Vote tally:
##### 3.19
To Yuma: Mami is my mentor and she was also Kyouko's mentor. They had a falling out a while ago, but I hope that they can be friends again eventually. I can't say for sure, but I suspect that Kyouko is angry for the same reason that I'm angry: Kyuubey hurt our friend.
[X] Ask Yuma how she has been doing and how she likes her new magical powers. It's a good thing to talk about and it should distract Kyouko a bit.
[X] Tell them that we've been experimenting with grief seeds and found that we can pull out more grief from it so that it can last a lot longer.
-[X] Warn of the danger of putting clear seeds near normal witch seeds.
-[X] Ask if they would be willing to test one for us.
--[X] If they accept, remind them that it is
experimental and ask them to contact us immediately if they notice
anything odd about the clear seed.
--[X] Say that we'd like to come back in a few days to check on them.
[X] Inform them about the end of the Sendai conflict.
-[X] Including the 3:2 grief seed exchange.
--[X] We need more grief seeds for experimentation. As long as the clear seeds work out, offer to trade partially full grief seeds in exchange for clear seeds at a rate of 3:2.
[X] Ask about any other magical girls in Kasamino.
To Kyouko: Just in case you didn't know already...a Walpurgisnacht is going to hit Mitakihara in about three weeks. I'm not here to try and recruit you for it-especially because you have Yuma to look after-but since it might still cause a lot of damage, I thought you should know.
Telepathy Yuma. Try and make sure your big sis cleanses her own gem too, okay?
No. of votes: 1
[X] Reply to Yuma that Mami's someone Kyouko once knew, but anything beyond that's more Kyouko's story to tell than ours . . . and that we're not entirely sure what's got Kyouko angry at the moment.
[X] Mention to Kyouko that the Sendai situation's gotten wrapped-up.
-[X] If she asks, say that you got involved, there was some fighting that you really wish hadn't happened, and while it overall went much worse than you'd wanted it all ended up mostly alright, and best of all no prolonged fight incoming.
[X] Offer to Kyouko, via telepathy: I get that you're not too fond of the idea of 'something for nothing', or at least it seems that way, so how about this? In exchange for the services I'm offering, you get to beat me over the head now and again.
-[X] From there, explain that your powerset might make you a bit broken in some respects, but that some recent events -- like Sendai -- have given you a bit of perspective on your non-Griefy business . . . and that you frankly suck at it. So, if Kyouko's willing to help un-suck our combat skills, then we could use that as a deal if she wants one.
--[X] Offer a Grief Seed as a down-payment on the combat lessons if need be.
-[X] Make it clear that we'd honestly prefer to just offer our services for free, and even if she'd rather not train us she's more than welcome to call upon us for it completely free (if we offered the seed, say she can keep it), but that we're offering this deal because the past couple times we've offered it free she's seemed not-too-thrilled by it.
No. of votes: 4
Baroque, noahgab1133, landcollector, CornyBones
[x]Your big sis and Mami were friends but parted on bad terms. I think she's angry at Kyubey.
[x]Try and get through lunch without any further trauma. Find something upbeat to talk about. Ask how they're doing, and ask Yuma how she feels about cheese.
[x]Ask if Kyouko's okay via telepathy.
[x]Mention that Sendai's been resolved.
[x]Offer a regular grief seed. Ask to cleanse again too if it seems like she needs it.
-[x] Check the name of Homura's seed before handing it over.
-[x] If she presses us for a reason, restate what we said during our first meeting about just wanting to help megucas.
[x]Telepathy Yuma. Try and make sure your big sis cleanses her own gem too, okay?
No. of votes: 18
Cannongerbil, Dirtnap, Gadjo, EtchedSteel, Ugolino, Agent Whiskers, AnonymousRabbit, techsy730, Muramasa, aeqnai, theauthor, Kinematics, Duskwitch, SystemicHatter, SynchronizedWritersBlock, MrLZRS, Sereg, Guilop
[X] Cannongerbil
-[X] If possible, ask Kyouko about the seeming lack of pants-wearing magical girls.
No. of votes: 1
[X]Your big sis and Mami were friends but parted on bad terms. I think she's angry at Kyubey.
[X]Try and get through lunch without any further trauma. Find something upbeat to talk about. Ask how they're doing, and ask Yuma how she feels about cheese.
[X]Ask if Kyouko's okay via telepathy.
-[X] If Homura's seed, get its name before you hand it over
-[X] If she presses us for a reason, restate what we said during our first meeting about just wanting to help megucas.
[X]Telepathy Yuma. Try and make sure your big sis cleanses her own gem too, okay?
No. of votes: 1