My core issues with how we treat Mami and what to apologize for are following:
1. Not a partner.
Mami provides us with place, food, teaching, contacts and combat help. Meanwhile, we mostly provide cleanses and have given our social 'help' with lichbomb. Even ignoring how we're willing to cleanse people for existing, these are not equal, even if you value a lichbomb somewhere close to "life saved".
2. Comparative kindness and agency.
We listen to magical girls we're not as close to more and give them more options.
3. "I know best" actions:
We leave Mami out or direct her at our behest; see Oriko and Sendai situations. You'd think it'd be other way around with veteran who provides.
Huh? Sorry, this sentence doesn't make any sense.
The reason this war occurred was in large part due Akiko's grudge against Ishinomaki, and big concern I have is her going on a crusade when she's able. This addresses her about it when she is better.
When we asked them what sort of schedules would be workable for us to handle said cleansings.
Hm. *rereads*
We did. In my defense, it happened repeatedly and was few updates ago. Anyway, thank you. This is now removed.
It's not like we're going to walk away without saying anything at all. The 'trust in Rin' is a general intent of direction. We let her know that we're leaving things in their hands, and heading home. However that's not something we need to explicitly articulate, here.
I see. I was under the impression that it was entirely internal, not that we're saying that to her.
Though, in that case it shouldn't it be "Trust in Yumi", given she is the leader?
As noted, that's about the most we can do. Plus, leaving a magic blanket? How far away do we have to get before it disappears? Kinda pointless.
Just because things fade and turn to ruin and Earth will burn to ashes as the sun expands to consume it doesn't make it pointless.
Doesn't need to last long, it is a kind gesture until they get her home. I presume 100m, myself.
If it isn't workable, though, I'm sure Mami will say so - it does ask Mami, after all.
Precisely because it isn't necessary.
Yet it was necessary before? Doesn't hurt to maintain with 4 extra words in a two-word sentence.
I think we've already seen instances where it could be dangerous to us. We just haven't tried anything too monumentally stupid.
Fire is the result of an exothermic chemical reaction that produces enough energy to excite photons out of the nuclei to produce light. What we see, and treat as fire, is explicitly energy.
Eh, we've never gotten hurt.
And chemical reaction is quite fine - in glass, the photons are captured and re-emitted by the matter in-between, which is how you can have transparent or glass with different color yet a less dense black paper can be much more opaque. If emitting photons from electrons (not nuclei, those are gamma rays
) would be matter conversion bomb with grief, we'd be dead already.
It's not our place, it was a big part of the last vote.
She won't know it is grief blanket because it is not a grief blanket.
But it is damn well the result of our actions - like Sakura said, "Oh, now you leave us alone?" - and it is kind of shitty to leave now after breaking her. We certainly didn't leave with Mami, even though she got scared of us too. And while this is nowhere near as bad situation, we reduced our presence to help - not because "not our problem".