
I think you didn't understand the joke, we are saying about splinting bad people heads open to let the demons out, its simple. Kill the evil people with a blown to the head and they stop doing evil...
Lol what?? Where the fuck do you get demons from? The only demons we know of are the ST who are called demons by the DP, and of our own Gwygo, who's thought of as a demon by the nomads. We call no one and nothing demons, and I'd like a quote stating that we believe in demons as a cause of disease. Evil spirits causing the Blight is not an acceptable quote, imho.
The High Chief immediately ordered all caravans to avoid going near any place that there was any rumour of such sickness, and travellers were subjected to inspection and quarantine if there were even the slightest suspicion of contact with the places where the demons of disease were given freedom to run wild.
Don't question me so readily pls.
Thunder fades
"High Chief Hewthyun, how are you today?" The Chief Shaman asked of his old but unfortunately deteriorating friend.

"Well enough, just reviewing the situation with the Thunder Horse," Hewthyun said contemplatively. For a second his eyes looked distant and the elder shaman thought he might start talking about the situation as it was the better part of twenty years ago before he said, "I've considered the situation and I think that retrieval of their cart and throwing our support behind the heir we give it to should be our top priority."

"Good, good," the Chief Shaman said, glad that Hewthyun was still focused on the present. "I just wanted to sit with you for a time and talk about the rumours that have been circulating of late."

"I'm fine," Hewthyun harrumphed. "Have me perform the rites of competence, anytime, anywhere, and I'll breeze through them."

"I know, I just think that a little spiritual backup might help quell those rumours," the Spirit Chief explained gently to Hewthyun. "A few herbs and charms to fortify the mind and body, reassure those who don't interact with you that everything is okay."

Hewthyun considered this for a time before he sighed and said, "Alright, maybe that's for the best."

"Right, so we'll start with these herbs and berries..."

Thus it was that the High Chief was given a treatment of the finest magic the shamans knew of, and much to the surprise of his subordinates he actually demonstrated both increased physical activity and mental acuity, the frequency and severity of his mental lapses decreasing drastically. Thus it was that the best administrator they'd had in generations still had his wits about him for the coming mess.

The theft of the cart from the youngest son went quite well, with minimal issue, although not without casualties on either side, and the potential heir wasn't eliminated in the process, although the loss of the cart did cause the loss of the vast majority of his legitimacy and the fracture of the people under him. That was about the only success, as the sober, sensible young man the People were backing took the cart and immediately ran off with all of the warriors it had gained him to go talk to the Dead Priests about their claim as to having the star axe.

Turns out that among the Thunder Horse Tribe being sensible and sober means you don't accumulate enough glory in battle to actually be in a particularly strong candidate for succession. Who knew?

Thankfully, after killing his way to their wall the young man demanded to actually see the axe before he would negotiate further. When the Dead Priests remained coy in not actually revealing it, he decided that they were lying and killed his way back out from their city. While this suggested that the Spirit Talkers had it, the fact of the matter was that it could simply be lost, and the Spirit Talkers weren't actually talking. The son the People had supported did decide to burn his way out of the lowlands through the Spirit Talker territory, but he didn't actually press the issue with their core territory, preferring to instead ride back out into the northern plains upon his father's cart, both hands raised in a rude gesture to the entire affair.

Somewhat fortunately for Hewthyun his grand masterstroke of getting the northern nomads to beat up on the Dead Priests ending in a flatulent sputter came after he peacefully and suddenly passed away in his sleep. As it was, the group friendliest to them had returned to the north, albeit greatly diminished, and every active participant had been badly mauled. Another group seemed to have decided to have set up shop permanently among the ruined villages, and apparently one son had decided to blaze off into the east and whatever mysterious lands were there. The most worrying element though was that one of the sons had definitely joined up with the Dead Priests, and while everyone was liable to be licking their wounds for some time, the War Chief figured that within a generation or two the Dead Priests would be able to field war carts in significant numbers, once they had enough horses and the making of the carts figured out.

While the story would echo down through the generations, how the storytellers told it was to be the important part.

Choose an emphasis...
[] Great leaders who shaped the events
[] Intentions blowing back in people's faces
[] Fantastical treasures that disappeared into mystery

On a more immediate note, the situation in the lowlands had generated another batch of people looking for new homes, some from the conflicts of the Western Confederacy chiefs slamming their heads into each other to figure out who was in charge, and some from the shattered remnants of the Thunder Horse still in the region who realized that they were now surrounded by hostile forces, the only groups strong enough to punch their way past the Spirit Talkers or the Dead Priests had already left or joined up, and raiding wasn't that fun.

