Sadly, no. That would take up extra time that I'd rather not spend right at the immediate moment. We may see about doing a shopping trip later once we have a better idea of other things we might want to test that we would want some sort of measurement apparatus for.
I just want to see if there's stuff in the immediate vicinity that we can make use of.
Note that I didn't get too deep into the further experiments yet, as there are tons of things I want to check on, but I didn't want to get bogged down in that when I'm trying to focus on just the first stage. Generally, want to avoid the confusion of trying to do too many different things at once, here.The method with which Kinematics proposes to conduct grief science on everything *OTHER* than the grief seeds doesn't have enough control of the various possible ways for inert grief to behave, and quite frankly I don't think we have enough data to actually design an experiment for unrefined grief and its properties.
The first one sounds reasonable. I'm not sure how the second one can be meaningful, given that we've spent several days with lots of grief marbles jammed together in the bag. The seed part of it sounds exactly like the first one, too.Also, @Kinematics, any objection to these?
[X] Create as big mass of marble grief as you can. Carefully touch different seeds to it, starting with the emptiest.
[X] Take a grief marble, will it to absorb other grief. Check with seeds.
Essentially, it sounds like we want to see if a grief seed will absorb free-floating grief when we don't actively "put" the grief back inside? Or are you testing for whether a large grief mass will 'pull' the grief out of the seeds? I'd probably want to put off tests with the massive grief ball for the moment.
[] Create one marble of grief and place it on a table. Do not actively manipulate it.
-[] Test each grief seed (Control, Aurora, Hildegarde) to see whether it absorbs the grief from simply being in contact with it.
[] If the above test comes out negative, try again with a large grief sphere (2m), testing for any grief movement in either direction.
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