As a math major I feel the need to correct you, that Timeline is not linear, it is planar. That is to say, it has two dimensions instead of 1.

I feel like the timeline split is itself a sufficiently unusual phenomenon that a true representation would require a three-dimensional graph. I placed both splits of the timeline on the same axis, but that's just a limitation of my own drawing capabilities.

The "correct" view would be having the timeline split come out of the screen, with the current PMAS timeline floating "above" but otherwise in the same location as the wraith arc.
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Good job.

Now, I was thinking there was maybe something else important that happened, but I don't think Kwyjibo stays relevant long enough to figure here. Really, I don't even really know what's the point of him?

His relationship with Hitomi is sweet and all, while still showing there's problems between them, but that doesn't really help the themes of the show overall? Maybe he was there planned from chapter one before Urobutcher changed his mind on what he was writing, but they forgot to write him off, I don't know.

Why did we even bother healing his hand? We're not that close to Hitomi, and surely she and Kwyjibo could have worked things out.
So...anyone notice how Sabrina just said she was done withholding information (that wasn't her secret to tell) from Mami...but isn't dropping the witchbomb on her?

C'mon, guys. Don't make promises you don't even intend to keep.
He was really badly damaged, to the point of being suicidal, so it was a good deed that also got us an in with the Yakuza. :V

[Q] Warn Hitomi, Kwyjibo is allied with the yakuza.

So...anyone notice how Sabrina just said she was done withholding information (that wasn't her secret to tell) from Mami...but isn't dropping the witchbomb on her?

C'mon, guys. Don't make promises you don't even intend to keep.
I think it's open to interpretation.

I..." You start again, licking dry, cracked lips. "I, it. N-now that I've gotten the, the courage to tell you this... the rest of it. Not all of it is good, not all of it is happy and some of it is... personal."

You fumble for the words. "N-not mine to share, I, I'd want to ask other people to share. But. That was my secret, I, it's the one about me. I don't- the rest of it isn't about me. Isn't about you. None of it changes how I feel about you."
But we probably should clarify that we're keeping something else dangerous, thought not without reassuring we don't have to talk about it if she doesn't want to.
So...anyone notice how Sabrina just said she was done withholding information (that wasn't her secret to tell) from Mami...but isn't dropping the witchbomb on her?

C'mon, guys. Don't make promises you don't even intend to keep.

We told her there were other secrets, just that they weren't about us. She told us to shut up and hug her. At this point in time, telling her the witchbomb would be going against her wishes.
So...anyone notice how Sabrina just said she was done withholding information (that wasn't her secret to tell) from Mami...but isn't dropping the witchbomb on her?

C'mon, guys. Don't make promises you don't even intend to keep.

Not witholding information is different from discoosing things instantly. There's "I was never going to tell you" and then there's "I was going to tell you."

We told her there were other secrets, just that they weren't about us. She told us to shut up and hug her. At this point in time, telling her the witchbomb would be going against her wishes.

Also yeah she told us to shut up lol.
We told her there were other secrets, just that they weren't about us. She told us to shut up and hug her. At this point in time, telling her the witchbomb would be going against her wishes.
If we ever intend to tell Mami the Witchbomb, like, ever, we should probably make it clear by morning that such horrible secret exists.

... Not without making sure Mami knows she doesn't need to know. It shouldn't affect her, after all.

... Right? Right.
If we ever intend to tell Mami the Witchbomb, like, ever, we should probably make it clear by morning that such horrible secret exists.

... Not without making sure Mami knows she doesn't need to know. It shouldn't affect her, after all.

... Right? Right.

Right now, we're going to see if Mumi sez anything. In the morning... We'll see. I'd like to disclaim the witchbomb if possible, but eh, as circumstances allow.
So...anyone notice how Sabrina just said she was done withholding information (that wasn't her secret to tell) from Mami...but isn't dropping the witchbomb on her?

C'mon, guys. Don't make promises you don't even intend to keep.
It's not dishonest to keep a secret when you're upfront about keeping said secret, and the person it's being kept from is cool with you keeping it a secret.

That said...I'm not completely sure you're wrong. Telling her the Witchbomb is a BAD idea, but she's currently emotionally exhausted and has already worked through us keeping secrets from her: We MIGHT have a higher chance of pulling it off safely if she's in shock. That said, I still believe some form of incremental approach is best...short of magical/chemical calming methods to keep her from snapping, which would be morally questionable at best (even by my standards, which are slightly looser than Sabrina's own).