We could really use a trade related value, actually. Sure we're dominating several trades by dint of our resources, but our society isn't really well adapted to it. That means we're likely missing out on a ton of wealth and diplomatic contacts. Frankly, in terms of social values, trade is simply underdeveloped in Ymarrin society, and hence we need to develop that aspect.
Eh, you convinced me. We're a heavy trading nation without social support for it. Bad plan.

[X] [Pox] Yes (Khemetri gain knowledge of how to do the Sacred Warding, the People gain Predictive Astrology)
[X] [Iron] Open up the market for the metal
[X] [Iron] Allow finished goods to be traded
[X] [PiA] Trelli (Probably trade related)
[X] [PDN] Majorly push forward forests (Main Expand Forests, -2 Centralization)
[X] [React] Reorganize army and hunt deserters (Found Mercenary Company + Sailing Mission (anti-pirate))
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I think this might be an antislavery CB.

The road to constantinople may be openning for us....
That'd be nice. Means we can go thwack the Trelli for their chattel slavery and the disgust in a small corner of my dead heart can be expressed.

That shit is memetic badness yo.
I think this might be an antislavery CB.

The road to constantinople may be openning for us....
I'm thinking that it might be a cb on any nation that we took refugees from, considering that we now see outsider as people in need of assistance, we might be able for forcefully "assist" nations after we take in a certain amount of refugees.
[X] [Pox] Yes (Khemetri gain knowledge of how to do the Sacred Warding, the People gain Predictive Astrology)
[X] [Iron] Allow finished goods to be traded
[X] [PiA] Highlanders (Probably In Service to Order)
[X] [PDN] Majorly push forward forests (Main Expand Forests, -2 Centralization)
[X] [React] Reorganize army and hunt deserters (Found Mercenary Company + Sailing Mission (anti-pirate))
That'd be nice. Means we can go thwack the Trelli for their chattel slavery and the disgust in a small corner of my dead heart can be expressed.

That shit is memetic badness yo.

It just might put us into a very dangerous position, like seeing evil everywhere; without and within. I'm up for it if you are. :V
Question for the thread-why so many going for Trelli values? I know that we have a hilarious number of dominant goods, but we quite frankly don't NEED a trade value to enhance them given that we already have a lot of support for trade. Why not what sounds like a cheap stability generator in the HK's trait?
Reminder that the last Trade Value we got had a "Maintain Dominance, lose Stability or enter a Trade War".

The Trade Value is bad long term, because as transport technology improves and we expand we might well be forced into a trade war with the Khemetri over Iron dominance. They have the facilities to catch up quickly.

Pure speed. With a high amount of stability. And they can scale up quite large. But not as big as pure size.
Ironically not true. Catamarans and Trimarans could be built quite a bit larger than single hulls due to spreading out the strain. The ancient superhuge vanity ships were catamarans.

Size was really good for raw cargo capacity.

Because i'm suspicious of HK's order trait, it sounds like it's being order above all else. The King's order, not natural order. And i view Trelli's trade trait to be a good choice for making our people more interested in the outside world, don't want to play a closed China or closed Japan.

Remember again, social values are reinterpreted based on your specific culture. In Service to Order under Divine Stewards, Symphony and Greater Justice means different things from In Service to Order under Divine Right of Kings.

Finished goods discourage local blacksmiths in foreign powers who trade their iron for us from developing forging techniques for finished iron products. Refining the ore is also discouraged unless demand spikes higher than we can meet.
Also the fun part is that Ymaryn iron goods are of significant quality gap, so melting them down to make shittier versions is going to face significant pushback.
That was about the regular Games, not the International Games, so it would have just been us anyway--that was our people talking about how things had been going, not about what would be happening.

But they would not consider bringing up a competition which the Khemetri could not possibly compete in to be polite?

Where do you get that its about to become a city?

A few things:
-It's the natural trade nexus for the North, occupying the same role as Redshore.
-It's the location offered for Governor's Palace, and a future Place to the Stars.
-When people talk about coastal settlements of the Ymaryn, they only mention Blackmouth and Redshore.

It's on it's way there by virtue of strategic position.
Wait, we did? I was under the impression we unlocked Sacred Forest similar to how we unlocked Greater Sacred Forest, in response to climate/environmental disaster; the Blight showed up, and unlocked the megaproject to stop it.

We only noticed the Blight once we Managed every single forest near our settlements though? Based on the text, the reason we could identify the blight as a bigger problem was our experience and extent of forestry.

