Prototype Oriko Talk.
"I'm sorry, Sayaka. There's something that me, and Mami, and Homura, should probably have told you earlier, before, and we didn't. But... you need to know this, and you deserve to know this.
After... the fire, the three of us hunted down a new magical girl Mami and I had seen while approaching your apartment. It was difficult, but we managed to incapacitate her and her accomplice. And, yes, she was the one that burned down your home. Apparently she's a precognitive, which is how she was able to make so much trouble for us, and apparently she thought burning down your home would 'make the future better'.
I'm not saying this to excuse her. What Mikuni Oriko did was wrong on a great number of levels, and I had to ... I had to threaten her a great deal to get her to back down. But... We had her at our mercy, Sayaka. And I didn't want to kill her. Magical Girls... between the memory modifications Kyubey does to keep magic secret, the abilities of a magical girl to escape normal police, and the consequences of letting soul gems go without cleansing... Normal prison isn't an option. We've been keeping her and her accomplice under house arrest, and trying to convince them to... give up their wicked ways, I guess?
I'm... Again, I'm sorry, Sayaka. We should have told you earlier."