A magical girl's wish created Sabrina. That's very important to tell Mami and lying about it is bad. It puts the knowledge into a context that makes some sense to her. We can't tell her whose wish, for very important reasons that aren't ours to tell, but we can tell her that the girl who wished us into being died before we were "born".

We don't know this. It's a theory, and one with some inconsistencies at that. We have weird, impossible knowledge, and it's safe to say magic is involved somehow... but once we tell Mami about having unusual knowledge and no prior memories, she'll basically know as much as we do about our origins - and it's not like magic is an out of context problem for her.

E: I actually felt strongly enough about this to address it in my earlier villainous monologue diatribe:

Point The Second
aka Spurious Accuracy Fallacy

Sabrina has always been a bit overconfident, and thus I will point out a trend that has concerned me quite a bit when discussing the metabomb- namely, a desire to tell Mami our unsubstantiated theories as if they were fact. The particular claim that comes up most often with this is telling Mami we "don't have a past". Which is entirely unconfirmed! We don't remember a past - we can tell Mami that. (We have, actually.) We have strange, impossible knowledge - knowledge that we could, really, only have obtained through magic of some sort - and so tell Mami that. Do not jump to conclusions! Even if we were made ex-nihilo through Madoka's prior wish (which is, again, speculation), we have no clue how we ended up dying in an alleyway.
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Since you guys are wondering about Incubator Truforms and all that, I figured I'd write most of it down in the form of an Omake, since that's all I'm good for in this quest.

Before we begin, let me state that the Incubators use Hexadecimal. Numbers in Hexadecimal will use the incubator terms, in part to avoid confusion. Here is the list of terms.

Juu - 0
Sey - 1
Bey - 2
Nuu - 3
Kai - 4
Kyu - 5
Rey - 6
Frey - 7
Woa - 8
Shu - 9
Tyu - 10
Ney - 11
Gey - 12
Srei - 13
Jey - 14
Luu - 15

"Jey-Beyshutyu-Nuusey-Kyu-Bey, Report to operational command center for debrief on subject Frey-Juu-Juu "Sabrina". Operator Kaibey will operate with your area during your absence."

The call was calm and chilled, and funneled directly into his consciousness, currently sitting at the bottom of a creek in Mitakihara. The body it was attached to blinked as he switched his attention to it. He thought, and that thought was sent back along a line of quantum communicators to the Operational Command Center.

"Jey-Beyshutyu-Nuusey-Kyu-Bey responds: Affirmative. Command understood, Operator Kaibey will operate within my jurisdiction currently. Mention of debrief includes subject Frey-Juu-Juu "Sabrina", query: Subject capabilities are a concern, binary, Subject acquisitions resulted in breakthrough on energy output, end query."

It felt pleasant to speak in his native tongue again, with a series of minds not so different from his own. The response to his query was logically and reasonably fast.

"Operational Command Center response to query: binary input both valid. Debrief request to stabilize situation and delineate further input from Subject to obtain more potential through raw grief gathering. Fuel amounts insufficient for research."

"Understood. Initiate recall."

Operational Command Center wasted no time or breath on responding. Kyuubey felt a tug on his consciousness, and then, almost instantaneously, found himself onboard a ship. Or would have, if he had eyes to see with.

Matter transmission was quite easy once you were contained in a soul gem.

Like all incubators, Kyuubey had little in the way of a set form. He had been born in a vat (specifically, Vat Bey, group Kyu, of set Nuusey, facility Beyshutyu, on the 14th world dedicated to hosting such facilities) and shared his name with 16 other incubator consciousness's, most of which worked in the Sol system with him, though a few had found other gainful employment elsewhere.

Kyuubey felt no familial ties with any of his vat-mates. Incubators had been insectoid by nature, and so had never developed such emotions in the first place. And if any had been present during the Greater Uploading of All Unto the Gems for Purposes of Immortality, Rationality, and Greater Good for All, they were wiped out by the directed neurological and memetic pressures the government had put in the Media Supply.

