help. We can be there quicker than you might think.

This is also condescending. Just go with some translation of "I'll clean or replace any grief seeds you spend, so please don't withhold one if it's needed. If there's a serious problem, please telepathy me."

-[X] Find some way to send the search teams the info Kirika gave us. We can take a picture with our phone and e-mail it to Masami's team, but we'll probably have to take Kyouko a physical copy. Do they have Kinko's in Japan? Or does Mami's computer have a scanner and printer?

Telepathy should really be able to handle concepts and/or images.

I... am not sure we should simultaneously contact two different parties with this request. We have a small set of leads, and the result is that two simultaneous parties are likely to encounter one another. Kyouko in particular might not react well to such an encounter. I do think Masami and Hiroko would be better suited to this request than Kyouko, though it's possible they will have scheduling issues of some sort.

$500 a day is also quite high as a starting position. $12/hr -> $96 -> ~$100 a day. $500 is... substantial, to say the least. Substantial is good, but this is a sort of transaction we'd like to make more often to more people in the future, and money does grow on trees Yakuza but it's important to keep in mind scaling. I'd offer more like three times a rough minimum wage, so in the vicinity of $300. That's still a considerable sum.

I do think this is the right track. We don't want to call off the picnic; we do want this girl helped. As much as Ugo doth protesteth, we simply will not always be able to personally go save everyone. If nothing else this is setting a precedent for dealing with that inevitable situation.

[X] The Narrator
I... got an idea.

[ ] Lunch? Lunch.
[ ] Talk with Mami:
-[ ] How did she see Oriko? You're worried.
-[ ] Kirika's asked if they could get out of the house some time... and you think it'd do them a lot of good. If you can get Homura to agree... and Sayaka too, maybe you can let Oriko and Kirika out, under supervision, maybe?
-[ ] Actually... what if Oriko and Kirika go out for dinner somewhere nice? You two could go and keep an eye on them?

[ ] After lunch: Try and make two Grief-assisted 'speckled' Enchantments, using gold jewelry as anchors: One Enchantment to detect lies; and one privacy Enchantment, so you don't have to remake the thing every time.
-[ ] The lie detector might be useful to confirm that Oriko's being truthful about her loss of powers. Homura surely won't trust Oriko's word alone.
-[ ] If the items work, both you and Mami try the lie detector. If the items feel witchy, drop them.

Did we get a good look at Oriko's arm?
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I don't believe in revenge.

I agree with you on how horrible what they've done is, but all that makes me want to do is stop it.

I just want to make them incapable of doing it again. Not to torture the back.

Plus, we know that some Incubators do feel emotions, and they are considered insane by their peers. I suspect that these Incubators are probably also victims and deserve to be saved as well.
You know what? You might be right.
Actually, I never bought into the "we are so advanced we do not feel such a silly thing as emotions" rhetoric the Incubators spout....
Why is being capable of getting positive feedback from beneficial situations and negative from detrimental ones a sign of evolutionary backwardness and or insanity?
The same argument would make being capable of feeling pain an bad thing.. when it is the main tning that keeps liforms from harming themselves by overextending their bodies?
You know what? You might be right.
Actually, I never bought into the "we are so advanced we do not feel such a silly thing as emotions" rhetoric the Incubators spout....
Why is being capable of getting positive feedback from beneficial situations and negative from detrimental ones a sign of evolutionary backwardness and or insanity?
The same argument would make being capable of feeling pain an bad thing.. when it is the main tning that keeps liforms from harming themselves by overextending their bodies?
Well, they admit themselves that some of them have emotions, just that such individuals are considered insane. Now imagine how standard Incubators would treat such "insane" individuals. Asylums? Execution? Shunning? Experimentation? Forcibly witching? We know that the creation of energy from emotion was discovered prior to the discovery of humanity, so what did the Incubators do to their "insane" to make that discovery?
I'm down, but one issue: if Kuroko is still alive, that puts Kyouko at risk for a Witchbomb.

With respect to that, yes it does.

And a lot of people have dismissed it over that, and tbh I have to disagree with them still.

The Witchbomb is a nasty thing. Very few Meguca discover it and live.

I can't speak for Masami and Hiroko, or for Ono Megane. Or for Yuma, although as a child she's likely to have some special resilience against it, whether through not fully realizing its consequences or simply accepting it after a single breakdown and concluding that Big Sis Kyouko and Nicegirl Sabrina will take care of it.

Kyouko, though.

Kyouko defied it.

That was essentially at the end of her redemption arc, it's true. She might behave differently now. She wouldn't, however, be broken by it.

Would it be a good thing to witchbomb Kyouko? Not at this time, certainly, since it presents a leak through which that information can spread. Would it be a killer thing? I don't believe so.

Am I advocating witchbombing Kyouko? No. But she's a big girl, and for the most part we can trust her.

More than that, the window she'd get for a witchbombing armed with the knowledge that a high grief level creates irrational behavior and that she should apply seed first, ask questions later... It's much smaller than she had with Sayaka in canon. And if we ask her to tell us if she finds Kuroki and the girl is acting abnormally, then that window gets even smaller.

What I'm trying to say here is, we're talking about the least vunerable person armed with the best possible odds. The alternative is to make a habit of abusing Homura's timestop, and while that's nice, it puts a lot of extra strain on Homura. We know she already wears herself thin, Firn keeps fucking telling us about it.

Ugo likes to present arguments that rely on narrative factors dictating objective plans. This is mine: Firnagzen isn't a loose QM, and if we abuse Timestop too much, he'll do something about it. He did it with Mami back when we were hunting Oriko. And he'll do it again with Homura. She'll keep going and going and just trusting us until her heart condition rears up and kicks her in the life.

We'll save her, of course. But it'll cost her. And we do not need that to happen.

Masami and Hiroko isn't too much more of a risk imo. Again, armed with "apply seed first, ask questions later," the window for a witchbomb just gets small. They would undoubtedly be more of a risk than Kyouko, though.

Edit: probably better suited for the work, though. Kyouko... Not exactly a social person. And the illusion ability opens a lot of doors with detectivework.
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Thank you, that's exactly what I wanted addressed.

Yeah, believe me, that was the first thing I worried about too. My primary issue at this point is whether Kyouko would accept with Yuma involved, though, which... Makes me think Masami and Hiroko might be our best bet. It is the weekend, so even if they have jobs they probably aren't doing too much.
Telepathy call, test the waters before asking anything?

It'd be a bummer not having an answer regarding training when contacting Kyouko, but whatever.
Edit: probably better suited for the work, though. Kyouko... Not exactly a social person. And the illusion ability opens a lot of doors with detectivework.

Yeah, believe me, that was the first thing I worried about too. My primary issue at this point is whether Kyouko would accept with Yuma involved, though, which... Makes me think Masami and Hiroko might be our best bet. It is the weekend, so even if they have jobs they probably aren't doing too much.

Telepathy call, test the waters before asking anything?

It'd be a bummer not having an answer regarding training when contacting Kyouko, but whatever.

I think we should ask Hiroko and Masami first, tbh. Maybe.

If we call Kyouko, not having an answer regarding training won't be terrible. We should try to get one today, so if we commit to that then we can tell her that we'll have a response by tonight, which should be fine with her.
I think we should ask Hiroko and Masami first, tbh. Maybe.

If we call Kyouko, not having an answer regarding training won't be terrible. We should try to get one today, so if we commit to that then we can tell her that we'll have a response by tonight, which should be fine with her.
Catgirl vote when?