Choose the number of refugees...
[] A few from each (Small chance of stability hit due to cultural conflicts)
[] Significant numbers from the Western Confederacy (Stability hit, Econ increase)
[] Significant numbers from the Thunder Horse (Stability hit, Econ increase)
[] As many as you can (Large stability hit, massive increase)

Black Soil - Production is now regular and huge amounts of trash are turned to black soil every year, but there's always room for more production [Shapers] [King]
Build Wall - Long experience with retaining walls has lead to the idea of a settlement wall for protection (Coastal village and northern settlements completed)
Build War Carts - This design has completely supplanted use of the older war wagons, but more of them could be useful on flat lands. Further work might also work out how to make the improved version used by Wendtikwos
Establish Annual Festival - A yearly harvest festival brings entertainment and stability by reminding people of the good things in life, and there are other important times that can be marked in the year, so can the same success be repeated?
Expand Farms - There is territory around the new village that can be resculpted to have farms
Expand Fishing - The places that can be safely fished have been tapped out. Taking this action will not increase Econ unless there is a technological breakthrough (possibility each time this option selected) or if there is a new coastal village built to expand the safe region boats can travel
Expand Forests - The People have knowledge of how to regrow and repair forests, which extends to bringing them to places they have never been, with considerable effort
Expand Pasture - Some forest could be cleared near the new settlement to pasture livestock
Expand Places to Spirits - The current places dedicated to the spirits and wisdom are nice, but they could be bigger and grander, especially after seeing the Spirit Talkers...
Expand Snail Cultivation - While now more reliably grown and harvested, the snail domestication has only managed to hold environmental changes at bay rather than increase production. More investment would increase cultivation
Expand Warriors - More men can be inducted into the ranks of the warriors every year and not face major food shortfalls
More Blackbirds - Elite scouts and woodsmen, the Blackbirds are a potent force, if not exactly mainline fighters. More of them could prove useful
New Settlement - There are a few new sites that could have new settlements placed on them: a new settlement along the coast, just past the cataract that divides the valley from the lowlands, blue stone quarry
New Trails - The People are well tied together, but improved trails to the groups that are traded without could ease the flow of goods and ideas
Restoration of Harmony - The people are uncertain, and into that uncertainty bad behaviour can flow. Send in the warriors to reassure people and root out corruption and dissent, restoring the proper function of the People. [Harmony+Sacred War] Kicker: Can increase Stability more than normal
Sacred Warriors - The Blackbirds have proven effective scouts, spies, and killers, but are there other ways to combine the knowledge of spirits with the skills of a warrior?
Study Forests - The holy site within the sacred forest is the repository of lore on the forests and the things within them, but could the shamans learn more?
Study Health - High Chief Hewthyun responded quite well to the methods the shamans applied, perhaps more widespread application of these methods might have additional benefits?
Survey Lands - Foreigners have discovered strange materials within their lands, are these materials perhaps also found within the lands of the People?
Trade Mission - Sending a major caravan to another large group can bring new opportunities and find out more about the outside world
War Mission - You can send raiding parties against groups that have declared themselves hostile.

Mega-Projects - Mega-Projects can require many generations to complete, take an unknown amount of time to do so, and drain Econ while active, but can produce massive benefits once complete. Once chosen, the occupy the Main Focus slot until either completed or stopped early. Early stopping once started does not refund any of the investments and increases social strife. To reduce confusion, mega-projects are not listed as part of the voting project list and must be "written-in".
Grand Canal - The hills between the valley and the sea are rough and the rivers there fast and wild. In one man's dream there is the vision of an artificial river cut through the land, tame and managed [Shapers][King]
Great Dam - The river can run wild and dangerous when the rains come strong, but could it not be controlled by the same principles by which the water on the hills is channelled and contained, merely on a larger scale? [Shapers][King]
Currently actively constructing the Great Canal megaproject, occupying the [Main] action slot, leaving two [Secondary] actions. Advances in administrative skill now allow for more effective focus, and Main actions can be doubled up on while leaving room for a single Secondary action. Adding a x2 modifier to a Main action (such as [][Main] Great Canal x2) will have it applied at Main strength twice while still allowing a single Secondary action to take place. Grand Canal completes in ~2-3 turns

[] Black Soil
[] Build Wall
[] Build War Carts
[] Establish Annual Festival
[] Expand Fishing
[] Expand Farms
[] Expand Forests
[] Expand Places to Spirits
[] Expand Pasture
[] Expand Snail Cultivation
[] Expand Warriors
[] More Blackbirds
[] New Settlement
[] New Trails
[] Restoration of Harmony
[] Sacred Warriors
[] Study Forests
[] Study Health
[] Survey Lands
[] Trade Mission
-Target Options: Spirit Talkers, Western Confederation, Northern Nomads, Thunder Horses, Into the Wild, Into the Wild (Metal Miners)
[] War Mission
-Target Options: Dead Priests, Northern Nomads

Villages for projects: Valley (Valleyhome), lower valley (Lower Valleyhome), coastal (Redshore), northern hills (Stonepen), waterfall (Mistyhome), river confluence (Mistysnake)
Holy sites: Waterfall (Rainbow Trail), Sacred Forest, northern hills (Horse Valley)

I think you didn't understand the joke, we are saying about splinting bad people heads open to let the demons out, its simple. Kill the evil people with a blown to the head and they stop doing evil...
I understood that it was a joke perfectly well. However, the complete nonexistence of a connection either naturally or in the flow of the discussion between trepanning and hitting people over the head makes thinking of that explanation for the joke difficult.