"Query: Location of Debrief?"

"Response: Room Seyjuu-Bey."

Thank-you's had been unnecessary for generations.

Grabbing ahold of one of the space-borne bodies for just this purpose, Kyuubey opened all three of its eyes and leapt out through the zero gravity. As he floated along the hallways, he would reach out with one of his four limbs, grasp a handhold, and swing such that his velocity would carry him to room 258.

The inside of the debriefing room was not ornate. Nor was it even utilitarian; by human standards, it was bare.

Three other Incubators, these all three using Political Bodies for this function, floated serenely next to a pair of walls, held in place by a series of tethers. The Political Body was unique, in that it was comprised almost entirely by an array of mouths, each wildly different, and a variable set of ears, each capable of hearing a different spectrum of noises. Besides, that, there was little else but room for a set of lungs and a brain, one small, beady eye, and a pair of scrawny limbs used mostly to manipulate vehicular transports and power-point presentations.

"Jey-Beyshutyu-Nuusey-Kyu-Bey, Operator of Area Kaijuu. You request debrief?"

Said one of the Political Bodies, which Kyuubey realized dully could actually be only one incubator. In any case, it was pointless to ask; a consensus would be reached that would be the same regardless of who in particular he spoke to. "Operator Kyuubey, query: on the nature of Subject "Sabrina"; status on obtaining a greater volume of term "Grief Marbles" for use in research into the Great Energy Conundrum."

"Response: Status green. Subject continues to gather term "Grief Marbles" in high volumes through removal from active Denatured Witches. Subject has not reduced hunting action towards Matured Witches and continues to collect Denatured forms for further experimentation, and as a reserve. Subject utilizes Denatured forms with grief removed, term "Clear Seeds", as high-capacity grief reservoirs for other Natal Witches. Query: I may obtain one such term "Clear Seed" if requested. Subject seems amenable to potential research in this field."

"Uneccessary input: Subject "Sabrina" has no education on Grief-Energy Transferral in Volumes Useful to the Whole. We have no intention of educating a Type-Juu on such matters. Statement: We have already researched the nature of such objects. Operator Kyuubey, query: On the nature of your education in the field of Grief-Energy Transferral in Volumes Useful to the Whole."

"Response: Thirty years training in basic theory. No special schooling required by nature of professional obligations. Fourty years training on psychology: Emotives (Mammal: Humans). Spare time utilized in latter field."

"Query: Subject Rey-Luu-Luu "Madoka Kaname". Status of Contract?"

"Response: Negligible progress. Term "Akemi Homura" interferes with all contact. Subject "Sabrina" has recently assisted Term "Homura" in operative interference with objective "Quota for Secondary output of Matter-form energy". Concerning Subject "Madoka Kaname": I understand she will be a large-scale asset and fulfill quota for Nuujuujuureyney rotary periods of this planet. However, current pace suggests it may take over predicted lifespan of Subject "Madoka Kaname" to contract."

"Negative. We have a plan to remove term "Akemi Homura" from Area Kaijuu. We are utilizing a large-scale Mature Witch to cause widespread destruction."

"Query: Recent acquisition term "Walpurghis Nacht?"

"Affirmative. No further debrief necessary. Operator Kyuubey, return to duty. [UNTRANSLATABLE TERM; NEAREST TRANSLATION: So spake the many to one.]"

"[UNTRANSLATABLE TERM; NEAREST TRANSLATION: So heard the one from the many.]"
We should probably not feed Mami any theories we haven't confirmed for fear of distorting her perception of things and making her worry unnecessarily. Even if we say "Our theory is we were created by a wish but can't confirm it", she'll wonder Who's Wish? What did they wish for? Will Sabrina ever disappear? What if this Magical Girl comes back for her?
[X] Kaizuki

If you're going to do it that way, do it properly.



