I suppose we should start actually making an effort to try and look into Sabrina's past. We haven't really done any serious investigating because PLOT and Oriko shenanigans took priority, but now that we have a couple of days mostly free to ourselves, we finally have the time to start doing things that aren't immediate life or death survival.
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I suppose we should start actaully making an effort to try and look into Sabrina's past. We haven't really done any serious investigating because PLOT and Oriko shenanigans took priority, but now that we have a couple of days mostly free to ourselves, we finally have the time to start doing things that aren't immediate life or death survival.
Eh, it's low priority, probably because it likely doesn't exist or have an effect on the quest future beyond being set-up.
All the same, making sure of that would be nice, if only so we can rule out or, less likely, confirm the many theories we have about the nature of the black feathers. And I'm not advocating stuff like trying to retract our steps from where we were first found or anything, just simple stuff like checking the missing persons list will do for now.
I'm not actually sure it's all that important -or useful without shenanigans- to determine whether or not Sabrina existed prior to making her wish.

The idea of trying to see if we can retroactively determine her past is too fun/odd to not at least consider.

Honestly, I just want us to be able to declare Sabrina's birthday to be like a day or two after Sayaka and Hitomi are released from the hospital. Purely as an excuse to invite everybody over to Mami's apartment for birthday cake(s). :D

I suppose this could be done in either case, but it seems funnier to me if it was actually the truth and not just her brain damage acting up again.
Huh, does that mean we should look into it ourselves before Bunnycat can spring it on us at an inopportune moment? Alternatively, if this train of thought could be detrimental to Sabrina's mental health, should we discontinue discussing it?
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"Holding two conversations at once?" you say, raising an eyebrow. "I dunno. Seems to come naturally to me."

I don't know if anyone else commented on this, so much babble, but I wonder if this is because of Sabrina been multiple people, and hence able to perform multiple conversations, or due to the nature of forums, allowing people to have conversations on a variety of topics simultaneously.
I don't know if anyone else commented on this, so much babble, but I wonder if this is because of Sabrina been multiple people, and hence able to perform multiple conversations, or due to the nature of forums, allowing people to have conversations on a variety of topics simultaneously.

Actually you can see Sayaka holding two conversations at once in the anime. One with Hitomi and telepathy with Madoka. I think it was episode 4.
After hearing that, I am SO glad that Sayaka's English voice in my head has more to do with the Meduka Meguca abridged series than... whatever that just was.
Episode 2. And she did it badly, resulting in...

... which, funnily, is more or less exactly what happened here.

Please, please, PLEASE tell me that isn't an official dub. Please tell me that it is a fan parody or something, because there is no way an official dub, paid for by an official dubbing firm, can be this bad, right?

Seriously, Firn, WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO US?
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Hey Firn, quick question.

Did Sabrina have any kind of possessions with the clothes she woke up in?

I mean, it'd be pretty silly if Sabrina's identification was in her pants pocket all along...
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Please, please, PLEASE tell me that isn't an official dub. Please tell me that it is a fan parody or something, because there is no way an official dub, paid for by an official dubbing firm, can be this bad, right?

Seriously, Firn, WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO US?
That is, indeed, the official dub. I am so sorry.
I actually don't think the dub is that bad? Especially not based on an inconsequential scene that doesn't reflect the tone, context, ranges, and performances of the actresses in either version of the voice-work due to being a quirky slice of life scene in a show that is very much not that?

I admit to personal bias though because a personal friend and former classmate of mine plays Homura.
I actually don't think the dub is that bad? Especially not based on an inconsequential scene that doesn't reflect the tone, context, ranges, and performances of the actresses in either version of the voice-work due to being a quirky slice of life scene in a show that is very much not that?

I admit to personal bias though because a personal friend and former classmate of mine plays Homura.
I've seen the entire dub. For what it's worth, Christina Vee does a much better job than whoever voices Madoka, who just sounds like she's inhaled every single helium balloon on the planet.