Well, we're only going to be out hunting for a set amount of time, and if we're on SA-002 as opposed to learning roofhopping we wouldn't have to stop while our ojou taught us something more useful like how she can apparently see through her ribbons.
Roofhopping seems more plausible as 'ask while heading out' than something in-depth and tricky like 'ribbon sensing'.
How about dropping the roofhopping part, and focusing on this two instead:
[X] Ask for advice on how to properly work together as a team using our powers.
[X] Ask for advice on how their own various weapons and enchantments work, and how we might enchant things.

They'll be perfectly functional as an ego boost, and both are skills that can be taught/ dicussed while we are flying out.

...Everyone remembers that we are flying out, right?
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We do ask about enchantment in that vote. About the seeing around corners thing, do you mean her ribbon sense? I'd be willing to ask about it, but I'm not sure what you mean (perhaps us learning how to use our grief sense to "see"?)
It goes back to her first lesson on enchantment, where she pulled a cup out of the kitchen using her ribbons while we both stayed on the couch. We asked about how she could see what she was doing, and she did the mysterious senpai deflection.
How about dropping the roofhopping part, and focusing on this two instead:

They'll be perfectly functional as an ego boost, and both are skills that can be taught while we are flying out.

...Everyone remembers that we are flying out, right?
No, that's better left for when we can focus on it and properly practice rather than mid-Witch hunt. The line's perfectly fine as is.
No, that's better left for when we can focus on it rather than mid-Witch hunt. The line's perfectly fine as is.
Ugo, we aren't asking her for roofhopping advice while we are fighting a witch. We are asking her that while we are flying on the grief mobile. How exactly is she going to teach us roofhopping when, you know, we aren't actually roofhopping?

Also, I question again the value of asking Mami to teach us how to roofhop properly when there's plenty of other, more pertinent skills that we could be asking Mami to teach us.
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Ugo, we aren't asking her for roofhopping advice while we are fighting a witch. We are asking her that while we are flying on the grief mobile. How exactly is she going to teach us roofhopping when, you know, we aren't actually roofhopping?
I'd assume we are actually roofhopping at some point in our expedition. The vote doesn't spell out 'cower in the griefmobile constantly', after all.

Besides, roofhopping seems more interesting than something we CAN'T really fix or learn much about with a few cheap words. The only way teamwork'll improve is more of said actual cooperation.
Learn the basics. Fundamental rule of education. Skipping because it's 'not important' just means you have fewer tools to properly understand more advanced topics.
...It's roofhopping. It's only relevant to our other skills by virtue of it being magic. It's like saying learning how to dribble a basketball will increase our typing speed. They both make use of our hands, sure, but there is no link between the two skills.
I'd assume we are actually roofhopping at some point in our expedition.
What possible reason could there be for doing that when we can fly?
Why would we be 'cowering'?
This too.
Why would we be 'cowering'?
Alright, negative word choice there. 'Staying'?

Honestly, 'dribbling the basketball' seems like a better use of time than those two random alternatives- it actually lets us practice and the exercise might have useful applications elsewhere. We shouldn't skip it when we have an ideal chance. in favor of chattering about things that just talking about won't help with.
...Since we didn't specify, I assumed we'd be going by roofhop, not mobile oppression fortress. What's wrong with learning roofhopping? It seems like a minor form of enchantment, which we suck at. We could probably use the lesson.

Edit: also, who's to say it can't be there? We've got time, it shouldn't hurt anything, really.
Re: Roofhopping.

IMO, there will be times when the grief jet won't be an option for us. And roofhopping with collateral damage just adds to the 'newbie meguca' vibe we give off. "Better to have it and not need it", right?

Besides, the lesson could give us some insight on future or existing science experiments.
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...Since we didn't specify, I assumed we'd be going by roofhop, not mobile oppression fortress. What's wrong with learning roofhopping? It seems like a minor form of enchantment, which we suck at. We could probably use the lesson.
I think we shouldn't bother on account of not wanting to be out all night.