We should probably not feed Mami any theories we haven't confirmed for fear of distorting her perception of things and making her worry unnecessarily. Even if we say "Our theory is we were created by a wish but can't confirm it", she'll wonder Who's Wish? What did they wish for? Will Sabrina ever disappear? What if this Magical Girl comes back for her?

I don't think I agree with this logic. We need to be really, really careful about hiding things from Mami because we've decided for her she's better off not knowing. With the witchbomb it's unavoidable, and with Madoka's wish we can't say much more than that we know of a potential candidate wish, in respect to Homura's privacy, but we shouldn't hide our thoughts on this altogether. The current phrasing makes it seem like Sabrina has no clue about her origins when in fact we have a decent theory for at least part of it.

Since this is also the part of the vote with Bennouna in it, which Kaizuki mentioned they didn't quite like, and which I think should probably include something about Sabrina's general encyclopedic knowledge, how about this version instead?

[] Take a deep breath, then start. You're sure she's noticed, but the things you know aren't normal. About magical girls in general and the system, and you mentioned how many languages you can speak, with Miss Benouna. You're pretty sure amnesia doesn't work like that. We can't tell her how those facts got there because we don't know. But it's more than just that.

[] Take a deep breath, then start. You're sure she's noticed, but the things you know aren't normal. You don't just know about magic, and the magical girl system, but other things too. You can speak Darija with Miss Bennouna, or answer detailed questions on geography, and that's just scratching the surface. You're pretty sure amnesia doesn't work like that. You don't know for sure how all those facts got there... but it's more than just that.

(Also, there's a weird mix of "you" and "we" in reference to Sabrina in the vote. That should probably be standardized one way or the other?)
I want to be as upfront with Mami as we reasonably can be. We have a very decent basis on which to assume a wish is responsible for Sabrina's knowledge and her ending up in the near-death situation the quest started on. Not being at least this honest with Mami is deliberately manipulative. It pisses me off.
How about saying we have theories but nothing we can reasonably conclude, and ask if she wants to hear said theories?
Some broken votes.

Vote Tally : Puella Magi Adfligo Systema | Page 3835 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[x] Enjoy spending time with Mami. Go out of your way to make dinner as pleasant as possible.
-[x] Don't telepathy Sayaka, or check on Homura, or anything else like that. This is Mami time, and she deserves our full attention.
[x] After dinner, raise the issue. You now feel ready to discuss one of the issues you asked for time to think through earlier. Your memories, to be specific.
-[x] This is a private topic. You'd prefer to make some privacy constructs before discussing it. When making the privacy constructs, focus on preventing Incubator eavesdropping.
-[x] If at any point either of you get high on grief, cleanse.
[x] Take a deep breath, then start. You're sure she's noticed, but the things you know aren't normal. About magical girls in general and the system, and you mentioned how many languages you can speak, with Miss Benouna. You're pretty sure amnesia doesn't work like that. We can't tell her how those facts got there because we don't know. But it's more than just that.
-[x] When we woke up in the alley, we also knew some things about a small number of people. Homura, Madoka, Sayaka. Others, and other things, all of which matter and most of which deserve talking about... And about Mami.
--[x] We didn't know everything about her. We knew she was a veteran puella magi, that she liked to call attacks, that she would actively work to protect innocents. We knew she made really good cake, and that she was kind, friendly, and warm. We didn't know that she'd been in the archery club, we didn't know she could cook pretty much everything under the sun, we didn't know that she liked to play video games... and we didn't know that we would end up getting along with her so well. We didn't know her, we knew things about her.
---[x] And, well, some of what we knew about her was private. We knew the circumstances of her wish, though not the exact wording. We knew that she needed a friend... Which was why when she offered to let us live with her, we accepted.
[x] Let her react to that.
[x] If she's willing to let you keep speaking, explain why you didn't tell her earlier. At first, it was because you were still getting a grip on the situation after you woke up in an alley, and that... well, it's just so fantastical. Then there were days when there was just no time, and she was so hurt after she found out Kyubey had been lying to her that we couldn't stomach the idea of potentially making things worse. And it was easy to let it just stay untold, because in the end, when QB was out of the way and we could have made time to tell her, the real reason why you allowed hourself to put it off was because you were afraid that if you told her, she wouldn't want you to stay. And... you didn't want to leave. You wanted to stay. You want to stay.
[x] Head low, self recriminatory. You still should have told her earlier.
-[x] If it feels appropriate, inform her that we haven't stayed with her because she needs a friend, we've stayed with her because in the course of getting to really know her, we've found that she is everything we could ever want in a friend and more. And because she needs a friend, of course, that too.
No. of Votes: 3
Redshirt Army

