Didn't someone comment that we should at least acknowledge the sleeping arrangements a while back? That seems like something to add to the vote.

EDIT: relevant part of SWB's analysis. Only point of it I disagree with of the rest of it was the second part of the suggestion for 4.

3. Acknowledge the sleeping situation. Ok, I know this is slightly related to her crush and extremely related to her issues. But the problem right now is every time Mami wants a Sabrina to cuddle, she's thinking 'just for tonight' and apologizing. The temporary-ness of it is problematic, and I don't think we are ever going to refuse. So I think we should take steps to make this arrangement permanent. Like, just tell her we'd rather share the bed than the mattress on the floor, or simply take the initiative for once.

Yes, this can be taken add tacit acknowledgement or even reciprocation of the crush, but we don't have to acknowledge that whatsoever IC, and Mami isn't going to force the issue. That said, it won't be bad if we just keep the status quo, but I personally think we can take action to frame our sleeping situation more positively.
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Adding this to my vote.

[x] Enter the barrier.
[x] Proceed with caution. Don't get ahead of yourself. Coordinate with Mami.
-[x]Grief mech?

[x] Once the Witch is dead, return to Mami's apartment and ask for her help with enchantment practice at some point.
[x] Call it a night and head off to bed. Ask if Mami'd prefer the bed.

Not sure about the wording.
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If we did anything Eva you know we'd be Ramiel.
Constantly shifting geometric armor, check.
Our attacks are (to gucas) like the screaming of the damned, check.
We can shoot fricken laser beams, check.
If we did anything Eva you know we'd be Ramiel.
Constantly shifting geometric armor, check.
Our attacks are (to gucas) like the screaming of the damned, check.
We can shoot fricken laser beams, check.
Eh... We can't do Ramiel. We've got pitiful range by comparison. If we wanted to make Ramiel, we'd need Ramiel's help in order to make it work.

And since there already is a Ramiel meguca around...
Yes, that.
We want Mami less dependent on us. That's a nonstarter while she has no means of surviving without us.
She's got 3 seeds and she's a consummate hunter. Sabrina walks out the door Mami will have a terrible time, yes, but grief seed hunting to survive will not be beyond her. Unless she's just so heartbroken that she witches, but that's really not the point. Anyway, I think the one thing we can all agree on is THE HYPNOTOAD

Also, thoughts on the sleeping arrangements issue?
Possible con of making sleeping with her official: we do want her to eventually be able to sleep on her own. Moving to her bed means that to do that she'd need to kick us out of it, while staying on the futon means if she feels she doesn't need to sleep with us anymore she can just go back to her bed.
Even so, Mami gets the seed this time, right?

Also, thoughts on the sleeping arrangements issue?
Well, I can think of some solutions but they're mostly either awkward or could be misinterpreted.

Best I've got is to raise Sabrina's mattress on legs (and frame) of grief and put it next to Mami's so it's a double bed. The grief ring persisted for days so long as we stayed in range, even while asleep, so a bed should do the same. The main upside of this approach is we don't have to say anything (avoiding awkwardness) while still giving tacit approval.
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Possible con of making sleeping with her official: we do want her to eventually be able to sleep on her own. Moving to her bed means that to do that she'd need to kick us out of it, while staying on the futon means if she feels she doesn't need to sleep with us anymore she can just go back to her bed.
Right, but as is, there's the issue of making Mami feel like she's imposing while doing the whole "ignore the problem and hope it goes away" approach that isn't really optimal. SWB put the case for better than I could, and I linked it above.
Best I've got is to raise Sabrina's mattress on legs (and frame) of grief and put it next to Mami's so it's a double bed. The grief ring persisted for days so long as we stayed in range, even while asleep, so a bed should do the same. The main upside of this approach is we don't have to say anything (avoiding awkwardness) while still giving tacit approval.
That seems like a good arrangement. Would let Mami gradually get closer to sleeping on her own bed rather than having to do it all at once.
We dig giant robots!
Chicks dig giant robots!
We are chick.
Even so, Mami gets the seed this time, right?

Also, thoughts on the sleeping arrangements issue?
If we're gonna be playing with mechs, I don't think the update will get that far.

But, mmm... I don't dislike the way Sabrina's been treating the issue so far: Accepting enough; when Mami tries to pull away in embarrasement, Sabrina holds her so she knows there's no problem. Mami feels guilty and over apologizes, but that's more of a general issue.