Don't question me so readily pls.
Sorry, but I'm 100% going to question you.
Well I've missed stuff. *Didn't bother to get involved in that actually.*

Most important question I can think of.
@Academia Nut How much living space do we have available for taking in refugees?

Edit: Wait, also why is hierarchy yellow?
[X] Intentions blowing back in people's faces

Best to learn from best intentions, may not the best outcome arrive.

[X] As many as you can (Large stability hit, massive increase)

Lol here we go again

[X] [Main] Great Canal x2
[X] [Secondary] Establish Annual Festival

There's a good chance that we can finish the Great Canal this turn if we double down on it. Finishing it will give us Stability and Econ. Combined with the influx of immigrants and another Festival, we could be swimming in Econ and Stability.
Sorry, but I'm 100% going to question you.
That is fine, but don't be so incredulous of what I say. Merely ask for citation.
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The most worrying element though was that one of the sons had definitely joined up with the Dead Priests, and while everyone was liable to be licking their wounds for some time, the War Chief figured that within a generation or two the Dead Priests would be able to field war carts in significant numbers, once they had enough horses and the making of the carts figured out.
Son of a bitch. :facepalm:
[X] Intentions blowing back in people's faces

Best to learn from best intentions, may not the best outcome arrive.

[X] As many as you can (Large stability hit, massive increase)

Lol here we go again

[X] [Secondary] Build Wall - Lower ValleyHome
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Blue Stone Quarry

Since we're having another influx better to build another settlement. Also build Wall in preparation.

That is fine, but don't be so incredulous of what I say. Merely add for citation.
Okay, we're at... Stability 0. If you're going to do this take a stability boosting action.
[X] Intentions blowing back in people's faces

Best to learn from best intentions, may not the best outcome arrive.

[X] As many as you can (Large stability hit, massive increase)

Lol here we go again

[X] [Secondary] Build Wall - Lower ValleyHome
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Blue Stone Quarry

Since we're having another influx better to build another settlement. Also build Wall in preparation.

That is fine, but don't be so incredulous of what I say. Merely add for citation.

We're at stability 0. You want us to go to -2 stability while we're building the canal?

"A few herbs and charms to fortify the mind and body
So we understand herbs.
Thus it was that the High Chief was given a treatment of the finest magic the shamans knew of, and much to the surprise of his subordinates he actually demonstrated both increased physical activity and mental acuity, the frequency and severity of his mental lapses decreasing drastically.
Choose an emphasis...
[] Great leaders who shaped the events
[] Intentions blowing back in people's faces
[] Fantastical treasures that disappeared into mystery
Great leaders is probably going to continue emphasizing heroes, and is maybe inspirational. Intentions blowing back in people's faces is a precautionary tale. Fantastical treasures that disappeared into mystery will inspire us to travel and go find more treasures, the downside is that it emphasizes materialistic goods.
[] A few from each (Small chance of stability hit due to cultural conflicts)
[] Significant numbers from the Western Confederacy (Stability hit, Econ increase)
[] Significant numbers from the Thunder Horse (Stability hit, Econ increase)
[] As many as you can (Large stability hit, massive increase)

How much of a stability hit do you want to take? We're taking in people which means that we can/should do another settlement.

I support:
[] Intentions blowing back in people's faces
[] I don't have an opinion on the stability/immigrant thing.
[][Secondary] New Settlement - Coast
[][Secondary] Study Health
Intentions lets everyone believe in themselves w/o needing to be famous and increases our caution as a society.
Coastal settlement to provide homes for the immigrants, and to make Expand Fishing provide econ even as it provides a chance for new boats.
Study Health cus it's the latest shiny... though I'm equally willing to do Study Forest because it will provide more herbs that Study Health might use.

Also, @Sivantic sorry if I was salty/aggressive.
I would like to advocate more warriors, blackbirds, and war carts and building walls in preparation of the next dead priest attack
[X] Intentions blowing back in people's faces
[X] Significant numbers from the Thunder Horse (Stability hit, Econ increase)

[X] Establish Annual Festival
[X] [Secondary] Build Wall - Lower ValleyHome

Gets our econ up, denies Dead Priests their slaves, helps mitigate the price in stability with the annual festival, and prepares for the shitstorm of Dead Priests with war carts by building the Wall.
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