Right, because we can last long enough without Mumihugs to do that.
Sabrina asks for more Homuhugs. Homura starts to get uncomfortable.
Sabrina demands Madohugs. Madoka worries, but doesn't complain.
Sabrina tries to get some Kokohugs on the side, but those tend to end with a spear to the face.
Sabrina does get some Yumahugs, though.
Sabrina gets some Kirikahugs, and one or two Orikohugs, but can't intrude in that relationship too much. Kirika and Oriko just prefer to hug each other too much to share for long.
Sabrina casually tries the Sayahugs.
Sabrina uses position as 'big sis' to get Nagisahugs.
Sabrina even tries a Hitomihug. Her tummy hurts.
Finally, five whole hours after taking her brinahugs hostage from Mami, Sabrina relents and begs Mami for Mumihugs, Barriers be damned. Mami magnanimously takes her victory, though not without some amount of smugness.
Under her facade, Mami's terribly relieved Sabrina yielded, because she was almost at her breaking point.