It's not dishonest to keep a secret when you're upfront about keeping said secret, and the person it's being kept from is cool with you keeping it a secret.

That said...I'm not completely sure you're wrong. Telling her the Witchbomb is a BAD idea, but she's currently emotionally exhausted and has already worked through us keeping secrets from her: We MIGHT have a higher chance of pulling it off safely if she's in shock. That said, I still believe some form of incremental approach is best...short of magical/chemical calming methods to keep her from snapping, which would be morally questionable at best (even by my standards, which are slightly looser than Sabrina's own).

Disclaiming it has to be smarter. Again, if we do too much tonight Sayaka will slap us and demand to know what we've done to Mami.

What do you mean, exactly, by 'disclaiming' the Witchbomb?

Section Two Subsection Two

Wonderful thing called a disclaimer. Topics such as the witchbomb and the loops exist. We don't think it's prudent to talk about them right now for various reasons (pocket nuke, homura's privacy). We are going to make it clear to Mami that these topics exist and that they have repercussions, as well as some fairly vague detail about what those repercussions are. Furthermore we're going to talk about, again, vaguely, what we are doing or planning regarding these things. Then, we're going to tell her about why we don't want to tell her about them. We are then going to tell her that it is her choice whether she wants to know about these things, and we're going to make it clear that if at any point she wants to know about them, she only has to ask and we will tell her.
Disclaiming it has to be smarter. Again, if we do too much tonight Sayaka will slap us and demand to know what we've done to Mami.
My first instinct is to point out that pissing of Sayaka isn't more important than maximizing Mami's survival rate, but then I remembered how bloody reckless the girl can be. Keeping her indeed a very big deal.
Section Two Subsection Two
Thing is, can we actually tell Mami anything about things we don't want to tell her (with good reasons), without once more being stupidly/dramatically cryptic?

Because telling Mami "there's MORE horrible secrets!"... will obviously give us the same reaction she's had the last few times we did it.

Mami said she doesn't want to know. She insisted, again and again.

Maybe we shouldn't disclaim anything, and just... don't mention any 'secret talk' again, unless it becomes immediately relevant?

If we need to explain something about timeloops, we ask Homura, then tell Mami about loops. If we don't, we don't.

I can't think of any situation which would require Mami to know the Witchbomb, so let's not even remind her about this MOST HORRIBLE SECRET we're still keeping.

Mami's fine not knowing things.
My first instinct is to point out that pissing of Sayaka isn't more important than maximizing Mami's survival rate, but then I remembered how bloody reckless the girl can be. Keeping her indeed a very big deal.

I also feel that the picnic tomorrow is a Good Thing that Should Not Be Cancelled and if we witchbomb Mami picnic is going to be cancelled.

Thing is, can we actually tell Mami anything about things we don't want to tell her (with good reasons), without once more being stupidly/dramatically cryptic?

Because telling Mami "there's MORE horrible secrets!"... will obviously give us the same reaction she's had the last few times we did it.

Mami said she doesn't want to know. She insisted, again and again.

Maybe we shouldn't disclaim anything, and just... don't mention any 'secret talk' again, unless it becomes immediately relevant?

If we need to explain something about timeloops, we ask Homura, then tell Mami about loops. If we don't, we don't.

I can't think of any situation which would require Mami to know the Witchbomb, so let's not even remind her about this MOST HORRIBLE SECRET we're still keeping.

Mami's fine not knowing things.

TBH I think we should write everything up in a little booklet and give it to her.

... Except QB? hm.
You're right. It's much too similar to the leadup to the metabomb.

Bah. Let's just go with the "let Mami decide when to hear more stuff" thing, eh?
I think maybe just don't mention anything about secrets again.

Let Mami bring it up or ignore it as she wants. If any 'secret' ever becomes relevant, we can tackle it then; as it is, we'll be hurting ourselves (hurt Mumi = hurt Brina) by bringing up any of this again.

Maybe if we had done the whole 'secrets talk' a hell of a lot better starting from the first time we told Mami about them, we could breach the subject without Mami panicking, but we screwed up enough, I think it's better to ignore everything about tonight except the fact we can be a little more honest and that we promised Mami she wouldn't be ForeverAlone anymore, instead being ForeberWithBrina from now on.
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It's true, Mami would probably forgive us for fucking burying the witchbomb ANYTHING SHORT OF LEAVING HER.
Fixed. :p

Though, it's really getting into scary levels, Mami's dependency on Brina. I feel we could totally go Yanderebrina and Mami would still be 'just fine' with it, as long as she gets all a decent amount some of the deredere.

So you know, no pressure.


One day Mami will hug us without worrying that we'll leave her, dammit.

