A) I don't believe you

B) The writers did go on strike, that's why we got so many Wesley episodes in a row, because they had a bunch of Wesley plots pre-written meant to be the B plots spread over a couple seasons to develop his character arc.
You didn't see it? It was part of Picard's character arc. Right after one of the Q episodes, I think?
A) I don't believe you

B) The writers did go on strike, that's why we got so many Wesley episodes in a row, because they had a bunch of Wesley plots pre-written meant to be the B plots spread over a couple seasons to develop his character arc.

Different strike. They still had to work for this one due to a technicality, but they were able to do a proper strike for the Wesley episodes.
still think we should not put any grief into hildegaards seed the chance however small is there its reverting
Wait, let me get this straight, that sausage wasn't a Photoshop? What was the episode called?
Sentient sausages from space are attacking the Enterprise.

It was written as a protest episode due to the writers getting extremely low pay but labor laws not allowing them to strike, so they basically wrote a few batshit insane episodes that the production company was forced to produce or basically lose all the ad revenue that comes with airing new episodes of very popular shows.
I don't believe you either... But if it was real Patrick Stewart seems like the kind to play along with it anyway.
Thank You! Now I won't double post.
Anyway, we picked a theme for ourself, and Mami's works for her, but what can we play if Homu is being particularly awesome? Her theme is... you know... depressing. I'm having trouble finding something that fits her though.
Thank You! Now I won't double post.
Anyway, we picked a theme for ourself, and Mami's works for her, but what can we play if Homu is being particularly awesome? Her theme is... you know... depressing. I'm having trouble finding something that fits her though.
Not all of them.

And Magia itself is sort of her theme, too.

Also, at some point, we should just release a ton of grief within our control radius and see what it's trying to do. (Obviously, do it away from people, so that if it's a familiar or something we can just "grab" it and rip it to shreds.)
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Hmmm. Regarding Oriko not warning you... well, mea culpa - I simply forgot that this was lined up for you. (Look, I have lots of notes and they're not that well organized.)

My mistake, sorry.
Eh, she could have seen a Homura/Mami intervention and thought 'Those guys can take care of it, time for a bubble bath. With Kirika.' And then promptly forgot the whole thing.
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