Perhaps speaking up would do some good. If we're direct, "Mami you've got problems so you can use as a pillow until you get better", we'd be putting Mami's issues on the spotlight, which would embarrass her and likely make her feel... less. We should be able to do this while reassuring her? I can't think of a more casual way to bring this up without possible misunderstandings.

Anyway, I think something we can do to make the situation less embarrasing for Mami is talking. Before getting up in the morning, just laze about and talk random, casual stuff. Just don't let go of the Mami and chat normally. Make her confront the facts; usually she swaps beds while Sabrina's asleep and falls sleep herself, then Sabrina gets up and there's a moment when they're both awake. That one little moment is pretty much all the time Mami's really acknowledging the fact she can't sleep alone, since I doubt she likes to think about it if she can help it. Extending that moment would do... something.
I'm not a huge fan of having Sabrina talk about it outright since that could go badly. If we can't solve this problem directly, might be safer not to set off the landmines.
I'm not a huge fan of having Sabrina talk about it outright since that could go badly. If we can't solve this problem directly, might be safer not to set off the landmines.
I think the landmines will lessen with time. If nothing else, we can wait on this until we feel it's safe to bring it up.
I don't know if Mami will ever be comfortable sleeping on her own. That's the thing. She might be "ok" with the idea, but I sincerely doubt we will ever be at a point where she prefers that to sleeping with us. I personally don't see it as weaning, but as establishing a "normal".

We should be able to do this while reassuring her? I can't think of a more casual way to bring this up without possible misunderstandings.

We can't bring up the issues without causing a problem. The casual method is simply "Mami, should we share the bed tonight instead of the mattress? I'm ok with that if you are."

SKIP issues, skip confrontation. Treat the fact that we sleep together as something established rather than something that needs establishing.

Best I've got is to raise Sabrina's mattress on legs (and frame) of grief and put it next to Mami's so it's a double bed. The grief ring persisted for days so long as we stayed in range, even while asleep, so a bed should do the same. The main upside of this approach is we don't have to say anything (avoiding awkwardness) while still giving tacit approval.

As anyone who's slept in a doubled mattress bed probably knows, it's awkward as fuck.

"Sure," you agree carefully.

"A-ah. You're sure you're OK with it? I mean, if you'd rather sleep in your own room..." Mami asks anxiously.

"No, it's fine," you smile at her.

"Thank you, Sabrina." She returns the smile tentatively. "Umm... I need my hairbrush."

You shake your head. "Go ahead! I'll be right here," you say.

Mami pushes off the couch and moves to her bedroom. You can hear her yanking the drawer open, before she darts back out into the living room with her hairbrush in hand, eyes fretfully hunting for you again. You smile at her from the sofa, and she hurries over to sit beside you again.

You pat her on the shoulder as she shuffles forward a little bit on the sofa seat and begins brushing her hair, leaning forward to avoid the sofa back. Her eyes slide closed, and she hums a little in contentment over the familiar task.

Eventually, her hair is brushed to her satisfaction, and she looks at you.

"Time to sleep?" you ask.

"OK," Mami says.

The two of you move to her bedroom, and you find the mattress leaning against a wall. "I'll take the mattress, OK?" you say, before Mami can offer.

"No, you can take the bed," the blonde disagrees.

You hold up a hand. "Mami, it's your bed, and the mattress is perfectly comfortable," you say.

"O-oh," Mami says, looking like a kicked puppy. "If you're sure."

"I'm sure," you smile at Mami as you drag the mattress over beside the bed while Mami helps you bring over the pillow and blankets.

"Ah... well," Mami perches on the edge of her bed, watching you settle down for the night. "Good night, Sabrina."

"Good night, Mami," you say, burrowing under the blankets as she turns out the lights.

When you wake up -late, since it's a weekend and you didn't set an alarm clock-, there's a warm presence burrowed into your side.


Can't say you didn't expect that.

You look down at Mami's peacefully sleeping face, pressed against your shoulder.

"Mami," you say, gently shaking her. "Time to wake up."

"Mrh," the blonde mumbles, cuddling closer to you.

... can't say you didn't expect that, either.

"Mami!" you say a little louder, and shaking her a little more firmly.

