The trick then becomes having the projectiles be conductive. Up to Mami.
You don't actually need the projectiles themselves to be conductive, you just need a current to be flowing across the rails in a conductor that carries the projectile with it. The force is exerted, for lack of a better analogy, directly against the electrons that are flowing. Most railgun systems don't conduct through the projectile at all, since it'd make the projectile all melty which is horrible for range, and instead conduct through either a discarding sabot or through a cloud of plasma.

A sabot made of conductive ribbons makes a lot of sense. I also suspect that Sabrina can use grief to generate electrical charge/potential more easily than she could change it to be conductive, though that's up for testing.
----[] "I am become death, destroyer of worlds."
-[Q] Have chibi versions of yourself and Mami in the pilot seats
--[Q] "We have made a weapon to surpass Metal Gear."

With the money we stol--erm, liberated from the Yakuza, we should buy some pairs of aviator shades. Hell, let's make it a bunch of them. That way, we can have Sabrina and Mami, shoulder to shoulder and arms crossed, wearing aviator shades...with their chibi clones in front of them doing the same thing, also wearing aviator shades. And who knows, maybe Homura will like the look herself.
A gun is a thing that makes things go fast.

Mami's gun has something that explodes, something that holds the gas (and provides angular momentum for stability) and something that is supposed to go fast. She also aims it and times the shot.

We can provide a better cannon. One that shift its shape to allow reloading. We can provide better acceleration. Mechanical, electrical or otherwise. What we can't do as well is the projectile and the firing part. And the timing (and synchronization) will need testing.

Anything else will require knowledge on how the gun actually works.
-[Q] Have chibi versions of yourself and Mami in the pilot seats
--[Q] "We have made a weapon to surpass Metal Gear."
Human-height half-Sabrina-half-Mami micro-mecha with super-deformed pilots' seats in the shoulders.

Then we greet Homura as a perfectly normal human being, no, nothing is unusual, we didn't make any oopses while we were experimenting.
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Considering that we're going full auto, "dual" undercuts it a tad much :V

Maybe "Eterno Finale"? Google Translate tells me that Eterno means: eternal, everlasting, timeless, endless, imperishable, never-ending.
Eterno = eternal and all its synonyms.

It kind of clashes with Finale.

Maybe we could go with something simple, like Grand Finale.
Human-height half-Sabrina-half-Mami micro-mecha with super-deformed pilots' seats in the shoulders.
Neural connections between the Chibi pilots. And the MamiBrina mech's piloting requires the chibis to do the same movements as the mech, in sychronicity.

We can call it Meguca Jaeger. :V
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[Q] Make super-deformed chibis
-[Q] Make mecha copies of selves with open cockpits instead of heads, sized so super-deformed chibi's heads are perfectly placed to replace usual head
--[Q] This is now a magical girl anime pretending to be a mecha anime MGLN eat your heart out
Does Chibi Mami have a range limit? If so, should we let her have us carry one around with us all the time, or would that feed codependence?
"You weren't given those Chibi Mamis to toss 'em around like trash."
They're not trash! They're special agents that harass and even knock out our enemies!

Their deployment method just happens to be a cannon, is all.

I'd feel better using Chibrina as the projectiles.
Double barreled cannon.

ChibiBrina and ChibiMami fly holding hands.
Does Chibi Mami have a range limit? If so, should we let her have us carry one around with us all the time, or would that feed codependence?
I know I want it...
Vote 5: Things Guca Was Not Meant To Know

[x] Okay then! Hug Mami, then close your eyes and concentrate.
-[x] Unleash... the chibi.
--[x] See if you can look through the chibi's eyes. Try and get the hang of piloting/controlling it. Have Chibi Brina hug Chibi Mami.

[x] Ah, I just talked with Homura. She said she's willing to come for Sayaka's training today, and might show up a little early to catch the tail end of our practice session. She declined to let Sayaka copy her power for now, though. I kinda get it - her power's scary, even just the obvious part - but I'm hoping she'll warm to the idea eventually.
-[x] Any thoughts on what we should cover in today's session for Sayaka? I was thinking we could cover positioning and approach options. Sayaka was far too eager to rush into melee yesterday. And with Homura here, we could also cover teamwork - do a 2v2. I asked, and she said she has airsoft guns. What do you think?
-[x] Heh. Should we prank Homura and have just our chibis greet her? Or Sayaka? How much concentration does the chibi take? Getting some progress is more important than a silly prank - but both would be nice.

[x] Once that discussion wraps up: GOOD MORNING MITAKIHARA!
-[x] How is everyone? Everyone set for the picnic?
--[x] Sayaka, is that training this morning still on?

[x] Privately message Sayaka.
-[x] Sorry about the early wakeup call. It's just, I screwed up, and wanted to make sure you were okay. Clear seeds can dump the grief in them into normal grief seeds on contact. It's not an issue on its own, but if a normal grief seed overfills... the witch in it can rehatch. I am very, very, very sorry about not mentioning it earlier.

[x] Call Nagisa's uncle. Let him know about the plans for the picnic. Ask if Nagisa can attend.

[x] Offer to try working on a tandem attack with Mami. Start by seeing if you can cooperate to make a automatic firing mechanism compatible with Mami's muskets. Look into what she actually uses for propellant, and how she wants to feed the ammunition.
-[x] If it works, try with a scale model of Tiro Finale, to work out placement of various components, before scaling it up to full Tiro Finale size. Keep in mind the fine control you have over grief, and abuse it liberally to avoid issues common to big guns.
-[x] Confer with Mami on other possible things that can be improved with a combination design. Applying additional electromagnetic acceleration, maybe, if she can make her projectiles conductive, or with a conductive sabot?
--[x] If you do fire it, aim downward, because the ground is pretty much the only backstop that can withstand this thing. Take appropriate safety precautions.
--[x] Let Mami name it.

[x] Greet Homura when she arrives, potentially as two chibis tinkering with a massive autocannon.
[x] Okay then! Hug Mami, then close your eyes and concentrate.
-[x] Unleash... the chibi.
--[x] See if you can look through the chibi's eyes. Try and get the hang of piloting/controlling it. Have Chibi Brina hug Chibi Mami.
Shouldn't we specify how we're doing this?

Like 'try to will a chibi Sabrina into existance and use Grief powers as necessary or something? I mean maybe it's not necessary..
Shouldn't we specify how we're doing this?

Like 'try to will a chibi Sabrina into existance and use Grief powers as necessary or something? I mean maybe it's not necessary..

Uhh. I don't think "Tell your grief to make a chibi version of you" or w/e is actually necessary. Sabrina will use her powers to the best of her ability to attain goals - that degree of micro is pointless.

Like, when we did the maid thing, the actual vote was "make a maid outfit". We didn't specify how Sabrina was supposed to do that - she's the one who started with clothing magic.