I see a warning above the text box.

What does it mean?

"Please cut down on the random RPing."

See these two threads?


All that stuff used to be in this thread. Well, not all of it, since it's grown with the lack of restriction and any on-topic stuff to interrupt it, but enough to be a problem.

Well, you're a Kirika at heart. Just because Kirika is a best and a girl doesn't mean she's best girl.
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[Q] Tell Mami off for being limpet.
-[Q] Go hang out with Oriko and Kirika.
--[Q] Invite them to the picnic. Steamroll over any possible objections from Mami.
---[Q] Drag O&K to the picnic and ignore Homura's reaction completely.
----[Q] Introduce Oriko to Sayaka as 'this girl knows how to fire up a party, or a building'.
-----[Q] Tell Madoka she can sacrifice herself to save the world if she wants.
------[Q] If you're still alive, casually witchbomb Sayaka because why not.
-------[Q] Serve microwaved tea for everyone at the picnic.
[Q] Tell Mami off for being limpet.
-[Q] Go hang out with Oriko and Kirika.
--[Q] Invite them to the picnic. Steamroll over any possible objections from Mami.
---[Q] Drag O&K to the picnic and ignore Homura's reaction completely.
----[Q] Introduce Oriko to Sayaka as 'this girl knows how to fire up a party, or a building'.
-----[Q] Tell Madoka she can sacrifice herself to save the world if she wants.
------[Q] If you're still alive, casually witchbomb Sayaka because why not.
-------[Q] Serve microwaved tea for everyone at the picnic.
--------[Q] Play Tetris using grief tetrominos.
I must admit that discussing orbital striking of Korea is amusing to me considering my quest.
I'm finding it weird nobody's commented how when Mami wanted to do too-destructive SCIENCE!, she just went and found pocket dimensions with eldritch horros to practice in, just to not disturb all the normal people.


... We need to create Mami Facts, IC. If they don't exist, already.
"Who is this 'Ugolino' and 'Muramasa'?"
"And why do I think they'd make a cute couple?"
Madoka's just got good taste, what can I say.

[Q] Give Madoka a thoughtful nod next time you see her.
-[Q] Don't explain anything.

"Attack names need to be impressive!" Mami says with an adamant shake of her head. "And they need to be grand! They need to have gravitas and they should be imposing!" And then her sudden conviction melts away, leaving an uncertain, worried girl in its wake. "U-um. If that's alright?"
[Q] "Mumi needs to be impressive! She needs to be grand! She needs to have gravitas and she should be imposing!"