I don't know, the North front is far enough away that in theory they could have been having issues in the African Core and the deep south.

But you are probably right.

I think you are looking for this? [] Offer tribute (-5 Prestige, -10 Wealth, keeps King of the Hill, chance of +1 Stability)

There is no accept option sadly.

I already edited it.

And these are the terms the Khem are demanding of us, right? We can either accept their superiority over us (lol, no), give them a tribute or keep fighting.
Unfortunately for your Dwarfish Doom Lever desires, no, that kinda thing does weird stuff to the land as it drains. Rivers shift course, hollows may not drain right, certain crops may find it difficult to grow in the after math as the soil balance is changed.

Not catastrophic mind. But something against DS.
Guess forest planting and more fortifications would be our best bet then.
The TH won't go away and we will have to defend the area from them literally forever.

And my plan didn't involve magma, so it ain't a proper Doomlever. :p
I think we should either to Trade policy or send a Trade Mission to the Khemetri. We stand to profit greatly from direct trade with them and reduce/delay another war between us. It will also greatly disrupt Trelli trade as their two biggest customers are no longer using them as a middleman.
if we can set up a trade post, I would prefer that above all. It would provide more info about that region and provide a relationship over the long term. And also would make us 2/3 to the TP legacy, assuming no one else has grabbed it alrdy.

Otherwise, probably the Trade policy. I'd rather not have offensive be making more martial.
So appeasement is the correct route? We were attacked because we were powerful and big, and these dudes did not seem to appreciate that there was someone who was powerful that was not under their thumb. They won't be done with us, they'll come back and attack us again. Maybe it WILL be in 100 years, but at that point we will lose just as much if not more lives than if we continued it right now. Teach them a lesson, show them that we bow to no master and they'll learn. Like the Nomads did, to some extent.
Look, the point here is that while we will indeed likely be in a war come 100+ years if we don't finish things now, we aren't in the best position to actually finish things here!

We have GM-confirmation that the Trelli are going to hedge their bets and feed the underdog because they want both of their major trading partners to survive. We have Nomad Waaghs slamming into each other to decide who gets to WAAGGHH the hardest and on which direction.
Well I'd view the above thing I described as a negative, but YMMV.
A change in crops, hollows not draining properly, rivers (aka canals) being altered, etc. are not negative. They're just different.

Negative is when you poison rivers w/ metal, have the water flow start undercutting soil, etc.

Edit: Well, hollows not draining properly is potentially negative. It depends. Bioswells are somewhat useful.
if we can set up a trade post, I would prefer that above all. It would provide more info about that region and provide a relationship over the long term. And also would make us 2/3 to the TP legacy, assuming no one else has grabbed it alrdy.

Otherwise, probably the Trade policy. I'd rather not have offensive be making more martial.
I personally prefer the Trade policy. It lets us do this:
Main New Trails
Secondary Proclaim Glory/Improve Annual Festival

It builds needed roads and either gets us to max Stability or gets us closer to it.
I feel like its prudent to point out that the genie is out of the bottle when it comes to iron. In 100 years or so the Khem will likely have it and will be able to better afford to go to war with us, our material advantage will disappear.

If the Khemetri are anything like Egypt, they will have tremendous trouble getting the fuel to forge all that iron.

Btw, casualities in percentage are probably lower. We have had population explosion for a while after the Census, which should have increased the population quite a big.
Nomads Can't be permanently broken, and the other Nations aren't great powers.
Besides we can't start a war without a CB of our own. Or I would have been advocating for more preemptive actions against the TH, SF, and the Highlanders.

And we should have kept fighting The Thunder Horse but had a harder opponent we needed to focus on first.

Look, it is fine if you consider Tribute an Acceptable option, But I am Especially peeved that choosing to keep fighting and actually have Gains instead of losses is considered mere "dick-waving" when your peace at all costs are just as much Virtue-Signalling.
It sounds like you're giving excuses now.
We will probably have a treachery CB on the Thunder Horse, just like we do on the Highlanders.
It would be hypocritical of you to vote for war with one, but not the other, because not doing so would make the sacrifices of our soldiers "pointless and insulting", to use your words.

We are also not making any gains, and the Khemetri currently still have us stalled out in Gulvalley.
This is also not a "peace at all costs" since that would be accepting Khemetri superiority and losing KotH. This is lasting peace at the cost of easily gained wealth, which has the added effect of the new God King respecting us and telling his subjects about our strength.

Tl;dr : this war is pointless, it's hypocritical to want to continue this war but not others, and wanting peace is not "virtue signalling"

Does that make sense to you?
In 100 years we'll have heavily fortified the border, instead of having to defend recently-built settlements.
We have the bonus from DS, the material advantage, have committed 2 Stability towards pushing them out and have arguably the greatest military genius to be born so far defending us. The idea that throwing up a few walls will somehow make us more secure then we are now is ridiculous.
A change in crops, hollows not draining properly, rivers (aka canals) being altered, etc. are not negative. They're just different.

Negative is when you poison rivers w/ metal, have the water flow start undercutting soil, etc.
The thing I have in mind here is that our people know that hollows not draining properly and the like can lead to disease so I figure they may not like it.

But ehh, I don't feel like getting into it. Not very relevant/interesting to me. You okay with letting it go?
I personally prefer the Trade policy. It lets us do this:
Main New Trails
Secondary Proclaim Glory/Improve Annual Festival

It builds needed roads and either gets us to max Stability or gets us closer to it.
It lets us build needed roads and get ourselves to max stab or closer.

We can do these actions regardless. though.

@BungieONI Sure
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Good point. Either of Support Artisans or Art Patronage may benefit from such a "stealth bonus".

Remember our Wealth lower bound. Wealth 4 is apparently where the Guilds get antsy.

But as we need to take support actions anyway in the main turn, we can plant poppies to get yet another trade good and use Art Patronage to get pottery up to produce yet another wealth drip.
[X] The war will continue (War continues, have mid-turn actions before next War Mission rolls topotentially regenerate forces)

Let the blood flow and the earth will have it's fill, the gods needs brave men and women to staff the divine realms.

Ymaryn "The People"

Civilization Stats

Diplomacy 16 [+1]
Economy 12 [-2+12] {11}
-Sustainable Forests 10/11
-Econ Expansion 10 [+2-12]
Martial 3 (+7) {7}
Wealth 14 [+5-3]

Culture 6
Mysticism 13 (+1) [+1]
Tech 4
Prestige 69

Stability 1 (hopeful)
Legitimacy 3 (max)

Centralization 3
Hierarchy 7
Religious Authority 4
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Look, the point here is that while we will indeed likely be in a war come 100+ years if we don't finish things now, we aren't in the best position to actually finish things here!

We have GM-confirmation that the Trelli are going to hedge their bets and feed the underdog because they want both of their major trading partners to survive. We have Nomad Waaghs slamming into each other to decide who gets to WAAGGHH the hardest and on which direction.

in 100 years they'll have iron, and suddenly a good portion of our military advantage goes straight down the drain. Every turn they face us they lose stability, and we have reserves. We have the advantage now and while it may seem nice to wait until their good military leaders or dead, or until we're better prepared we've learned how that fairs. Our enemies ALWAYS seem to have incredible generals and the time it takes us to prepare our borders, they could just as easily prepare attacking said borders.
Look, if we accept peace the prince is going to overthrow his father. If strengthen ties after that with a trade mission (...or a marriage)!than we don't have to be overly hostile with the new regime.

This is a chance.