[x] [War] Stayed neutral (2x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play

French revolution was a complete clusterf***. After killing the nobility they just. Didn't. Stop. Let Europe sort that poison out, I want none of it.

Also, if we really want to, we can slowly shift to a republic on our terms during the industrial revolution. Rapid changes in government is never stable. Just make sure to do something about political parties when they come into play, I don't want ours to become like it is today .
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If you want experience in fighting modern wars, lend out our mercenaries. Recreate the Red Banner if you have to.


Like, if you were to I suppose make the partition of Tortun an explicit goal that would probably shock and outrage them less than just joining up with the Republic for philosophical reasons.

Yeah, no. Let not piss off everybody.
If we support not!Revolutionary France, we can get the opportunity to take new territories in not!Europe or some of the colonies in the Monsoon Sea.
Lightning rounds are over. We can easily Marco our way into gaining everything that joining the war would have gained us while not suffering the monumental losses (in trade, diplomatic relations and resources) that joining the war on either side entails.
Heading out to work, so can't respond to much, but this is bullshit. This assumes competence on our level that is unrealistic. We barely handled the ST way back when, and that was only due to our traits discouraging rebellion.
If you read the history, you'll find that the Reolutionaries went overboard, but they killed a few thousand, ten thousand at most, even counting the repression of rebellion in the Vendee. It's pretty mild compared to all the other terrible revolutions that have happened since.

The Wars obviously killed more, but remember that it was the monarchists who started them.

This is actually wrong.
Conservative authors are talking about around 50000 people put to death during the nine months of terror.

But even then, this revolution paved the road for revolutions in Russia and Germany, and the "Revolutionary Terror" - oifficial term, induced by the comissariat, ended up killing literally tens of millions.
From 1918 to 1952 between 30 and 45 millions russians were killed by NKWD or died in Gulags, counting the losses in the civil war and penal batallions.

With the war losses around 80 million russians died at the time.

This can be mostly put to the legacy of the french revolution.
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@Academia Nut Could you tell us about the rough status of the various countries in the coalition?

Tortun and Vortuga seem like they're heavy weights in the coalition, but it looks like both took serious beatings in recent updates.
Hrm. Okay.
@Academia Nut , what would be our internal reaction if we opposed them, considering that we've sorta started this mess?

While there are many who think that seeing the Republic quashed will suppress issues, there are some who are not so sure and think that perhaps this may become part of a longer history of "Watch the Syffrynites do something, watch them fail, try it again with the lessons learned"
[] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)
[] [War] Joined in on the Alliance to Restore the Monarchy (major participants: Vortuga, Sketch, Tortun, Etal, Halvyni) (1x)


[X] [War] Stayed neutral (2x)

[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play
[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)
[X] [Rounds] Keep going
This is actually wrong.
But even then, this revolution paved the road for revolutions in Russia and Germany, and the "Revolutionary Terror" - oifficial term, induced by the comissariat, ended up killing literally tens of millions.
From 1918 to 1952 between 30 and 45 millions russians were killed by NKWD or died in Gulags, not counting the losses in the wars.

With the war losses around 80 million russians died at the time.

This can be puto to the legacy of the french revolution.

A communist revolution wasn't really inevitable. It would mean that our society is suffering severe rot from within, coupled with an unpopular war that we aren't winning.

While there are many who think that seeing the Republic quashed will suppress issues, there are some who are not so sure and think that perhaps this may become part of a longer history of "Watch the Syffrynites do something, watch them fail, try it again with the lessons learned"

Try it again with lesson learned only to learn several other lessons that need learning.
This is actually wrong.
But even then, this revolution paved the road for revolutions in Russia and Germany, and the "Revolutionary Terror" - oifficial term, induced by the comissariat, ended up killing literally tens of millions.
From 1918 to 1952 between 30 and 45 millions russians were killed by NKWD or died in Gulags, not counting the losses in the wars.

With the war losses around 80 million russians died at the time.

This can be mostly put to the legacy of the french revolution.
That's a huge stretch and bullshit. There were like 15 revolutions in Europe after the French and none of them even approached the horror of the Communist Revolution in Russia. Blame that on communism.
People forget that the Revolutionaries became so extreme because the rest of Europe ganged up on them in order to reinstall the king and extreme measures were needed to defeat them.

By supporting them here, not only can we ensure that they don't go nuts, we can also grab more clay from the monarchists!
People forget that the Revolutionaries became so extreme because the rest of Europe ganged up on them in order to reinstall the king and extreme measures were needed to defeat them.

By supporting them here, not only can we ensure that they don't go nuts, we can also grab more clay from the monarchists!
We can support them without going to war against most of Europe.
[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play
People forget that the Revolutionaries became so extreme because the rest of Europe ganged up on them in order to reinstall the king and extreme measures were needed to defeat them.

By supporting them here, not only can we ensure that they don't go nuts, we can also grab more clay from the monarchists!

This is, again, wrong.

The around 50000 people killed in the nine months of terror were killed before warfare against the republic started.
@Academia Nut Could you tell us about the rough status of the various countries in the coalition?

Tortun and Vortuga seem like they're heavy weights in the coalition, but it looks like both took serious beatings in recent updates.

Tortun and Vortuga are in bad shape, but the Sketch switching over will likely give the Vortuga a massive shot in the arm by easing up hugely on the attacks on their shipping in the Artemian Ocean, allowing them to leverage their colony more than has been possible in the past, while also cutting off the Hespranxer from any of their colonial holdings, which is significant because as Not!France+Spain they have extensive New World holdings. Even if those holdings caused economic trouble by causing run away inflation through the importation of large amounts of gold, they were still quite significant. Of course, while wrecked economically the Hespranxer also have considerable revolutionary zeal in them. Basically while the Syffrynites are pretty sure that with the loss in officer corps from the destruction of Hespranxer nobility they have an advantage in elan, it is a far closer thing, and the Hespranxer may in fact retain the upper hand, and have the motivation to make it a war to the hilt rather than noble squabbles over border territories or colonial holdings.

can we send military observers to learn from the war?

Depends, but probably not until after it is over.
We can support them without going to war against most of Europe.
Except the only other options are fighting against them or staying neutral. There is no option to support them without facing the rest of not!Europe.

And really, if we don't support them, things are just going to go like in OTL, which I thought people didn't want?
Except the only other options are fighting against them or staying neutral. There is no option to support them without facing the rest of not!Europe.

And really, if we don't support them, things are just going to go like in OTL, which I thought people didn't want?

We can't though?

The options are:
Support the Republicans against everyone else
Support no one
Support the monarchists against !notFrance

There is no option for "Support !notFrance in spirit, but don't actually get involved"
What, will we magically not be able to trade and diplomance with them in normal rounds?