[Next][Main] Great Dam
[Next][Secondary] Trade Mission - Forhuch
[Next][Secondary] Influence Subordinate - Greenshore
[Next][Secondary] Palace Annex: Great Hall Expansion
[Next][Secondary] Raise Army
[Next][Secondary] Raise Army x2
[Next][Guild] More Warships
[Next][Guild] Plant Hemp
[Next][Guild Secondary] Expand Snail Cultivation
Econ: -2 (Dam) -2 (Influence) -2 (Grand Hall x1) -3(Army) -3 (Warships) -3 (Hemp) -1 (Snails) = -16,
ugh, but let's hope we are at 17 come next main turn. Else replace RA x2 with econ-cheaper action.
Wealth: -2 (Trade Mission) -2 (Influence) -5 (Army) -5 (Warships)= -14.
Martial: -2 (More Warships) = -2.
Econ: 12 (Balanced Main Expand Econ) = +12, less than this midturn, bad news.
Wealth: +1 (Snails) = +1.
Martial: +5 (Raise Army).
Net: -4 Econ, -13 Wealth, no negatives in either. Result: 13 Econ, 2 Wealth.
Combo: Warships+Hemp+Snails = warships with hemp usage and proud red flags! Nifty little combo.
Concerns addressed:
- even more trade with Forhuch to establish rapport and eventually invite to Games, meanwhie placating them
- keep placating western subordinates
- buildup of army and navy for eventual clusterfuck somewhere
- progress on connectivity via Dam->Canal
- progress on food to capital via Dam
- progress on NOMADS
Not addressed:
- roads
- docks
- temples and theaters for cultural unity