I guess that learning how to not crack rooftops (Why do we care about minor collateral damage?) could be useful in a Naruto charkra control exercise sense.
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...Since we didn't specify, I assumed we'd be going by roofhop, not mobile oppression fortress. What's wrong with learning roofhopping? It seems like a minor form of enchantment, which we suck at. We could probably use the lesson.
Save the oppression fortress for when it's actually useful rather than spamming it at every possible opportunity, yeah.

I think we shouldn't bother on account of not wanting to be out all night.
I'll be very surprised if we don't run into a Witch the normal way. Besides, it'll make a change of pace.
I'd like to learn roofhoping. I hope we can learn roofhpoing. What if we can't? Maybe it's a skill that you either get from the get go or not at all and Sabrina, being SV personified, will never be subtle enough to learn it. :p
I'd actually rather roofhop than fly. Not only does it reinforce Mami's routines by doing things in a familiar way, but it lets us practice either magical control or strength control, both of which are useful.

If we're going all-out witch hunting, we might as well clear the entire city out in time stop + oppression fortress.
I'll be very surprised if we don't run into a Witch the normal way. Besides, it'll make a change of pace
Didn't say we wouldn't find one, just that the change of pace would be to "slow" and I thought we wanted to get back with enough time to have another awkward conversation with Mami.
Didn't say we wouldn't find one, just that the change of pace would be to "slow" and I thought we wanted to get back with enough time to have another awkward conversation with Mami.
I'm not too concerned about that; we should be able to rip the witch to pieces in no time flat, and Mami's still waiting for the other shoe to drop. She'll stay up a little longer to talk to us, if that's even necessary.
We should probably be specific about what we want to examine about the witch and it's minions. The tests and such.

Leaving it vague means we might kill it before we've wrung enough answers from it.

I mean, really, I'm all for performing a long and arduous barrage of tests on both as long as necessary, until we've sufficiently exhausted the avenue of Science in regards to Witch behavior and anatomy. I feel we've been lazy on this and have ignored glaring questions. This must be remedied.

*straps on gloves
*straps on goggles
*Grins at witch

"Ze Doctor is going to Science you tonight. You may feel some major discomfort"

*chainsaw noise
Well this one's more JOLLY COOPERATION with a side of research so we can't go too crazy...Just observe as we go and go for griefsense/dissection on a stray familiar once we get inside?
Bah, Flying > Roofhopping.

[X] Return Irene. Thank Mami for the loan.
[X] Tell her that Homura invited us out hunting tonight, and ask if she's interested.
- [X] If no, begin secrets discussion, if yes, tell Homura we're coming with her to hunt and move out.
[x] Else: Head out on the grief carpet when it's time to meet up with Homura.
[x] While on the hunt:
- [X] Ask for advice on how to properly work together as a team using our powers.
- [X] Ask for advice on how their own various weapons and enchantments work, and how we might enchant things.
[x] Once a witch is discovered:
-[x] Assuming no pressing circumstances:
--[X] Carefully examine any barrier entrances from the inside and outside.
--[x] Tell Mami and Homura that you are planning on doing some science, and ask them to try not to stop the witch too quickly.
--[X] Do careful examination of it's familiars, to get a better idea of how they can act independently of the witch.
[X] Later, review and update notebook within sphere of grief, so as to block Kyubey.

Edited vote to expand on the witch hunt procedures.
[X] Return Irene. Thank Mami for the loan.
[X] Tell her that Homura invited us out hunting tonight, and ask if she's interested.
[X] If no, begin secrets discussion, if yes, tell Homura we're coming with her to hunt and move out.
[X] Ask Mami how to roofhop properly.
[X] Ask for advice on how to properly work together as a team using our powers.
[X] Ask for advice on how their own various weapons and enchantments work, and how we might enchant things.
-[X] Carefully examine any barrier entrances from the inside and outside.
[X] Take mental notes of the names of the witches we encounter.
[X] Later, review and update notebook within sphere of grief, so as to block Kyubey.
-[X] Do careful examination of some familiars, to get a better idea of how they can act independently of the witch.