Then we hunt tomorrow?

Just because we forfeited several seeds doesn't mean Mami's not entitled to get her fair share. That's part of what being a team or partners is.
Here's a list of the witch fights so far, the girls who fought, and who got the seed:

<Unknown>, (Homura), seed to Homura.
Gertrud <Rose garden witch>, (Madoka, Sayaka, Mami, Sabrina), seed to Homura
Aurora <Bird Witch of self destruction>, (Sabrina, Mami, Homura), seed to Sabrina (later given to Oriko)
<Scarecrow Witch>, (Sabrina, Kyouko, Yuma), seed to Kyouko, (presumably later destroyed by Kyuubey)
Suleika <Witch of Darkness>, (Sabrina, Mami, Homura), last seen lying at Mami's feet
Hildegarde <Heart Witch>, (Sabrina), seed to Sabrina
Gwen <Grease Witch>, (Sabrina), seed to Sabrina (later given to Oriko and then to Ono)
<Book Witch>, (Sabrina, Mami, Homura), seed to Homura
<Chicken Witch>, (Sabrina, Mami, Homura), seed to Homura
Belle <Post Office witch>, (Sabrina, Kirika), seed to Kirika

My thoughts:
1. When Sabrina fights with others, she usually gives away the seed. The only one we have ever taken for ourselves (from a group fight) was Aurora. And that was because Mami pressed us to take it.
2. Homura takes a lot of seeds.
3. If Sabrina and Mami are taking "turns", then it is now Sabrina's turn (assuming that Mami picked up Suleika rather than forgetting about it).
4. If Sabrina and Mami are sharing seeds evenly, then Sabrina should get this one, because Mami has three, but Sabrina only has one (and it's one that we aren't willing to give away, because we've been testing with Hildegarde a lot).
5. If you include gifts of seeds to the equation, then you have to consider that Homura gave us Jane, but you also have to consider that we gave away Jane, Aurora, and Gwen.

You can make an argument that Sabrina should never ever accept a seed from a witch fight unless she was the only participant (that matches our past behavior), but if you're arguing about the "fair" distribution of seeds, then Sabrina ought to take this one.
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Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like we are having a disagreement over our mech of choice. Fortunately, I have a solution.

What do mechs do?

They combine.

That is part of my vote.

Of course, in this situation, I'd be more interested in trying my own design than cribbing, but cribbing has it's advantages too.
You are seriously discussing the relative resistance of magical girls vs normal people vis-a-vis eldritch narcotics, and I am absurdly happy that this is a thing that happened.
Gotta level with you, it was mainly an excuse to make a joke about Old Man Henderson's immunity to same.

Although now you've got me thinking about it. If meguca can shut off pain, they can probably shut off anything from hangover to high, assuming they've got enough presence of mind to think of it. Downers would be just the worst idea, though.
I don't see the point of mechs here.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. You poor thing.
Here's a list of the witch fights so far, the girls who fought, and who got the seed:

<Unknown>, (Homura), seed to Homura.
Gertrud <Rose garden witch>, (Madoka, Sayaka, Mami, Sabrina), seed to Homura
Aurora <Bird Witch of self destruction>, (Sabrina, Mami, Homura), seed to Sabrina (later given to Oriko)
<Scarecrow Witch>, (Sabrina, Kyouko, Yuma), seed to Kyouko, (presumably later destroyed by Kyuubey)
Suleika <Witch of Darkness>, (Sabrina, Mami, Homura), last seen lying at Mami's feet
Hildegarde <Heart Witch>, (Sabrina), seed to Sabrina
Gwen <Grease Witch>, (Sabrina), seed to Sabrina (later given to Oriko and then to Ono)
<Book Witch>, (Sabrina, Mami, Homura), seed to Homura
<Chicken Witch>, (Sabrina, Mami, Homura), seed to Homura
Belle <Post Office witch>, (Sabrina, Kirika), seed to Kirika

My thoughts:
1. When Sabrina fights with others, she usually gives away the seed. The only one we have ever taken for ourselves (from a group fight) was Aurora. And that was because Mami pressed us to take it.
2. Homura takes a lot of seeds.
3. If Sabrina and Mami are taking "turns", then it is now Sabrina's turn (assuming that Mami picked up Suleika rather than forgetting about it).
4. If Sabrina and Mami are sharing seeds evenly, then Sabrina should get this one, because Mami has three, but Sabrina only has one (and it's one that we aren't willing to give away, because we've been testing with Hildegarde a lot).
5. If you include gifts of seeds to the equation, then you have to consider that Homura gave us Jane, but you also have to consider that we gave away Jane, Aurora, and Gwen.

You can make an argument that Sabrina should never ever accept a seed from a witch fight unless she was the only participant (that matches our past behavior), but if you're arguing about the "fair" distribution of seeds, then Sabrina ought to take this one.