[x] Mami, so, I need to tell you about the stuff I said I was going to tell you about. It's only a part of it, but... if you're okay with it, I think it's time to tell you about me and my memories, and how they pertain to you.
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Quick telepathy: Ask Sayaka and co. how the homework is going?
[X] Concentrate on making sure dinner tonight is perfect. Perfect food, perfect shoulder bumps with Mami while cooking, perfect tea after dinner, why not.
[X] Once you're done:
-[X] Tell Mami that you have something that you want to talk to her about. Something that you've been wanting to tell her for a long time, but you've been afraid to because she's so important to you, and you want to do it now before you lose your nerve or another crisis comes along and distracts us again.
-[X] Tell her that you also want to make sure that you're speaking privately, so you're going to make an item. Prepare the "eavesdropping prevention" grief items like you used with Oriko and Kirika a while back.
-[X] Apologize. Mami is the best friend you've ever had (in the few weeks of life that you can remember, anyway), and you've kept this from her for far too long.
[X] (It's a lot of text, so she'll probably interrupt at some point. Stop to check that she's okay, answer questions, give her time to process what she's hearing, or let her rage at you as needed. When answering questions, you're prepared to tell her anything that isn't a private confidence from someone else, like Homura.)
-[X] There's a lot of things about yourself you haven't told Mami. You said that you wanted some time, to get your thoughts in order, and... you have. And you're... you're ready to talk about it, now.
-[X] You're sure she's noticed, but... the things you know... aren't normal. It's... you mentioned how many languages you can speak, with Miss Benouna. But it's more than that.
-[X] When you woke up, in that alleyway, in front of Sayaka and Madoka... you knew about magic, and magical girls. But...
--[X] You also knew about some of the magical girls in the area. Not in detail. You didn't know where Mami Tomoe lived, or what her phone number was. But... you knew what kind of person she was, before you ever met her. You knew her name, glimpses of her past and personality... even that she bakes delicious cakes. You... you knew, right away, that that music - that Credens Justitiam - was associated with her, even if you didn't know how or why. And... you knew ... you knew under what circumstances she made her wish.
---[X] And you hid this, pretended you didn't know anything... well, at first, you were afraid that if you tried to tell anyone, they wouldn't believe you. Who would? It seems so absurd. Then after you'd been with her awhile, you were afraid that... that if you said anything you might lose her. And you don't want that, because she's become so very, very important to you.
---[X] It was... strange, getting to really know her, finding out who she really was, lots of details, like that she wasn't a morning person, or that she played games some times, or that she had been in the archery club... it was kinda like getting to know a celebrity, someone you've heard a lot about but didn't really know... and you found she was even nicer than you had thought. You can't imagine life without her.
----[X] You're willing to take as long as needed to explain, and you'll apologize as much as necessary, but you hope that... despite this huge secret you've been keeping from her... she'll still let you stay by her side.
No. of Votes: 2
The Narrator
Script Mak3r

