Other random idea regarding material properties:

Fill a jar with liquid grief. Drop solid marbles into it. See if they sink to the bottom. Test density and mass behavior.
Re: Lab coat -- Actually, skip that. That can be our first enchantment project (once we stop blowing stuff up). Turn our long coat into a lab coat.

No. We must do the Lab Coat first- I agree with most of the rest of what you said, except the notebooks etc. but that was already mentioned.
And I will fight tooth and nail for the Lab Coat to have a tag saying "Doleres Science Laboratories" on it.
Don't take that from me! :rolleyes:
@Kinematics: Weighting grief seeds...Huh, an unusual idea,

Problem is, pocket dimension. Also, if our hands don't notice the difference it has to be one precise scale.

Hence, why I want to weight grief outside the seed.

...Hm, forgot to cleanse soul gem. Oops. *fixes*
@Krecart: We can only accelerate for so long by pushing at things with grief handle. Unless we make things go in circles with it.

Another benefit: Easier to walk/repeat your shots if your equipment is stationary.

As for fire, can we please do all transmutation tests with full safety then?
Weighting grief seeds...Huh, an unusual idea,

Problem is, pocket dimension. Also, if our hands don't notice the difference it has to be one precise scale.

Hence, why I want to weight grief outside the seed.
I want to weigh grief as well, but that's part of the properties analysis stage, and this proposal is only for the grief seed stage. It doesn't really matter which order we do them in, though, so I wasn't worried about it.

The main thing is, if grief does have weight, but the weight of the grief seeds don't change when the amount of grief they contain changes, that means they're not just compressing grief better than we can, they're actually shifting it in a way that it doesn't really 'exist' to the real world anymore (eg: pocket dimension). So I'd want to note whether that's a potential thing to consider.
I was actually thinking about that as well. The notebook probably isn't needed, but post-it notes might still be handy, so I just left it in. What I really want are the measuring tools, though.

For what it's worth, if you want to measure things, it's important to have an external reference rather than one that you made relative to yourself.

Alternatively, just make a new system of measurement that is true for us internally. We can do unit conversions later.
I wonder...

Can we manipulate the grief inside a seed to somehow make the seed hatch? Is hatching solely a property of the seed itself (we can't) or something that is caused by the grief inside it (maybe we can)?

Liquid grief. Have we ever tried to make that? Would it be dangerous?

If we can change the properties of grief, can we do it while the grief is inside a seed? Maybe as the grief is being absorbed by the seed?
That's part of the properties testing, not a long-term effect that we want to check on. It will certainly come up when we get to that stage of the experiments.
We could just get it out of the way before something goes wrong, Witch punches us in the soul again, QB interrupt, Oriko interrupt, or whatever else could go wrong. It could be done while checking the warehouse for stuff. It'd only take a minute. Makes more sense to get all the low hanging fruit out of the way.

As for fire, can we please do all transmutation tests with full safety then?
It's just fire. Make sure it's not right next to us and we're good. Don't need to make a gigantic bonfire or anything.
For what it's worth, if you want to measure things, it's important to have an external reference rather than one that you made relative to yourself.

Alternatively, just make a new system of measurement that is true for us internally. We can do unit conversions later.
Important Question: Should we call the hypothetical unit of measurement "Sabrinas" or "Mumis"?
We could just get it out of the way before something goes wrong, Witch punches us in the soul again, QB interrupt, Oriko interrupt, or whatever else could go wrong. It could be done while checking the warehouse for stuff. It'd only take a minute. Makes more sense to get all the low hanging fruit out of the way.
You're not listening. It will be tested, it's just not part of these (ie: grief seed) tests. It will be dealt with when we starting working through all the different property issues, because those all require safety concerns be dealt with, appropriate measurability, etc.
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@Kinematics: We already know it shifts it into pocket dimension. Given they're collapsed barriers - or so we assume - and average MG weights less than the witch yet you can easily carry grief seeds in plastic bag pretty sure weight removal is a thing.

I suppose we could find if it is 95% efficient or 99,9% efficient, if we make a mini-gram scale.

@Onmur: I think we did make liquid grief, between gaseous and solid, but we never really did anything with it.

Interesting idea with seed, though we may get punched by the DESPAIR, so have to make sure soul is clean first.

@Krecart: Whatever unit is more intuitive from name. Using "Mami" ...makes me think of Mami's gem's worth of grief.
@MissingJimbo: I don't understand. For once, you don't have much opportunity costs.
One reason I'd like to see if we can control the property of grief while it's inside a seed: Half empty seeds. If half emptying a seed doesn't cause it harm in any way, we can give half emptied seed to other megucas. The problem with that is that the emptier the seed, the more it looks like a Soul Gem, which makes the half seed into a witchbomb hazard.

If we can control grief inside a seed, and somehow give it instructions, we could maybe make a half-emptied seed that looks like a normal seed? We could give those around, then.

I wonder if we can make Portal Guns out of grief.
Eh, Portal guns. Once the 'important' stuff is out of the way and we start trying to make silly things, I want to try and create the unsung hero of the Portal games: The Long Fall Boots.
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You're not listening. It will be tested, it's just not part of these (ie: grief seed) tests. It will be dealt with when we starting working through all the different property issues, because those all require safety concerns be dealt with, appropriate measurability, etc.
Sorry, I just have this terrible fear that something is going to crop up and interrupt us again.

That's why I want us to try and answer as many quick, simple questions as possible before doing more in-depth analyses.