Cool technology that failed to get implemented, since we decide to power our fridge with electricity instead.
Yes, Albert Einstein worked on it.
What this does for the Ymaryn is that it reduced the amount of electricity needed to power a household, especially if our goal is not to rely on coal and other polluting energy source. We're going to need all the energy saving tricks we can get.
That's really cool, pun not intended.
An interesting tidbit for when the Ymaryn get to the modern age is that such technology would be useful for vaccine preservation, as sated in the article.
On the location of the great temple my opinion is to put it in Sacred Forest. I'm discounting Rainbow Trail and Redshore due to environment and in Redshore's case vulnerability to potential sea raiding, even if that threat is minimal for now it may not always be so.
So my reasons.
One, because it's a really damn cool location. Even if it is not fairy glade kinda temple it is still in a very cool and interesting environment and it's fun to imagine the temple and visualize it and how it interacts with the forest. It is also cool in Valleyhome but it just does not strike me as effectively as Sacred Forest does in this regard.
Two, it is centrally located. This means it is accessible by everyone and is actually not isolated. In this respect it is almost the same as Valleyhome, except the King would have immediate access if we build it in Valleyhome. It is thus inferior to Valleyhome in this factor, even with it's frequent trader and traveler population. Such a central location is also very defensible, and here it is equivalent to Valleyhome.
Three, Sacred Forest is involved in one of, if not our oldest, Megaprojects. A Temple in this area should support this conservation effort and bring it onto the table where it could be improved. With LoW active now instead of developing, looking at this should see a advancement with far less risk of damage to the megaproject, at least that's how it should work in my head.
Four, anywhere we build this place will become very important and experience a population increase from people moving there and a gradual increase as more people mean more babies are born there. Through logic and timelining we can extrapolate that Sacred Forest is our third largest city, and we had some confirmation from AN about this as well. Building the Temple in Sacred Forest will grow it as a city, and I find this appealing because it encourages our civ to use available space and build tall and dense. Not saying it will enable Sacred Forest to be a True City but it growing means we encourage more people and more babies who grow up to make even more people. And more people is our advantage. I feel putting it in Valleyhome is either neutral or slightly detrimental on this factor though I need to think about it some more to confirm.
Five, building this Temple gives an official edifice to our shamans much like the Palace would to the king. This is the fulcrum of the argument of Sacred Forest vs Valleyhome as far as I can tell. On one side if we place the edifice of Shaman power near the secular power in Valleyhome they quickly become part of governance, having political power of their own develop that they can use to get what they want and on the flipside they can also be more closely regulated and influenced by the Oligarchy and the King.
If we put it in Sacred Forest, that province will over time convert to essentially be run by Shamans due to their density and the lack of the strong secular powerbase of the King. This means that the Shamans will be slower in developing political power because they are more distant from the secular powerbase and such distance encourages them to focus more on the mystical matters and teaching what they find. On the other hand their power will be far more intense as they develop with less kingly oversight and instead of political power directly they will have social and religious
influence on a deeper scale and more widespread.
I prefer Sacred Forest in this factor for this reason. I feel the need to enhance the counter force the shamans already are and have them be more independent of the Oligarchy and King. Such a three part system whose individual pieces cover a lot of the concerns of the People appeals to me, especially since our Shamans have been shown on multiple occasions to be an anti-stupid force. Enhancing that seems like a good idea, and I am concerned that sticking them in Valleyhome will dilute that ability.
Six, the spread of education caused by the temple. The temple is a place to teach our shamans, more than the people at large. However, the density of learning and teaching will spill over into the surrounding population through osmosis which is a point in Valleyhome's favor because there are more people to osmosis to. As a counter to that the more northern provinces have ever so slightly more access to Sacred Forest because of the trails going directly from there to Stonepen and it's slightly more central location. It's a trade hub as well on a smaller scale to Valleyhome so it can act as an intermediary between Redshore and Valleyhome.
Seven, building it in Sacred Forest and then building the Library there has some varying effects. Making that combo in Valleyhome ensures that it is accessible or at least visible to a lot of people and that the king has quick access to it. This comes at the cost of this Temple Library complex having more of it's time taken up by political matters and less time to pursue free studies. It also places it under much more direct influence of the Oligarchy which could be bad. Restricted access to only the Oligarchs and the like, though such a development may not happen immediately. Placing it in Sacred Forest means that in my mind it is less vulnerable to such shenanigans and is in the long run more open to everyone. As the complex grows so to would the city around it, and in Sacred Forest it is more able to focus on the mystical and academic and technical.
Nine, is more of general thinking on the entirety of the Temple/Library/Palace mix. I figure that if we make the Temple and Library in Sacred Forest we can make the Palace in Valleyhome. This has the advantage of the mystical and academic advancement being in one place while the palace acts as a repository for legal events, taxes, and other administrative documents. This form of splitting lets each piece focus on it's area of importance and not be distracted by other things except when they are needed for harmonious action. Also The Library to my understanding is not really meant to store such things like our tax records, that's the job of the Palace. Combining all three in Valleyhome could have interesting effects which we could speculate on, but the idea seems needlessly complex to me.
Just imagine one of our neighbours discovers slash and burn farming.
I do believe we already do a variant of this to deal with our Blight.
A possible compromise on Temple location: Holy Sea, in Redshore. Our second biggest city, on the coast so more likely to be widely accessible in the future, and more nearly centered in the nation than either of the others.
It's also situated at the end of the canal+river, so easily accessible overland.
I'd go for that if not for the sea air. Salt water vapor is not good for recording media of any kind.
Moldy tablets and the like.
Except I'm not trying to incentivize war so much as further militarize and secure our borders- which is potentially risky but also something we're already pretty big on anyways.
It's a delicate balance in my mind Karugus. Forting up can lead to war, really weirdly, and war can lead to forting up. Martial activities tend to trend towards self feeding cycles. I think we can pull it off but it needs to be a slow thing, which I don't think you would mind?