Well, we should worry about solving Entropy first.

"I didn't expect you to make me so happy." A faint noise indicates that Mami's listening, at least. "And you do. I enjoy doing things with you, talking with you... you make every day brighter." Just the simple joy of getting to hug her is something you look forward to, all the time. "I don't want to lose that. I don't want to lose you."

You raise your head to look her in the eye, finding golden eyes reddened with tears - but wide and startled as she looks back at you.
Mami's either confused about somebody thinking she's worth something, shocked that Brina might feel something similar to what she's feeling, or I don't know, tentatively happy.

Either way, we should totally keep reminding Mami how much she matters to Brina, and not just with hugs, but with words.

[Q] Standing Vote: Tell Mami you like her at least once a day.
Mami's either confused about somebody thinking she's worth something, shocked that Brina might feel something similar to what she's feeling, or I don't know, tentatively happy.

Either way, we should totally keep reminding Mami how much she matters to Brina, and not just with hugs, but with words.

"I didn't expect you to make me so happy." A faint noise indicates that Mami's listening, at least. "And you do. I enjoy doing things with you, talking with you... you make every day brighter." Just the simple joy of getting to hug her is something you look forward to, all the time. "I don't want to lose that. I don't want to lose you."

You raise your head to look her in the eye, finding golden eyes reddened with tears - but wide and startled as she looks back at you.

These lines made me so fucking happy.

We should do breakfast in bed for Mami tomorrow morning?
Clearly Sabrina needs to be more openly and actively affectionate.

Part of the problem was that we felt doing that while witholding the metabomb would be, well, extremely manipulative and eventually potentially counterproductive.

With the meta off our chest we can now actively pursue these things. Mostly. Within a few limits, anyway.
These lines made me so fucking happy.

We should do breakfast in bed for Mami tomorrow morning?
Maidbrina, accompanied by a (temporarily) animated (non-Grief) Chibi Brina, serving Mami breakfast in bed. Make sure Mami knows it's not Brina trying to 'pay' Mami for staying together, but having fun DOING NICE THINGS, and afterwards gift the Chibi Brina doll to Mami.

That means we need to wake up extra early, or call Homura to help us with the sewing of the Chibi Brina, and maybe with the making of breakfast, so Mami doesn't have to be cold and alone in bed for long.

Also remember to bake those cakes, and make sure the picnic is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. If there's even a hint of rain, we fly up there and blow all the clouds away.

What else nice could we theoretically do?

Clearly Sabrina needs to be more openly and actively affectionate.
[Q] Request headpats.
So, this is basically what the voting is like right now? :cool:


Still do think that we ought to dissolve the privacy construct. If it does block telepathy, and Homura tries to call us and gets no response, then she's probably going to come down here to find out what's wrong and find us in kind of an awkward position.

Clearly Sabrina needs to be more openly and actively affectionate.
I don't know how much more affectionate we can be without crossing a line. We're already hugging her, cuddling her and/or holding her hand at every possible opportunity.
We've... Said in the past that we want to kick her dependency before doing that. Has that changed?
I'm still of that opinion.

There might be other things we can say without being explicitly romantic (really want to use that "closest thing we have to family" line at some point), and we could do to compliment her skill and ability more often. Really, we're only as good as we are because we could make a game-breaking wish, but she got this good on her own hard work. And we still stumble around clueless from time to time, while she has a knowledge and experience that we lack.
We've... Said in the past that we want to kick her dependency before doing that. Has that changed?
Ironically, her dependency's not going anywhere until she's able to value herself more.

And knowing, just knowing Brina actually likes her for what she is should really help with that.

From this side, almost everything Brina does seems manipulative, but that's because how every action she does is soooo... debated. I think we should just be more honest, as we said we'd be, with Sabrina's feelings, too. Or a little less reserved.

I mean, we can totally say to Mami Sabrina likes her while at the same time she's not ready for any sort of of serious relationship (OOC: First person intimate relationship with a 15 years old? Nope, nope, nope. Epilogue, though, whatever it might bring).

So I think we can be more honest here, too. And it should do Mami some good.
Given the chronological context I doubt we will be fixing Mami soon. It's been what? a couple of weeks at most? Getting Mami to not be dependent on Sabrina emotionally will take something more akin to months or years. It's effectively a permanent malus (from a gameplay PoV) for Mami for the rest of the quest barring major timeskips.
Given the chronological context I doubt we will be fixing Mami soon. It's been what? a couple of weeks at most? Getting Mami to not be dependent on Sabrina emotionally will take something more akin to months or years. It's effectively a permanent malus (from a gameplay PoV) for Mami for the rest of the quest barring major timeskips.
Eleven days and a half.