Had we asked Homura to stay over tonight? Would Mami know about that? Is she expecting Homura to be back? Asking the question after Homura gets back if Mami didn't already expect her back (and I'm not sure we wanted to discuss the 'secrets' thing with Homura there or not? could be arguments either way), seems a bit backwards.
Also, slightly disingenuous to ask Mami about hunting, then ask Homura about hunting, when we're trying to help Homura socialize more anyway, as well.
Suggesting some slight rephrasings:
[] Return Irene. Thank Mami for the loan.
[] Tell Mami that Homura was actually asking about going hunting together with us. Ask her if she's interested.
Then just listing all the bits I can think of related to what we might want to do. Needs organization and pruning.
[] If so, get ready to meet Homura when she returns. If not, let Homura know, and move to the 'secrets' discussion.
[] Assuming we're going hunting:
-[] Ask Mami for roofhopping advice
-[] Ask questions about some of the tricks they do, how they work, and what seems to be most effective.
-[] Show off some of the results of our own testing from earlier today.
-[] Ask questions about how we can use our powers together effectively. Encourage Mami to take the lead in said discussion.
-[] Show them the grief hammer vs the magic hammer
--[] Ask for advice on why they seem different, and how their own various weapons and enchantments work.
-[] Carefully examine any barrier entrances from the inside and outside.
-[] Update the notebook (while inside the barrier) with the names of any witches we find.
--[] Review notebook (while inside the barrier) for details on witches showing up in the near future that we can target.
-[] Do careful examination of some familiars, to get a better idea of how they can act independently of the witch.