This is utterly wrong when we're talking about Mami's inconvenience against a life-risking threat for Ono. We screwed up badly and to do it again shows we've learned nothing from our mistakes.
Mami >>>>> Ono.

We knew Ono was gonna bitch up and it was gonna cost us, we very much did. We still went with Mami, and I would make the same choice again, because it was the right one.

That's your words. Your fearmongering.

If you have anything to discuss, stop extrapolating into extremes and misinterpreting things on purpose and start discussing.

I'm going with Redshirt's plan.
That isn't a risk we should take. Just walking away effectively means this entire trip was basically pointless in terms of what we got done and risks things deteriorating.

There is no sensible reason not to take action here. At all. The first chance we have to actually get something back on the time we've spent setting up...and you want us to just throw it away?

Ignoring moral concerns just to address this for a moment... the only reason we decided to hunt down Sasa is because we thought maybe she had something to do with the Sayaka contract. Turns out she didn't. Mission Accomplished!

We'll help her out later, but let's not pretend that's anything other than canon character exceptionalism - I don't see you racing off to stop the two potentials in Shirome from contracting, after all, and there's exactly the same amount of evidence that they're in immediate risk - i.e. none.

Sabrina has absolutely ignored potentials in the past - just about every time we've seen one while scouting, in fact - so it's not like this sets a precedent.
Mami >>>>> Ono.

We knew Ono was gonna bitch up and it was gonna cost us, we very much did. We still went with Mami, and I would make the same choice again, because it was the right one.

That's your words. Your fearmongering.

If you have anything to discuss, stop extrapolating into extremes and misinterpreting things on purpose and start discussing.

I'm going with Redshirt's plan.
My words, hey?
1 - Leave Sasa alone. We've got what we wanted.
I'm not certain I'd go with your plan even if I knew for sure Sasa would contract in the next five minutes. In fact, I would debate whether we should let her contract, or bother Homu to go pick up Mami and come back so we can deal with Sasa right now.

Really, I'm not sure Sasa is worth bothering Homura and Mami over.
And to be honest, I would it again.

Mami >>> Ono.

Your whole approach in these quotes boils down to not being fussed if Sasa or Ono are harmed so yeahhhhhhhh I think that's a fair summary of what your words state if not your intent.

We screwed up because Ono couldn't wait as much as we thought she could. Sayaka couldn't wait as much as we thought she could. The random office lady couldn't wait as much as we thought we could. We thankfully dodged a bullet with Nagisa, but I'm not keen to add "Sasa" to our list of mistakes.

Ignoring moral concerns just to address this for a moment... the only reason we decided to hunt down Sasa is because we thought maybe she had something to do with the Sayaka contract. Turns out she didn't. Mission Accomplished!

We'll help her out later, but let's not pretend that's anything other than canon character exceptionalism - I don't see you racing off to stop the two potentials in Shirome from contracting, after all, and there's exactly the same amount of evidence that they're in immediate risk - i.e. none.

Sabrina has absolutely ignored potentials in the past - just about every time we've seen one while scouting, in fact - so it's not like this sets a precedent.
Ignoring problems and people at active, significant risk who we know aren't stable, on the other hand...
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If we screw up, she definitely will do.
You and I have very different definitions of "definitely".

And if the analogy held, the best thing to do would be to draw her into timestop, clean her gem, and ask what's wrong and try to help. Dropping timestop would make Mami sad for no good reason.

And what about that other girl Homura mentioned? She could've made a wish already. She might be a second from Witching out right now. You don't know for sure she isn't. Isn't being a second from Witching worse than being a second from Contracting? We need to find this girl immediately and stop her from Witching, there's no time to comfort Sasa right now.
You and I have very different definitions of "definitely".

And if the analogy held, the best thing to do would be to draw her into timestop, clean her gem, and ask what's wrong and try to help. Dropping timestop would make Mami sad for no good reason.

And what about that other girl Homura mentioned? She could've made a wish already. She might be a second from Witching out right now. You don't know for sure she isn't. Isn't being a second from Witching worse than being a second from Contracting? We need to find this girl immediately and stop her from Witching, there's no time to comfort Sasa right now.
Helping someone isn't "no good reason" and Mami of all people would get that.

Funny you mention that. I want to check on her after we're done with Sasa. If we had any reason to be worried about her more than Sasa- say, metaknowledge that she was immediately unstable, significantly neurotic rather than just Sayaka-tier, and prone to making a mess through her own hostility- I'd be pushing to go talk to her. But we don't.
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We just need to care.
Caring becomes time management, and risk calculations. And unless certain bunnycat is in the vicinity, we have at least 30 seconds to stop by, say to Mami we have things to do, and proceed with the warnings and saving.

We should check if certain bunnycat is around, just in case.

Idle though: we can always drag Mami into timestop again to explain things.
See? My words: Go with Redshirt's plan and be back here in less than 30 minutes to help Sasa.

Your whole approach boils down to not being fussed if Sasa or Ono are harmed so yeahhhhhhhh I think that's a fair summary of what your words state if not your intent.
As pointed out, your whole approach is to not be fussed if any magical girl or potential is harmed so long as you don't know their names.