[x] Ugolino
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Concentrate on making sure dinner tonight is perfect. Perfect food, perfect shoulder bumps with Mami while cooking, perfect tea after dinner, why not.
[x] Relax alongside her until we're both done eating.
[x] Tell mami we want to talk about the stuff we mentioned earlier. Is it alright if we grief-create some extra privacy measures? We're kinda scared of this stuff getting out.
[x] Cleanse. Griefing out in the middle of this? Not happening.
[x] explain why we didn't tell her earlier: at first because we were still getting a grip on the situation after we woke up in an alley & because we were scared that Kyubey would get wind of it. Then there were days when there was just no time, and she was so hurt after she found out Kyubey had been lying to her that we couldn't stomach the idea of potentially making things worse. And it was easy to let it just stay untold, because in the end, when QB had left and we could have made time to tell her, the real reason why we allowed ourselves to put it off was because we were afraid that if we told her, she wouldn't like us anymore. And the thought of her no longer being there was just too horrible for us.
-- [x] But because she's that important to us, we can't not tell her. And we absolutely can't keep making excuses for not telling her.
[x] When we woke up in the alley, besides our knowledge of the puella magi system, we knew a bunch of other stuff. Some of it was very mundane, stuff you'd learn in school. On the other hand, some things were more important, and we want to talk about pretty much everything that's that way, but in particular, we knew some things about a small number of people. Homura, Madoka, Sayaka. Others. And Mami.
[x] We didn't know everything about her. We knew she was a veteran puella magi, that she liked to call attacks, that she would actively work to protect innocents. We knew she made really good cake, and that she was kind, friendly, and warm. We didn't know that she'd been in the archery club, we didn't know she could cook pretty much everything under the sun, we didn't know that she liked to play video games... and we didn't know that we would end up getting along with her so well. We didn't know her, we knew things about her.
[x] And, well, some of what we knew about her was private. We knew the circumstances of her wish, though not the text. We knew that she needed a friend. someone who would be there for her.
[x] ... which was why when she offered to let us live with her, we accepted.
[x] We still should have told her earlier, and we're sorry that we didn't.
[x] Let her react to that, if it feels appropriate, inform her that we haven't stayed with her because she needs a friend, we've stayed with her because in the course of getting to really know her, we've found that she is everything we could ever want in a friend and more. And because she needs a friend, of course, that too.
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 13
We should probably not feed Mami any theories we haven't confirmed for fear of distorting her perception of things and making her worry unnecessarily. Even if we say "Our theory is we were created by a wish but can't confirm it", she'll wonder Who's Wish? What did they wish for? Will Sabrina ever disappear? What if this Magical Girl comes back for her?
"Before she arrived here, Homura says she knew someone who made a wish that could plausibly explain my existence."

Not telling her about the loops, just indicating that Homura existed before coming to Mitakihara. This is somewhat misleading about Homura's past, but not so much the circumstances of our birth. The loops aren't really relevant here beyond that they're where Homura was.
it's a joke comparing redshirt army to the soviet army.

On record, only difference really between me and redshirt is I frontload the talking about why we didnt tell her sooner (whereas in his thats at the end) and I don't bother with the "doesn't look like an amnesia" part.
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The votes in play right now are all very similar, and I want to try to merge them into an uber-vote that covers all the bases, but it's hard to do on only two hours of sleep....

I want to be as upfront with Mami as we reasonably can be.
There's a difference between being honest and overloading someone with TMI. Especially if it takes us off on a tangent that distracts us from the rather substantial infodump that we're already delivering. This is already essentially going to be a longwinded speech. If we wander down too many subtopics, we'll lose track of the main issue.

We honestly don't know where we came from. We have a theory, which we'll gladly share with her if she asks, but we don't know anything for sure.
The votes in play right now are all very similar, and I want to try to merge them into an uber-vote that covers all the bases, but it's hard to do on only two hours of sleep....

There's a difference between being honest and overloading someone with TMI. Especially if it takes us off on a tangent that distracts us from the rather substantial infodump that we're already delivering. This is already essentially going to be a longwinded speech. If we wander down too many subtopics, we'll lose track of the main issue.

We honestly don't know where we came from. We have a theory, which we'll gladly share with her if she asks, but we don't know anything for sure.

Couple of them aren't mergable by nature of being the same thing in a different order :/

See previous post.
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