"Mrrrm..." Golden eyes crack open, peering lazily at you, before they fly fully open in alarm. "Sabrina?" The blonde flinches back from you and pulls herself into a sitting position, cringing like she's touched a hot stove. "Ah! I'm sorry!"

You shake your head, likewise sitting up. "It's fine, Mami. Just... it's past eight now," you say, tilting your head at the clock.

"Oh," Mami says. "I'm sorr-"

"Don't," you say, but soften the rebuke with a smile. "You have nothing to apologize for, OK? And we're both awake now, so... breakfast?"

"I... yes, that would be nice," Mami says.

"Alright, then." You rise to your feet, yawning hugely and stretching. The sun streaming in through the window is a stark contrast from yesterday's enormous storm, and a glance at the twisted, tangled mess of bedsheets on Mami's bed - it's easy enough to guess at what happened last night, you think. Nightmares and then some.

You wash yourself up, going through the familiar routines of your morning ablutions, with rather more haste than usual - you suspect Mami is giving the door that lost puppy look again.

And indeed, she is, to which you can only respond with what you hope is a reassuring smile. Or...

You stand, Mami standing with you, and between the two of you, you make short work of the dishes, before headed to bed. Mami pauses at the door to her bedroom, her touch feather light on your elbow, and you pause.

You smile, and head in with Mami, collapsing into your mattress, Mami hestitating before dropping into her bed.

You lie awake for a while, with your eyes closed, as you think things over. Mami, yourself. Mami and yourself. Yourself. Who are you? What are you? Something Madoka did? Either Madoka? An abberation in the timelines? Something else?

Somewhere along the way, you hear Mami sit up, and ease onto the mattress beside you, worming under your blanket. An arm wraps around your waist from behind, and you hear Mami sigh contentedly. Her breath slowly evens out into slumber.


You really can't say you didn't expect that, you muse as you finally drift off to sleep yourself.

It takes a while for Mami's cascade of golden locks to dry, but dry it does, eventually, and the two of you move off to the bedroom, flicking off the lights. You flop onto the mattress, burrowing comfortably under the blankets.

"S-Sabrina?" Mami's voice, soft and tentative.

You bite your lip, unseen in the darkness, your stomach clenching. If she deliberately asks about sleeping, well, together... that's probably going to lead to some fairly uncomfortable talks. "Yes, Mami?" you reply, just as softly.

"Thank you," she says. "I-I know I'm... T-thank you."

"Mami, no matter what, I care about you," you say firmly, sitting up to stare at her. She blinks golden eyes at you, nearly luminous in the dim light refracted in from the window. "And... I'd do nothing less for you."

"Thank you," she says softly.

You smile, reaching out to stroke her hair once before lying back down, settling in for the night.

When you wake up, you're sprawled face up on the matress, arms splayed wide, and there's a warm, soft form cuddled into your side, as has become... normal. You gently ease out from under Mami's arm, and try to remove your own arm from under Mami. You don't succeed, though, and golden eyes flick open, blinking muzzily before refocusing on you.

You smile at her. "Good morning, Mami."

"O-oh," Mami says, flinching back. "S-sorry."

You shake your head, wrapping your arm around her and preventing her from pulling back entirely. "No."

A hesitant answering smile forms on Mami's face. "S-sor-" she cuts herself off with a shake of her head.

You nod approvingly. "Now, uh, my arm..." you wiggle your numb fingers.

"Oh!" Mami says. This time, she does roll off, and you let her, pushing yourself to a seated position and shaking the feeling back into your hand.

"Sorry," she offers with a smile.

You shake your head, smiling too as you drag yourself to your feet and stretch. Without being asked, you reassemble your musical instruments, hesitating for a moment before starting in on an appropriately morning song. You offer Mami a hand, and she accepts it with a smile, letting you pull her to her feet.

Note that Sabrina is worried about the results of confronting our sleeping arrangements. I also re-read the entire pre-vote discussion and sleeping arrangements were not mentioned once, so it's something the author is deliberately pointing out rather than thread feelings.
Note that Sabrina is worried about the results of confronting our sleeping arrangements. I also re-read the entire pre-vote discussion and sleeping arrangements were not mentioned once, so it's something the author is deliberately pointing out rather than thread feelings.
That I got from, you know, the worry on the Mumi relationship in general.
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[x] Enter the barrier.
[x] Proceed with caution. Don't get ahead of yourself. Coordinate with Mami.
-[x]Grief mech?