Unless you're now voting to go talk with the two potentials from earlier.
[] Grab Sasa by the collar.
-[] Magic isn't worth it. Wishes aren't worth it. My soul is a rock now. See this? Look at it. That's. My. Soul. And that's not the worst of it. Not by far. This is Evangelion, not Gundam. No contracts.
--[] I can't do much for you right this instant shutuphomura, but if you need help before I come back, here's my business card. Remember, he preys on us.
---[] Release Sasa.
[x] Redshirt Army
[] Grab Sasa by the collar.
-[] Magic isn't worth it. Wishes aren't worth it. My soul is a rock now. See this? Look at it. That's. My. Soul. And that's not the worst of it. Not by far. This is Evangelion, not Gundam. No contracts.
--[] I can't do much for you right this instant shutuphomura, but if you need help before I come back, here's my business card. Remember, he preys on us.
---[] Release Sasa.
[x] Redshirt Army
Sorry, we've got enough ranting like crazy people going on in the thread, we don't need to do it in the quest.
See? My words: Go with Redshirt's plan and be back here in less than 30 minutes to help Sasa.


As pointed out, your whole approach is to not be fussed if any magical girl or potential is harmed so long as you don't know their names.

Unless you're now voting to go talk with the two potentials from earlier.
Your motivation for it is something I consider utterly wrong.

And <30 minutes doesn't matter. What does is that it's throwing Sasa under the bus for Mamihugs.

Wrong. It's to be fussed when we KNOW people are in danger and we can help them.
The bus we'll be throwing her under exists entirely in your imagination. Inventing an imaginary bus that people get thrown under if you do a thing doesn't make doing that thing wrong.
Just ignoring Sasa's problems because >Mami hugs does make it wrong, however.

Could it potentially not backfire to disregard Sasa's issues and well being despite her being unhappy? Sure. We're gambling with Sasa's life and sanity because we made a stupid promise that a vocal group wants to follow as though we were programmed to do it, come hell or high water and never mind what's actually the right thing to do.

Is it right? No. Not in the slightest. It's horrible from a character POV.
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Your motivation for it is something I consider utterly wrong.
I don't really see why I should care. Honest.

And <30 minutes doesn't matter.
Great. Then there's no problem, since we'll be back under 30 minutes.

What does is that it's throwing Sasa under the bus
You'll have to provide quotes about how much Sasa needs us right now that waiting a few minutes will equate to throw her under a bus.

You really give no shits about Mami's mental health, do you?

Wrong. It's to be fussed when we KNOW people are in danger and we can help them.
Again, you'll have to provide quotes. It seems we're reading different quests here.

Sorry, we've got enough ranting like crazy people going on in the thread, we don't need to do it in the quest.
How about a somewhat serious plan C?

[] Give you longcoat to Homura. Your magical outfit is pretty much normal clothes without it.
-[] Take Sasa into timestop. Be patient and wait for her to calm down.
-[] Explain that she is a potential, that se can become a magical girl, and might be soon contacted by an alien entity who'll offer her the chance.
-[] She just needs to let it mutilate her Soul.
-[] Show her your Soul Gem, explain what has been done to you and every other magical girl.
-[?] It that's not enough to keep her from contracting, explain that your soul now naturally becomes corrupted, and if it corrupts absolutely, you'll be condemned to a future of endless suffering.

The Soul mutilation would help keep Sasa from feeling inferior to Sabrina and Homura.

The lichbomb might keep her from contracting.

The witchbomb is iffy, but it would keep Sasa from contracting.

Because we have no evidence that the other girl is in a contracting mindset
The fuck? The only thing we know about the other girl is that she contract about this time precisely.

and, frankly, we found Sasa first.
And this is disregard for people who are not in front of you, or you don't know their name, etc.

It's horrible.
Please stop mischaracterizing the people who aren't voting your way, @Ugolino.

Seriously, you only just got back from a two-week threadban. With the way you're acting, you're gonna be joining Sereg on that bus you're so worried about.
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Because we have no evidence that the other girl is in a contracting mindset, and, frankly, we found Sasa first.

We have no evidence that Sasa is in a contracting mindset either.

And even if the order we find people in matters when determining their moral weight (hint, it doesn't), we found the girls in Shirome before we found Sasa, so no, we didn't "find her first".
I don't really see why I should care. Honest.

Great. Then there's no problem, since we'll be back under 30 minutes.

You'll have to provide quotes about how much Sasa needs us right now that waiting a few minutes will equate to throw her under a bus.

You really give no shits about Mami's mental health, do you?

Again, you'll have to provide quotes. It seems we're reading different quests here.

How about a somewhat serious plan C?

[] Give you longcoat to Homura. Your magical outfit is pretty much normal clothes without it.
-[] Take Sasa into timestop. Be patient and wait for her to calm down.
-[] Explain that she is a potential, that se can become a magical girl, and might be soon contacted by an alien entity who'll offer her the chance.
-[] She just needs to let it mutilate her Soul.
-[] Show her your Soul Gem, explain what has been done to you and every other magical girl.
-[?] It that's not enough to keep her from contracting, explain that your soul now naturally becomes corrupted, and if it corrupts absolutely, you'll be condemned to a future of endless suffering.

The Soul mutilation would help keep Sasa from feeling inferior to Sabrina and Homura.

The lichbomb might keep her from contracting.

The witchbomb is iffy, but it would keep Sasa from contracting.

The fuck? The only thing we know about the other girl is that she contract about this time precisely.

And this is disregard for people who are not in front of you, or you don't know their name, etc.

It's horrible.
That makes no sense. If you're in front of someone in need- and Sasa as written in canon does need help, seriously- and just ignore her to go rush off for someone else who you don't even know where to find, that's basically saying that the person you just ran off from doesn't matter to you.
Seriously, is there some reason we cannot use the timestop to explain things to Mami, in person, before talking with this Sasa girl?