No it's not? We even have finishing it right now as a choice. Judging from integration, each province adds 2 needed trails coverage. We're at 8/16 now, with the most recent trails. We're at 3/4 progress towards a province. So secondary settlement + secondary trails solves both.

How are settlements not good? It gets us another province, and then we're just one integration away from another guild action each turn. ...Unless those round up like province actions, in which case we'd get it immediately...
Because I derped in remembering the number of settlements and roads x.x
It wouldn't be a "new" trade good though, since we're already at leading, i think?
Maybe? Either way, starting to export iron would probably fix that fast.
[X] [Pox] Yes (Khemetri gain knowledge of how to do the Sacred Warding, the People gain Predictive Astrology)
[X] [Iron] Allow finished goods to be traded
[X] [PiA] Highlanders (Probably In Service to Order)
[X] [PiA] Trelli (Probably trade related)
[X] [PDN] Majorly push forward forests (Main Expand Forests, -2 Centralization)
[X] [React] Reorganize army and hunt deserters (Found Mercenary Company + Sailing Mission (anti-pirate))
I think we should definitely do the enforce justice action.

First of all, as others have stated, this is what we elected our king for. Parts of our society are starting to rot from the inside - we need to clean it our, and a Heroic King is the best time to do so.

Second, we will be getting back Stability that we can absolutely use. If we get 2 stability (which seems likely given the Heroic King), it puts us one point away from a Golden Age - and arguably a quadruple (Mysticism + Culture + Econ + Martial) Golden Age at that. What wonders we could make... .But even aside from that, we KNOW that low stability contributes to shit like the pirates and unrest and easy disruption and so on. We've been assuming that the Highlanders are responsible for sowing chaos in our lands; if so, I can only expect them to ramp it up as a last ditch effort once we invade. I'd REALLY prefer to have some buffer just in case.

Third, we get Centralization, which for ones is a good thing. After maining forests, we will be at 2 Cent - and that is really low for us. Not only does that mean -1 Disaster Protection, but it leaves us unable to integrate provinces or use our new Personal Stewards. We aren't going to have time to Main Trails or the like next turn, so by midturn that would leave us without the ability to take our Personal Stewards responses. Since we've had options of spending up to 4 Cent at a time, being as low as we are leaves me distinctly uncomfortable.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Killer_Whale on Aug 3, 2017 at 11:38 PM, finished with 138 posts and 49 votes.
As a member of the Ymaryn Democratic Socialist Party I urge all members of the Thread to vote against Patrician interests whenever possible. Remember, the Nobility wants to restrict social mobility and is one of the most actively detrimental demographics of our society. An example of this is the pirates which came from the Noble classes.

We must do everything we can to strip them of power and influence.
...Is this a thing? People RP'ing in this thread?
I think we should definitely do the enforce justice action.

First of all, as others have stated, this is what we elected our king for. Parts of our society are starting to rot from the inside - we need to clean it our, and a Heroic King is the best time to do so.

Second, we will be getting back Stability that we can absolutely use. If we get 2 stability (which seems likely given the Heroic King), it puts us one point away from a Golden Age - and arguably a quadruple (Mysticism + Culture + Econ + Martial) Golden Age at that. What wonders we could make... .But even aside from that, we KNOW that low stability contributes to shit like the pirates and unrest and easy disruption and so on. We've been assuming that the Highlanders are responsible for sowing chaos in our lands; if so, I can only expect them to ramp it up as a last ditch effort once we invade. I'd REALLY prefer to have some buffer just in case.

Third, we get Centralization, which for ones is a good thing. After maining forests, we will be at 2 Cent - and that is really low for us. Not only does that mean -1 Disaster Protection, but it leaves us unable to integrate provinces or use our new Personal Stewards. We aren't going to have time to Main Trails or the like next turn, so by midturn that would leave us without the ability to take our Personal Stewards responses. Since we've had options of spending up to 4 Cent at a time, being as low as we are leaves me distinctly uncomfortable.
Isn't he the heir currently? Better to just let him do it when he takes over the turn along with a restore order.
This is just an idea, but we have a Martial value that reduces losses from war, I wonder if there's a Trade value that reduces stability loss from trade disruptions.
...Is this a thing? People RP'ing in this thread?

