What do I think feathers is? I think it is an extra-universal entity, that took interest I this universe, because of Homura's time loops, and the actions we have taken in this time line, because of all the radical changes, and the warping of reality occurring here, causing it to interfere more to cause events that would let it exist here.
If we can't develop it in a timely fashion, then cheat. Use grief to speed up our development of enchantment. Just like we used grief to boost our combat abilities, I'm pretty damn sure we can do the exact same thing with magic.
Ohh! A grief device that enhances practice so that we effectively spent more time practicing that we did? Or imply enhances our enchantment ability directly? Or transforms our results into what they'd be if we had more practice? All things we can try.
If we can't develop it in a timely fashion, then cheat. Use grief to speed up our development of enchantment. Just like we used grief to boost our combat abilities, I'm pretty damn sure we can do the exact same thing with magic.
If that doesn't work, we can start with space expansion by trying to 'copy' the way the Barrier works with pure magic. Sabrina's thoughts when analysing a Witch Barrier and creating her own were about remembering how the Barrier 'looked'. Maybe we don't need to use grief to make it work, if we can use our magic to 'move' in the relevant Xth dimension.
As I work my through the thread, I'm trying to limit myself to no more than one post from the thread's past every hundred or so pages. But then someone was wrong. On the Internet! Luckily, it was only six pages to 1000...

Sabrina: "Not good enough! Take that water Hamasaki! Compress that water! What do you get?? ICE! Ice is sharp! You can USE that SHARPNESS to CUT THINGS!"
Water-ice floats. Compressing ice gets you water, not the other way round. Water... really doesn't compress. Which is why hydraulics.

And then three pages later...
Now to figure out if food made out of grief has sustenance... :p
Well, there's a horrifying thought. You are what you eat. You keep feeding people grief-simulated food and then more and more of their bodies are made of grief-simulated nutrients. On the upside, no one's escaping that prison. On the downside, that's because half their molecular biology just poofed into grief-vapor and now it's corroding the other half on the way out.1​

To be entirely fair, the exceptionally broke-ass wishes are utterly balls-fuck impossible for the normal target. And Kyubey isn't going to turn down those few wishes that DO qualify because they're too rife with valuable possibility. Like...shit, a Meguca who wishes to hop between universes? Holy hell research the hell out of that, if you can learn how to travel universes ENTROPY DOESN'T MATTER EVER AGAIN.
Totally agree in the general sense, but that specific case... that's like not needing an umbrella in a forest when it starts raining because you can just move to a new tree when the rain works its way through the one you're under. Or, I suppose (considering how proactive Incubators are), you find yourself playing at being the Torg2​ and hoping you're better at it than the neighbors.

Also, another reason Kyubey needs to SCIENCE! Homura, since that's part of what her time-travel does. Too bad he's really, really unlikely to record an arrival and only has one shot at getting data on the departure.

  1. That's one of the better possibilities, assuming that the grief is just going to act as a physical phenomenon. I can think of much worse possibilities for someone who walks out of Sabrina's grief control range to discover that their body is infused with/half made of grief.
  2. TORG (yeah, all caps) is a role playing game where the evil league of evil's plan was to rob other dimensions of their possibilities to empower their own dimensions that they had absolute control over. Accumulate enough power and you became the legendary Torg and controlled all dimensions of reality. Replace 'possibilities' with 'entropy-countering energy' (or not, since it kinda amounts to the same thing) and you've got it.
Water-ice floats. Compressing ice gets you water, not the other way round. Water... really doesn't compress. Which is why hydraulics.

Not quite true. If you push even harder than the point that ice melts, WAY freaking hard, then eventually, you will force the water back into ice, but in an amorphous ice state (no crystalline structure).
Given the obscene amount of pressure that takes though (we are talking gigapascals, 10s of thousands times of normal air pressure), it seems unlikely a meguca could pull it off with pressure alone. ;)
suzune (oh god how the hell will we deal with her?!?)
Technically, you don't have to. None of the Suzune Magica cast are particularly powerful or useful. Most of their abilities are very straightforward or redundant with our current powerset or those of our tentative allies. A few of them are quite strong, yes, but Sabrina has enough brute force to handle most anything in the setting anyway. There really isn't anything that sets the girls of Hoozuki apart from pretty much any other random gang of megucas (as opposed to, say, the Asunaro gang, who have science knowledge and an established relationship with Mami).

It would certainly suck for them to die, but if we save them, we'd essentially be getting in the mood of saving literally every meguca out there - because again, the only thing that sets Suzune Magica's cast outside of the hundreds or thousands of other meguca in Japan is that we know their names. And if that's the case, you might as well just build a time machine and go rescue all the historical megucas.

Please tell me this isn't giving you guys ideas.
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Technically Haruka should have one hax skill she never displays in the manga...

Making someone cease to exist.
Random: Can we use grief hax to cast buffs for out allies and debuffs for our enemies?

Example: The effect from the 'magic gem' from the Faux Infinity Gauntlet, spread out to all our friends in our Soul range.

Debuff example: We could use gravity wells to screw up our enemies' movement.
Technically, you don't have to. None of the Suzune Magica cast are particularly powerful or useful. Most of their abilities are very straightforward or redundant with our current powerset or those of our tentative allies. A few of them are quite strong, yes, but Sabrina has enough brute force to handle most anything in the setting anyway. There really isn't anything that sets the girls of Hoozuki apart from pretty much any other random gang of megucas (as opposed to, say, the Asunaro gang, who have science knowledge and an established relationship with Mami).

It would certainly suck for them to die, but if we save them, we'd essentially be getting in the mood of saving literally every meguca out there - because again, the only thing that sets Suzune Magica's cast outside of the hundreds or thousands of other meguca in Japan is that we know their names. And if that's the case, you might as well just build a time machine and go rescue all the historical megucas.

Please tell me this isn't giving you guys ideas.

Well, I suppose if our characterization is Sabrina wants to save everyone forever, and if Sabrina is CAPABLE of building a time machine...

Well, if both those premises are true we sorta have to.
Well, I suppose if our characterization is Sabrina wants to save everyone forever, and if Sabrina is CAPABLE of building a time machine...

Well, if both those premises are true we sorta have to.
We already have a time machine. Problem's she can only go back to a specific date in time...

I-I mean! Good thing votes have the final say. That way we don't have to save all the megucas forever even if Sabrina's characterization reach that extreme.
We may never be able to save everyone, but we should save as many as we can here.
Kyouko groans, pinching her nose with one hand, the other remaining flattened on the table next to the Seed. "Fuckin' hell. Look, why the hell are you so, so... you?"

"Emiya complex?" you suggest, shrugging again before leaning forward, both elbows propped on the table. "But really, do I need a reason?"
Considering we have Emiya Syndrome...