[x] "I don't know. I didn't even touch that one."
[x] "Wait, does grief transfer between grief seeds when you put two of them together?
[x] Extract excess grief from Aurora's seed and store them as marbles.
[x]...Actually, pull grief out of both seeds until they're both fairly empty.

Yeah, no, whatever's happening, it isn't reverting. We're pulling the grief out of the seeds before we accidentally a Walpurgisnacht in our bag.​
Looks like it's a bad idea to store all the massive amounts of grief we need for SCIENCE! and/or wings in a grief seed. We should try storing all of it in Sabrina's soul gem instead. [X]Ugolino
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[x] "I don't know. I didn't even touch that one."
[x] "Wait, does grief transfer between grief seeds when you put two of them together?
[x] Extract excess grief from Aurora's seed and store them as marbles.
[x]...Actually, pull grief out of bothseeds until they're both fairly empty.
[]...Actually, pull grief out of both seeds until they're both fairly empty.

Hey, uh, Ugo, do you remember exactly how much Grief there is in a grief seed? There is no way we can store or even conceal that kind of grief, especially since the compression experiment failed, so unless you want us to walk around the hospital with giant 20 meter long grief wings sticking out from our backs, we really shouldn't be doing that. Not here, at any rate.
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Hey, uh, Ugo, do you remember exactly how much Grief there is in a grief seed? There is no way we can store or even conceal that kind of grief, especially since the compression experiment failed, so unless you want us to walk around the hospital with giant 20 meter long grief wings sticking out from our backs, we really shouldn't be doing that. Not here, at any rate.
By fairly empty. I mean "less close to being choked full of grief and pulsing" and more "perfectly normal grief seeds".
[x] "I don't know. I didn't even touch that one."
[x] "Wait, does grief transfer between grief seeds when you put two of them together?
[x] Extract excess grief from Aurora's seed and store them as marbles.

I don't really see much of a point to the last line.
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[x] "I don't know. I didn't even touch that one."
[x] "Wait, does grief transfer between grief seeds when you put two of them together?
[x] Extract excess grief from Aurora's seed and store them as marbles.

I don't really see much of a point to the last line.
If it's Hildegard rejecting grief, no point in not pulling a bit more of it out. If not, we want to make sure both seeds are low on grief.
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Well, not immediately corrosive. I mean, it's the same stuff, just packed more densely. When we sliced up the cars in the junkyard trying out the griefblade for the first time there was a familiar purpleish glow coming from the cut edges. I just would like to shadowrun a bit and check to see long-term effects on objects with the marbles. And make sure that the bag isn't going to fall apart on us randomly. Like I said, it'd take like 30 seconds. *shrug*

Unless the free-floating grief only became corrosive because we expected it to be, and doing this is going to have the same effect on the marbles.
That doesn't really make sense though.

I'm more slightly surprised by the fact we somehow missed that the Auroraseed was triggering "Witch hatching signals" bad enough for Mami and Homura to detect it across half the city...and hoping the grief came from Hildegard's seed.

Mami reassurance is probably in the cards for the next update, heh.
That doesn't really make sense though.

I'm more slightly surprised by the fact we somehow missed that the Auroraseed was triggering "Witch hatching signals" bad enough for Mami and Homura to detect it across half the city...and hoping the grief came from Hildegard's seed.

Mami reassurance is probably in the cards for the next update, heh.
You were nearly on top of them when they noticed.

Also, you tend to pay more attention to your Grief senses than your standard puella magi senses.
Something fishy is going on with that for sure. Sabrina is supposed to have an enhanced witch-radar over normal magical girls but Homura and Mami detected it while Sabrina didn't. I'm not sure what exactly it means, but it must mean something.

Should probably get Kyuubey to eat some grief for us. We don't need two grief seeds worth of grief and we can't compress it ourselves. Carrying enough grief around as marbles/basketballs to have drained out a grief seed would be really really inconvenient.

If we feed Kyuubey the grief off of one grief seed we'll still have the other to provide grief for combat and experimentation purposes and we can safely see what develops of Hildegard's seed.
So, the witch hatching signals appear on the standard Magical girl radar, but not on Sabrina's Grief Radar. That's interesting. Maybe we should try scanning the seeds with our grief senses, to see if that reveals anything new about what's going on

And, I'm going to vote against feeding Kyubey any more grief seeds. Now that we can extract the grief from the seeds, we can just feed him raw grief and keep what may or may not be the souls of Magical girls with us. You know, on the off chance that we do end up figuring out a way to turn them back to soul gems.
Sabrina is supposed to have an enhanced witch-radar over normal magical girls but Homura and Mami detected it while Sabrina didn't.
Correction, you don't, actually. You have Grief senses. Which detect Grief. Witch Barriers show up on that - but quiescent, you'd have had to be paying close attention to see that something was up with the Grief Seeds.

Think of it as having two lead balls in your pocket. If one of them got heavier than the other, would you notice? They're so close together you wouldn't notice the difference without paying special attention.
I'm starting to think that the constant removing/replacing grief into grief seeds is something we shouldn't do so frivolously. Imagine what that would be like for the witch/girl in there, even if she is unconscious, but especially if she is conscious. Something along the lines of:
Witch: I'm such an idiot.
Sabrina removes all grief.
Witch: Wow, somehow I feel much better. Like a weight that I hadn't noticed is gone. This is nice, and I reckon that maybe I coul-
Sabrina deposits even more grief.
Mami: ... Is that seed screaming at you...?
Sabrina: Nah, just your imagination.

[x] "I don't know. I didn't even touch that one."
[x] "Wait, does grief transfer between grief seeds when you put two of them together?
[x] Degrief both seeds and feed excess to Kyubey. The others can wait for you a little longer.
-[x] If this is not an option share grief between the seeds as evenly as possible.
The things I miss when I go to bed on time....

[x] Muramasa

If grief seeds hold the dormant form of a witch, and a witch is just the embittered and despairing soul of a meguca reacting with magic and grief, I wonder if repeated grief pumping (removal and reinsertion) is capable of somehow "waking up" the meguca (sort of)? If we've been using Hildegard's seed repeatedly, and you *can* "wake up" a meguca, it stands to reason that she'd start rejecting grief as a sort of reactionary measure.
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Question, what do you mean by 'fairly empty'? Clear-ish? Because that would entail the whole Grief basketballs blotting out the sun thing.

If you want to go into the hospital with that... Well...
I propose "just under default seed levels". That seems like a reasonable amount of grief to be turning into marbles, and/or distributing into everyone's pockets temporarily.
Hey, uh, if we are going to pull out the grief from two seeds, even if it is just to get them under hatching levels, it's still going to be a fairly significant amount of grief, especially considering that we still have the wings attached to us. I really don't see us walking into the hospital with that amount of grief hanging around us, and there is no way we are going to be able to hide or dispose of that amount of grief without Kyubey's assistance, so unless we want to invite Kyubey to this party, I'm going to ask you guys to hold off on the grief vacuuming right now.

[x] "I don't know. I didn't even touch that one."
[x] "Wait, does grief transfer between grief seeds when you put two of them together?
[x] Extract excess grief from Aurora's seed and store them as marbles.
-[x] Pay careful attention on Hildegard and Aurora. See what's going on. Use both Grief and Magic senses as necessary.
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