It was a very sumptious lunch, and he got an RSI from eating it.
The video he posted was actually not to signal the nomads were attacking again, it was a last minute call for help as he was kidnapped by rogue horsemen. Alas, if only we had had less interactions with nomads in this quest, we might have noticed in time and saved him :'(
The video he posted was actually not to signal the nomads were attacking again, it was a last minute call for help as he was kidnapped by rogue horsemen. Alas, if only we had had less interactions with nomads in this quest, we might have noticed in time and saved him :'(
Damned nomads ended our quest!
To be fair that would be continuing a pattern. We made the first "war cart"and the first spooked wheel
This is incorrect. I will educate you on the history of cavalry now.

1. Gwygoytha uses regular wagons for war.
2. Gwygoytha refines the design so it's a proper war wagon.
3. Nomads evolve the war wagon into a war cart. The People copy the design.
4. Nomads commission the Metal Workers (or someone) to make a plank chariot. It's unique and only the chief has one.
5. We mass produce plank chariots.
6. The nomads mass produce plank chariots.
7. We invent spoke-wheeled chariots.
8. The nomads get spoke-wheeled chariots after beating up the Metal Workers.

You are now educated.
Can someone explain to me where the nomads get all the wood to make their chariots? We have an entire forest we cultivate to get the required wood. The steppes, as far as I'm aware, have very little to no wood.

I will never be able to bring myself to agree to that.

We will fight them in the Fields
We will fight them in the Marches
We will fight them in the Hills and the Forests
We will never surrender
Indeed. Fuck the nomads.
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Good lord, we're going to become the Swiss.
More that The People build tall and have minimum levels of military armoring that needs to take place before anyone thinks expanding is a good idea. Its a strategy that lets The People gets away with being such a population black hole. Also, The People are expansionist to an extent. The Swiss turtled to hold their landsand made good mercs. The People turtled to justify expanding. The People have combined expansion with turtling and this is called Marches.

HK had a major revelation a few turns back that making the land you took defensible is a grand idea. For the lowlands this was a great idea, that wasn't a thing for a host of reasons. It may be what saves the HK in the end, as all their disputed territory is relatively squish, but their core is armored. They are apparently only doing well militarily... which probably means they are walling their inward gains so between calling up troops and walling like mad they aren't really doing anything else. I've noticed that refugees aren't coming from HK in major enough numbers to explicitly come up in the narrative. To me this means they aren't yet dipping into negative stability. The longer they can hold out the more they can keep once they lose forward momentum.

At this point the best thing we could do for HK is bounce the nomads into the The TH again and take some pressure off. They'd have to be much worse off to act against a third front at this point, so The People are their annoying, if relatively harmless in direct ways. Also, The People's population vampire act is actively keeping one of their fronts from snowballing... if they didn't notice that The People opened up that front in the first place.

In Negaverse threads, I'm sure that The People are considered some kind of balance mechanic cleverly disguised as a Civ. A terrain hazard or environmental effect. A navigational hazard that siphons off your population if your stability gets to low.
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It'll take a while until they get to Hun levels. Maybe instead of a wall, we could dig a canal, between us and them. ... Or we could do both. ... Wait. That river that conects us and the nomads. It has to begin on our side, cause we are in the mountain and hill area, while it snakes through a whole steppe. We could redirect the river for our other needs, like the orchard step farm pyramid I wanted, while building a wall, and a canal on their side. We could even build a huge draw bridge and send out carvans with the really toxic waste, to bring it deeper in the newly ensuring wasteland, while keeping it closed at all other times. An inhospitable place between us, wall and canal. With huge manned towers, with archers. ... Or Scorpios!

This brings the mad scientist out in me.

Edit: @Academia Nut Is this possible?
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