Current Political Parties:

Big Four:
The Flock.
Neo-Feudalism. (Maximillian)

The Ymaryn Democratic Socialists.
Democratic Socialism. (Concho117)

The Goblet.
Centrist. (BungieONI)

The Gloved Gauntlet.
Pragmatism. (Umi-san)

The Oportunistick Monarchists.
Monarchist. (TheDanishLord)

The Ymaryn Traditional Idealists Party.
Traditionalist. (Andres110)

The Main Party.
Internal Reformist. (bluefur87)

The Bungie Party.
Centrist. (BungieONI)

The Abnormal Party.
Anarchist. (Abby Normal)
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Because of their invitation to the Games, the Khemetri know of the Sacred Warding. Share the knowledge with them?
[X] [Pox] Yes (Khemetri gain knowledge of how to do the Sacred Warding, the People gain Predictive Astrology)
[] [Iron] Allow finished goods to be traded
5 bucks says there's a sudden demand for very thick iron tables.
I'm thinking that it might be a cb on any nation that we took refugees from, considering that we now see outsider as people in need of assistance, we might be able for forcefully "assist" nations after we take in a certain amount of refugees.
I think this might be an antislavery CB.

The road to constantinople may be opening for us....
That'd be nice. Means we can go thwack the Trelli for their chattel slavery and the disgust in a small corner of my dead heart can be expressed.

That shit is memetic badness yo.
Given the fluff in the update about the People being influenced by the Metal Workers and Swamp Folk in the Games to intercede in their wars:
"At that Hertythyn grunted in dissatisfaction. That was probably going to cause issues in the future. Nothing quite like having attractive youths coming over to talk with your elites about sob stories from home to whip up sentiment to do something. Hopefully it wouldn't be his problem though. Wars were a stupid way to sort things out. They just made messes that poor clerks had to go and clean up afterwards."
I think it might be CBs to defend/help participants of the Games...and/or maybe a temporary one after taking in (war specifically?) refugees on the nation that caused those refugees (again, maybe only for war losses), since either way we've got foreigners coming in with stories of woe of terrible wars (or maybe only defensive wars).

...Though that does make me wonder why the Swamp Folk haven't asked to hire the Red Banner company... iirc with the Metal Workers it would've led to the Storm Wolves attacking us as well due to not caring about the difference between us and our mercs, but surely the swamp folk know of their skill? @Academia Nut ?

If we get 2 stability (which seems likely given the Heroic King), it puts us one point away from a Golden Age - and arguably a quadruple (Mysticism + Culture + Econ + Martial) Golden Age at that.
Wait, how does it leave us one point from a Golden age? We already have 2 maxed scores? ...Though i can't remember how immediate the golden age is...
Edit: Ignore me, i checked an out of date civ sheet diffchcker and thought we had 1 stab.
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First of all, as others have stated, this is what we elected our king for. Parts of our society are starting to rot from the inside - we need to clean it our, and a Heroic King is the best time to do so.

Exactly this. The pirates are a symptom of a problem, so why are we addressing that instead? We can take the wealth hits for a bit. Yes, there is the chance they can cause a ruckus with the foreign powers that come via sea, but corruption within our society is just as capable of causing issues, and that's before you factor in the chance that this is in fact a Highlander plot. Causing a diplomatic incident and letting this come crashing down on us is in their best interest.
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I'm thinking that it might be a cb on any nation that we took refugees from, considering that we now see outsider as people in need of assistance, we might be able for forcefully "assist" nations after we take in a certain amount of refugees.
So we can now freedomize countries?

"Ymarrin! Fuck yeah!"


Question for the thread-why so many going for Trelli values? I know that we have a hilarious number of dominant goods, but we quite frankly don't NEED a trade value to enhance them given that we already have a lot of support for trade. Why not what sounds like a cheap stability generator in the HK's trait?

1) Honour values stink, and a spiritual value from a religion with a god king stinks. That only leaves Trelli and HK to start with.
2) As has been discussed, there might be trouble with HK's value as well. What we want is Justice and Symphony, rather than order. "Order" may mean simply what causes the least trouble/ruckus at the moment, or what deals with "uppity" people.
3) And we are really socially under-developed when it comes to trade. This is a bad thing. We should want to encourage trade in order to gain more wealth and resources for us.

Reminder that the last Trade Value we got had a "Maintain Dominance, lose Stability or enter a Trade War".
OTOH, so far Trelli didn't engage in a war with us, even when they had a really great chance to do so, so Trelli trade values may be more peaceful.