Pretty much.

Anyway is it just me, or would Sabrina qualify as an outright boss fight in another quest due to her op abilities?
As long as she keeps what little sanity she's got. Without that she's no so much a boss fight, but rather 'rock falls, everyone dies', specially if the MC is meguca.

EDIT: You'd need Homura's power or something.
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can we please cut back on the stupid "haha we haz braz damiz" please?

Do you ever post anything besides "Can we stop X plz?"

Like not to hate or anything but this tactic doesn't ever get you what you want in observed practice; just change the topic and try to steer the conversation in a direction you like non-abrasively. It works way better.
Pretty much.

Anyway is it just me, or would Sabrina qualify as an outright boss fight in another quest due to her op abilities?

As long as she keeps what little sanity she's got. Without that she's no so much a boss fight, but rather 'rock falls, everyone dies', specially if the MC is meguca.

Kinda makes you wonder if a non-meguca would be more likely to take us out than anything else. Or at least Homura with a high power anti-material rifle from a mile away.

But seriously, close in Sabrina owns the field. Gem grab anyone? Not to mention the fact that she could hypothetically explode an enemy's gem with it's own grief. Also, her transmutation of grief ability she can make functional counters for just about every power available.
Kinda makes you wonder if a non-meguca would be more likely to take us out than anything else. Or at least Homura with a high power anti-material rifle from a mile away.

But seriously, close in Sabrina owns the field. Gem grab anyone? Not to mention the fact that she could hypothetically explode an enemy's gem with it's own grief. Also, her transmutation of grief ability she can make functional counters for just about every power available.
And we likely still need Mami to pull our collective ass out of the fire. :V
Anyway is it just me, or would Sabrina qualify as an outright boss fight in another quest due to her op abilities?
Since when were you under the impression that Sabrina wasn't the final boss in this quest?

Personally, I'd like to think that Sabrina would fit in well as "that one funny NPC quest giver".
A mostly disregarded comic relief type character that sends you on bizarre fetch quests, but when shit's really going down she shows up and: "HOLY SHIT, DID SHE JUST ONESHOT A <Insert something sufficiently impressive here>?"
And thus it turns out that (1) she kicks ass and (2) did the fetch quest thing on purpose and has been laughing at you the whole time.

Anyway, definitely support the roofhop thing because we may need it again when we need to 'go dark' like ambushing Akiko (and also because carpet ride has Mumi limpet throughout the entire ride, whereas roofhopping has her not clamped onto our arm for an hour straight).

Definitely support examining a barrier, familiars and witch, (if there is no immediate danger to anyone else), but we may also want to examine a witch's kiss if we can find one (underlined so as to be easier to see).

otherwise, [x]Gadjo
Definitely support examining a barrier, familiars and witch, (if there is no immediate danger to anyone else), but we may also want to examine a witch's kiss if we can find one (underlined so as to be easier to see).
Examine how? So far, we've got this:
You stretch out your senses, taking a look at the Witch Kisses.

What look like simple markings to your eyes are... almost like Familiars, to your Grief sense. Tendrils of Grief intertwine with their bearers - presumably how they can control people. You could probably disrupt these things, you suspect, in much the same way you can dissolve Familiars.