Remember breathing in Fog in Worm? I'm thinking that if she gets injured and her injuries are healed partly by grief, then she is going to get it all over her body, so it doesn't need to be big of an injury to cause damage (though it'd be more spread-out, so idk if that'd be suddenly lot more harmful for small injuries) by leaving our range.
If a civilian a happens to be horribly injured in our presence and they are too badly injured for us to stabilize them and there aren't any dedicated healers nearby, we can always use our healing wand. The civilian thus healed would have to stay within our range (or else the healing would be reverted), but it would still save their life until we can bring in a healer to fix them properly.
Speaking of esoteric powers, I wonder what logic bomb wishes would do?

"I wish I didn't make this wish!" - Time Reversal?
"I wish I wished for something else!" - Weak powerset, adjustable
"I wish wishes didn't exist!" - Power nullification, if there even are powers left to nullify...
"I wish I was never born!" - Binding of Isaac?

It probably never comes up, since the wish has to be heartfelt, and a lot of these just end up retconning the contractee out of existence, but it's amusing to imagine the resulting powers.
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You get kidnapped by Kyubey to constantly revert witches back to grief spiral repeatedly to maximize despair generation?
But making lot of meguca would be more efficient!
If a civilian a happens to be horribly injured in our presence and they are too badly injured for us to stabilize them and there aren't any dedicated healers nearby, we can always use our healing wand. The civilian thus healed would have to stay within our range (or else the healing would be reverted), but it would still save their life until we can bring in a healer to fix them properly.
I'd rather try Santen Kisshun, myself.
Kyubey says that the soul is a bundle of neurons.
Which brings up the question of exactly why would a race of alien bunnycats call bundle of neurons "soul".
Hm, I suppose if they started it before it was known what a "brain" is....It seems odd that they wouldn't update, though.

Well, because it's not the whole brain- just one small part of it, and why bother with a separate word for "a portion of neurons that essentially serves the same purpose as the spiritual force called the soul (or the nearest equivalent)" when you can just say "soul?"
Well, because it's not the whole brain- just one small part of it, and why bother with a separate word for "a portion of neurons that essentially serves the same purpose as the spiritual force called the soul (or the nearest equivalent)" when you can just say "soul?"
Eh. Because it is not very long? Tradition, I guess.

Makes me wonder if the other portions of brains are entirely replaced in function by soul gems, given how Meguca can keep fighting with no blood.
Eh. Because it is not very long? Tradition, I guess.

Makes me wonder if the other portions of brains are entirely replaced in function by soul gems, given how Meguca can keep fighting with no blood.

Well, yeah.

A magical girl's body is a corpse puppeted by a rock. If they have enough magic, they can give precisely no shits about damage of any sort.
"Besides, you humans don't even realise you have souls in the first place.
Your body's nothing more than a collection of neurons and a centralised cardiovascular system.
So when a human body can no longer maintain life, its soul vanishes along with it.
I gave your soul a physical form to prevent that from happening, a form you can pick up with your own hands and protect."

My read on this statement (Kyubey, ep7), is that he is saying the body is a puppet of the soul anyway, not that the soul is a collection of neurons. So no, I don't think the soul is a brain-part, that seems to be a misinterpretation.
You must be watching the English dub. The sub text is a lot less vague:
"After all, you humans don't physically sense your souls to begin with. Actually, all they are is a little cluster of neurons."

The English dub has a couple niggling little inconsistencies with the sub. It's always kind of bothered me.