[Main] Grand Palace
[secondary] New Trails
[Secondary] Build Docks

this is at the moment the winning vote i don't like it i want one of

[Main] Grand Palace
[secondary] New Trails
[secondary] New Trails x2


[Main] Grand Palace
[Secondary] Build Docks
[Secondary] Build Docks x2

to win
What about Place to the Stars?

That may give us that sweet mathematics before we start on The Law, which should head off some problems.

It should also allow for deep sea navigation, further boosting our navy as we can cross open water somewhat reliably.

Although Grand Docks would work rather well, too. Blackriver is a pretty amazing location for it given that it would be well positioned to receive lumber from the Northern Trading post once we build it. It also gives the northern provinces something other than warfare to be proud of. The trade it attracts would also reduce cultural drift.
Place to the Stars might be better off once we actually get around to inventing clear glass.

Not sure about the Grand Docks however, it's well placed to produce ships, but rather poorly placed as a transport hub. Besides, Star Mirror is one of the better observatory sites, so it'd already be hosting a Place to the Stars, which would not function quite so optimally if it was near a major shipping hub.
[Main] Grand Palace
[secondary] New Trails
[Secondary] Build Docks

this is at the moment the winning vote i don't like it i want one of

[Main] Grand Palace
[secondary] New Trails
[secondary] New Trails x2


[Main] Grand Palace
[Secondary] Build Docks
[Secondary] Build Docks x2

to win
Then vote this way

[Main] Grand Palace
[Secondary] New Trails x2
[Secondary] Build Docks x2

That way you ensure that only the doubles win.
Place to the Stars might be better off once we actually get around to inventing clear glass.

Perfect is the enemy of the good.

The main purpose of Place to the Stars is to get the entire discipline off the ground. It creates a demand and use for clear glass and optics.

And as said, mathematics are the main prize here.

Those mathematics would help with the Law and potentially make some of the hard choices that undoubtedly come up easier because we would already have the tools we need.

Not sure about the Grand Docks however, it's well placed to produce ships, but rather poorly placed as a transport hub. Besides, Star Mirror is one of the better observatory sites, so it'd already be hosting a Place to the Stars, which would not function quite so optimally if it was near a major shipping hub.

Dunno. Proximity to a shipping hub would promote the idea of navigating by the stars.

It also allows the shamans to travel around a lot and observe the stars from other points and notice how you can use it to navigate.

Transport hub is an issue, true. But the area makes for a great factory, which should be the main purpose.

If we set up the Games in the north (because thats where it's the most useful) we create the demand for shipping anyway.
[X] [Main] Grand Palace
[X] [Main] Grand Palace x2
[X] [Secondary] Change Greenshore Trading Post to a Colony

I've gone with double Grand Palace as it enables us to actually complete the palace, and includes additional annexes in the Gardens and Great Hall Expansion, which were noted to have synergy with each other and be especially grand. They're also narratively one of the harden ones to later construct given it's increasing the size of central facilities, rather than just building an attachment on the outside. This is largely possible due to us getting luck and getting additional progress, so we should take advantage of it where we can.

The secondary resulting from that, I heavily feel should be put towards changing Greenshore into a Colony. The benefits of doing so are:
  1. It costs no economy, so will still allow our provinces to take triple mega project actions.
  2. The area of Greenshore Academia Nut has noted to be incredibly fertile, it's right next to a river increasing it's value even further, and we know that there are extensive resource deposits nearby for additional benefits.
  3. The societies that could contest the valuable site are also currently in turmoil, and with the weather changes reverting that may no longer last and they may start to reunify. We should take the opportunity ASAP to lock it down.
  4. It took the aqueduct a couple turns ago. This means that it has the potential to grow into a True City, however a Trade Post true city seems like it would cause a good deal of problems. Thus turning it into a colony should help us, and enable them to actually feed the City should it occur.
  5. It provides another avenue from which to expand along the Black Sea, greatly helping the aspiration of taking all the shore lines. Also in relation to the last update, it should further aid the safety of our Western Trelli trade post as we'd have a centre of population much closer to it.
  6. It gives us a colony legacy for getting 3 of them. Arguably it may be better to get the Far Northern Trade Post first to get that legacy first then afterwards swap Greenshore to a colony, but there was a great deal of reluctance to get it last turn, and there's been mention of integrating the Stallions/Mercenary Company shenanigans/double Wonders .. which makes me think that the northern trade post just isn't likely to happen any time soon. Thus the issues mentioned above with the True City, and the colony being able to help the other Trade Post are more important.
Dunno. Proximity to a shipping hub would promote the idea of navigating by the stars.

It also allows the shamans to travel around a lot and observe the stars from other points and notice how you can use it to navigate.

Transport hub is an issue, true. But the area makes for a great factory, which should be the main purpose.
I don't think you quite understand. Star Mirror is an amazing site because of the pure water drawing from underground rivers and empty skies.

Putting grand docks there would destroy both over time, as, even with all our care with trash disposal, it can't be helped that scavenger birds are attracted to a major fishing depot, or the chaff from major woodworking clouds the waters over time
Considering that northern pines can be cultivated in our climate just fine, I'd personally put it in Redshore(primary trade nexus and increasing accessibility of our center of government) or Hatriver(increase dock capacity to handle any amount of mineral extraction. Both these sites have major forests near them to supply wood as well.