[x] Once the Witch is dead, return to Mami's apartment and ask if she wants to do enchantment practice at some point.
[x] Call it a night and head off to bed.
No. of votes: 1

[x] Enter the barrier.
[x] Proceed with caution. Don't get ahead of yourself. Coordinate with Mami.
-[x]Grief mech? Grief Mech
[x] Once the Witch is dead, return to Mami's apartment and ask if she wants to do enchantment practice at some point.
[x] Call it a night and head off to bed.
No. of votes: 7
AnonymousRabbit, MissingJimbo, Onmur, noahgab1133, Muramasa, Gadjo, aeqnai

[x] Cherno Alpha Grief Mech! Fuck Yeah!
No. of votes: 1

[x] Enter the barrier.
[x] Proceed with caution. Don't get ahead of yourself. Coordinate with Mami.
[x] Once the Witch is dead, return to Mami's apartment and ask if she wants to do enchantment practice at some point.
[x] Call it a night and head off to bed.
No. of votes: 2
landcollector, Cannongerbil

[x] Enter the barrier.
[x] Proceed with caution. Don't get ahead of yourself. Coordinate with Mami.
-[x]Grief mech? Grief Mech
--[X] Gurren Lagann
[x] Once the Witch is dead, return to Mami's apartment and ask if she wants to do enchantment practice at some point.
[x] Call it a night and head off to bed.
No. of votes: 2
o3o, cmwatford

[X] Torgamous
No. of votes: 1
Kai Merah

[x] Enter the barrier.
[x] Proceed with caution. Don't get ahead of yourself. Coordinate with Mami.
[x] Army of human-sized mechas, set to threat elimination. Wear one suit yourself. Urge Mami to create ribbon ones too.
[x] When you spot the witch, create hammer accelerator tunnel. Fire hammer at will.
[x] Ask Mami to let you capture 2 familiars for later.
No. of votes: 1

[x] Enter the barrier.
[x] Proceed with caution. Don't get ahead of yourself. Coordinate with Mami.
-[x] Grief mech? Grief Mech
--[X] Gurren Lagann with a grief powered railgun which uses magical hammers as the ammunition.
[x] Once the Witch is dead, return to Mami's apartment and ask if she wants to do enchantment practice at some point.
[x] Call it a night and head off to bed.
No. of votes: 3
boonerunner, Jackercracks, Lord Marshal

[x] Enter the barrier.
[x] Proceed with caution. Don't get ahead of yourself. Coordinate with Mami.
-[x]Grief mech? Grief Mech
---[X] the first one
[x] Once the Witch is dead, return to Mami's apartment and ask if she wants to do enchantment practice at some point.
[x] Call it a night and head off to bed.
No. of votes: 2
moonstne, Torgamous

[x] Enter the barrier.
[x] Proceed with caution. Don't get ahead of yourself. Coordinate with Mami.
-[x]Grief mech? Grief Mech
---[X] the first one
-[x] Encourage Mami to make her own mech
-[x]If we have extra grief, make grief Utahraptors as our personal army.
-[x]When we reach the witch, GATTAI the mechs.
[x] Once the Witch is dead, return to Mami's apartment and ask if she wants to do enchantment practice at some point.
[x] Call it a night and head off to bed.
No. of votes: 1

-[x] Liberty Prime robot
-[x] Be aware of surroundings and change plan if it gets too dangerous
[x]Have fun, but be careful
[x] After Witch is dead, go home. If Mami wants to, work on enchantment, otherwise just hang around at the house.
[x] Go to bed when appropriate
No. of votes: 1

[x] Enter the barrier.
[x] Proceed with caution. Don't get ahead of yourself. Coordinate with Mami.
-[x]Grief mech?

[x] Once the Witch is dead, return to Mami's apartment and ask for her help with enchantment practice at some point.
[x] Call it a night and head off to bed. Ask if Mami'd prefer the bed.

No. of votes: 1
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All that said, as I stated in the original post and exactly as @Onmur said, I don't necessarily dislike the status quo. It's a matter of when it's appropriate to try to change it, in what direction it can be realistically affected, and eliminating any possible fallout of making that change.