Sadly, no- we decided against it.

@Muramasa could explain the reasoning there I think?

Because we anticipated a disaster, quite possibly ruining the picnic for everyone involved. Homura agreed with the analysis IC.

You start talking again as you work. "So um, going back to the earlier topic, about Kyouko... I want to reconcile her and Mami. Do you have any advice for that?"

A faint frown appears on Homura's face. "That won't be easy," she says, mouth twisting into a grimace.

"I know," you grumble. You've been debating with yourself about that, whether to offer to bring Kyouko to the picinic this weekend or not. Which... well, why not outsource the decision? You purse your lips. "You know that picnic this weekend? I'm thinking about inviting Kyouko and Yuma, but that could potentially end... badly."

"It..." Homura considers this. "It will, most likely."

Your shoulders slump. "Yeah. Thought so," you say. One more bundle of allowance from Mom -you mean one more stack of loot- fills up the sphere nicely, so you seal it off. "I don't suppose you have any better advice for figuring out a way to reconcile them?"

Homura frowns, looking around the room. Her eyes settle on the katana, resting in its rack. "Why are you asking me?" she asks, eyes distant and pained.

Honestly with the way things have been going, Kyouko attending the picnic is still a possibility. I initially didn't like the idea. My current stance is it's still not looking very good but I'm willing to play it by ear. It would require some of our big talks today going very well.