That and the problem that it'd be quite difficult to supply wood to it, since pretty much all the wood would have to be shipped downriver from the trade post(which is a very long distance away and thus not a very secure channel). Black River is very lightly forestd.
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A well-thought-out post, however,
They're also narratively one of the harden ones to later construct given it's increasing the size of central facilities, rather than just building an attachment on the outside.
happily doesn't apply because the close vote meant that space was set aside for them already.

Also, the extra Palace action will leave insufficient resources for the provinces to do 3 actions, I believe, so you get just as much out of them by using a single main Palace.

The secondary resulting from that, I heavily feel should be put towards changing Greenshore into a Colony. The benefits of doing so are:
A good argument. What I think you're perhaps overlooking is the saltern boost. We would lose 1 Wealth per turn if we lost a trading post; two salterns with one post means 1.5 income, which rounds down to 1.

Once we expand a saltern, bringing us to 2.5 income, I'd be happy to convert the post and drop back to 2.
I wonder if there is a send missionaries option we can develop and if so what is needed to unlock said action more temples maybe hmm. Also if we lose WP which civ should we get a trait from next our options are the HK, the TS and the Trelli none of them seem to have any good traits we can acquire.
none of them seem to have any good traits we can acquire.
Um... Weren't you just wishing for a proselyting option? Religious development, in other words? Try the Thunder Speakers.
Adhoc vote count started by ThrawnCA on Jul 16, 2017 at 5:38 AM, finished with 563 posts and 90 votes.
Then vote this way

[Main] Grand Palace
[Secondary] New Trails x2
[Secondary] Build Docks x2

That way you ensure that only the doubles win.
This is a good point. @veekie, can you help out?

Something for us to keep in mind in the future: to avoid vote mixes, we should try to use the double secondary for actions that either can't be split, like megaprojects, or you don't really mind being split, like Expand Econ. Secondary trails just isn't efficient.

ETA Ironically, secondary Docks is not so bad. If there's a real risk of split, safer to favor Docks.

ETA 2 Wow, what a mess. Trails is narrowly winning, but because several people voted for just a secondary trails, Docks x2 actually has a significant edge over trails x2.

I think it's best to do Docks for now, then double main trails later.
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[X][Main] Grand Palace
[X][Secondary]Build Docks
[X][Secondary] Found Mercenary Company
[][Main] Build Docks
[][Main] Build Docks x2
[][Secondary] Build Docks
[][Secondary] Build Docks x2

Okay, so my line of thought is: our provinces will do ~2-3 MP actions and will finish it within next two turns.
If it takes 3 actions, they'll finish it now on their own and there is no point spending an action there (unless we have confirmation that extra actions will go towards Greater Hall and Garden).
If it takes 4 actions, then our Main GP will make a difference just enough to build it.
If it takes 5 actions, then it will probably make a difference, depending on how Symphony works.
All in all, I started this as an argument for All The Docks but by the end realized that Main Palace would guarantee that it finishes this turn and the situation in which it is not needed is not that probable. :V
However, Double Main Palace is overkill with no point.
So, revised vote:
[][Main] Grand Palace
[][Secondary] Build Docks
[][Secondary] Build Docks x2

Oh, and here:
If you devote more actions than necessary you will also complete the Garden and Great Hall Expansion.
So if we dump 7 actions worth into Palace, we can get both expansions online right now. 3(?) provincial + 1 Main + 1(?) Symphony = 5 actions....ooo-fucking-kay, I want my Garden:

[X][Main] Grand Palace
[X][Main] Grand Palace x2
[X][Secondary] Build Docks
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Killer_Whale on Jul 16, 2017 at 6:07 AM, finished with 77380 posts and 91 votes.
[X][Main] Grand Palace
[X][Main] Grand Palace x2
[X][Secondary] Build Docks

[X][Main] Grand Palace
[X][Main] Grand Palace x2
[X][Secondary] Build Docks
Do you guys think you can approval vote for
[][Main] Grand Palace
[][Main] Grand Palace x2
[][Secondary] Build Docks
[][Secondary] Build Docks x2
because right now, the unholy mishmash of splitting our secondaries is winning, and we could really use a couple of extra votes to boost Build Docks up.
Sorry if I wasn't clear, but that whole thing was in the context of having finished Census first. I am strongly of the opinion that we should take a Main Census action next turn so that we can one-turn it with the help of our provinces without needing to policy-switch first.
AN may give us optiln to switch to census roght like with gardens after slaten
Uh do we even have the Econ with that winning combo?

6 (+1 +1) [-2+5] = 8. 5 Palace action + sec Docks => -6 Econ. +1 Palace action from Symphony => -7, leaving us at +1 Econ.
So...yeah, we do if provinces are willing to take us to 1 Econ. Would leave us pretty low afterwards, but next MP does not need Econ.

Also, how many province actions do we have? Is that 3 Main MP by provinces all they can take, or do they have place for Expand Econ there?