Disagree. Sabrina was the one who technically gained from the last team hunt. Before that it was Homu. Mami's up. I don't consider the hunt with Kirika a team hunt.
Disagree. Sabrina was the one who technically gained from the last team hunt. Before that it was Homu. Mami's up. I don't consider the hunt with Kirika a team hunt.
If you want to consider the seed that Homura gave to Sabrina, then you also have to consider the three seeds that Sabrina gave away. You're allowed to say that you want to give Mami a seed because Sabrina doesn't need it to cleanse her soul gem. That would be a valid argument. But if you want to consider seed distribution in terms of fairness, then it's Sabrina's turn to get a seed.
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So were fighting horrible monsters in order to unwind from today's events huh?

[x] Enter the barrier.
[x] Proceed with caution. Don't get ahead of yourself. Coordinate with Mami.
-[x]Grief mech? Grief Mech
---[X] the first one
[x] Once the Witch is dead, return to Mami's apartment and ask if she wants to do enchantment practice at some point.
[x] Call it a night and head off to bed.
I still demand that we have Mami make a ribbon mech and that we gattai our mechs. If we make a mech Mami, Mami can make a mech us.

[x] Enter the barrier.
[x] Proceed with caution. Don't get ahead of yourself. Coordinate with Mami.
-[x]Grief mech? Grief Mech
---[X] the first one
-[x] Encourage Mami to make her own mech
-[x]If we have extra grief, make grief Utahraptors as our personal army.
-[x]When we reach the witch, GATTAI the mechs.
[x] Once the Witch is dead, return to Mami's apartment and ask if she wants to do enchantment practice at some point.
[x] Call it a night and head off to bed.
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So our goal is to turn Mami into the White Devil? Could've sworn some other meguca was already being called that...
Yea, we have been taking a lot about whether our actions have been manipulative, whether what we have done so far has actually been good, regretting the negative consequences of our actions, and our shortcomings.

So guess what, now Sabrina is struggling with self-loathing issues.
I guess in a sense we (the questers) are struggling with that too with doubts and regrets over our own actions.

Dang it Firn, you are going to make it so that Sabrina, and thus us, are going to have to mature some, and become better people. ;)
Self-loathing is not an issue Sabrina has. If you must, look up the definition of "loath".

Sure, Sabrina has a lot of self-doubt, a tendency to feel guilty over things beyond her control (or just honest mistakes), as well as a strong tendency to belittle her own achievements/positive impact, but she doesn't hate herself.

If anything, it's probably reassuring (though perhaps not consciously) to Mami that, at least to her close friends, Sabrina is a lot more flawed than she outwardly seems, and has a lot of self-doubt herself. Something that Mami can relate to, and it makes her feel a lot less of the "I don't deserve to be friends with someone as amazing as her" syndrome. Also makes her relationship with Sabrina feel less imbalanced, which is a good thing. We just need to be careful in the long-term to not let things go too far and end up with a co-dependent relationship between Mami and Sabrina. For now, it's quite good, so nothing to worry about.
Self-loathing is not an issue Sabrina has. If you must, look up the definition of "loath".

Sure, Sabrina has a lot of self-doubt, a tendency to feel guilty over things beyond her control (or just honest mistakes), as well as a strong tendency to belittle her own achievements/positive impact, but she doesn't hate herself.

If anything, it's probably reassuring (though perhaps not consciously) to Mami that, at least to her close friends, Sabrina is a lot more flawed than she outwardly seems, and has a lot of self-doubt herself. Something that Mami can relate to, and it makes her feel a lot less of the "I don't deserve to be friends with someone as amazing as her" syndrome. Also makes her relationship with Sabrina feel less imbalanced, which is a good thing. We just need to be careful in the long-term to not let things go too far and end up with a co-dependent relationship between Mami and Sabrina. For now, it's quite good, so nothing to worry about.

Another reason to make Gurren Lagann.

-[q]Form Grief Sunglasses
--[q]Overcome self doubt with hotblooded optimism
---[q]Punt QB into the sun
----[q]As it flies away, yell after it asking who the hell it thinks you are?
-----[q]No more time for doubts or worries. You're Sabrina Fucking Velocity, daughter(?) of the God and the Devil, and you've got a world to save.
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Another reason to make Gurren Lagann.

-[q]Form Grief Sunglasses
--[q]Overcome self doubt with hotblooded optimism
---[q]Punt QB into the sun
----[q]As it flies away, yell after it asking who the hell it thinks you are?
-----[q]No more time for doubts or worries. You're Sabrina Fucking Velocity, daughter(?) of the God and the Devil, and you've got a world to save.

Eh, Demonbane is bigger. :V
Eh, Demonbane is bigger. :V
Demonbane is also an eroge with a loli-heroine. :V

And does Demonbane have a Rock Song made after it?

An entire album of music named for it's final line?
A stage play? (With an upcoming sequel?)

Is Demonbane held up highly on a flag around the world?

Demonbane may be bigger...but TTGL has had way more of an impact on people. It's inspired way more people to dream big, and to try just a little harder. No amount of size is worth more then that.
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