"Well, I've got nothing."
[Q] A rose, huh?
-[Q] Create a grief-replica of Gertrud, use that to attack this witch.
[X] Just follow Kyouko's lead. She's already seen you at least partially dissolve witches.
-[X] Have grief ready in case of surprises. The rose by itself is probably not the witch.
Let's not be a show-off here? Competent teamwork will do more to win Kyouko over than being a show-off, because that makes it seem like we don't take this seriously. Considering how much Kyouko has lost to being a magical girl, making light of fighting witches will rankle.
-[Q] Create a grief-replica of Gertrud, use that to attack this witch.
[X] Just follow Kyouko's lead. She's already seen you at least partially dissolve witches.
-[X] Have grief ready in case of surprises. The rose by itself is probably not the witch.
Let's not be a show-off here? Competent teamwork will do more to win Kyouko over than being a show-off, because that makes it seem like we don't take this seriously. Considering how much Kyouko has lost to being a magical girl, making light of fighting witches will rankle.