So does anyone know of ways we can make massive profit within the setting? The ZSE with its bad reputation and its wealth has already been talked about, but are there other ways to use our assets and ruthlessness to make a similarly obscene amount of money? There's always the option of bribing senators to pass bills that are favourable to us, but what else?

Speaking of senators, perhaps we should start getting some into our pocket not to get them to support our preferred bills, but to keep them out of other peoples' pockets? Palpatine's for instance.
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Y'know, instead of resisting the boss battle, maybe we should just lean real into it and just go straight "1v1 fite me bro"
Y'know, instead of resisting the boss battle, maybe we should just lean real into it and just go straight "1v1 fite me bro"
Since when does Ciaran play fair? The only way I see that would allow a 1v1 fight with Palpatine would be after forcing Palpatine through a many confrontation with the Jedi and him escaping to lick his wounds but not before he forces the Jedi through a moral choice. With Ciaran personality in mind it wouldn't just be a regular old boss fight it would be a boss rush will all the hero unit switching out when they get too tired.
Y'know, instead of resisting the boss battle, maybe we should just lean real into it and just go straight "1v1 fite me bro"
We'll need to do it before he gets all ugly. After all, you can only be invaded when human.

On an unrelated note, we totally need to name any bacta substitute we invent "Estus".
We'll need to do it before he gets all ugly. After all, you can only be invaded when human.

On an unrelated note, we totally need to name any bacta substitute we invent "Estus".
Perhaps make a sub-company focused on making bacta "Estus"? That way people can say it would be Estus brand bacta but then shorten it to Estus.
From the posts I got the impression that apparently the choices were they never getting involved with us doing it alone(the preferred), them doing it all by themselves and pulling an assassination instead of a fight, all of which I find equally problematic if in different ways.

Sorry, but you seem to have missed several posts then. Besides the fact that it is far too early to narrow it down to those three ideas, there have been a few plans where the Jedi and the Abyss Watchers work together.
With moments like these and the lack of an event as traumatic as his mother's death, I have to say that I quite doubt the idea that Anakin will leave the Jedi Order.

Also, to those who are shipping Obi-Wan and Siri, I'll have to ask that you cease your heresy. Obi-Wan/Satine is a far superior pairing.
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My own point is that I feel like the Jedi should be involved and key in the climatic battle because they have more reason to be there than we do even if we are the ones setting the entire thing up and distract that Palpatine at that last moment, likely by countering an ace that would allow him to somehow pull through and engaging him directly precisely because it would be such an unexpected thing for us to do and thus perfect to draw his attention away from where he really should keep it.

From the posts I got the impression that apparently the choices were they never getting involved with us doing it alone(the preferred), them doing it all by themselves and pulling an assassination instead of a fight, all of which I find equally problematic if in different ways.
Probably most posters were assuming that, when we fight Palpatine in the climatic battle, there'll be no Jedi left because they tried and failed.
For me the reason why i dislike Satine is the hair plus reading young obi wan books made me ship him with Siri.
Personally, I'm rooting for a threesome.

The classy way to say that is to refer to it as a trio. ;)

The shipper way to say it is OT3. :V

I think it's premature, we haven't seen them interact enough on screen to see how Satine and Siri get along, since usually their presence is just used as a plot device to send Obi-wan into conniptions.
(Omake) Briefing The Boss Pt. 4 (Hutt Space) (Canon)
A/N: 7.5k words. And this was supposed to be a 'bite-sized' briefing....

Briefing the Boss, Pt. 4: Hutt Space​

"...which was the first time I'd ever heard Grievous grumble about an assignment." Silas Cata's hologram spoke from her desk. "Ciaran, kid, you've got to face facts. The Council... we're stretched pretty thin. Like bantha butter scraped over too much bread. We're the best at what we do, but there's only so much we can do."

"Gramps," Ciaran looked torn. "You know what's at stake. We're all stretched thin, and for good reason. I understand what you mean, though. Is there something we can do, some concrete steps can we take, to make things more manageable without easing up the thrusters?"

"The worst of it is probably the travel." Silas sighed. "Catch a ride on a freighter, no space to privately handle our other work. Take one of the gunships, we're busy with the piloting. Ideally we could get private quarters on a corvette or frigate, but I doubt the CNS would appreciate our using them as a ferry service, and buying our own would be..."


"To say the least. A capital ship apiece, for each of us on the Council? At least Borvo has the Prosperous Secret, but we'd need at least four frigates plus another ten corvettes to cover the rest of us."

"Exorbitant, perhaps, but the expense might necessary if that's what it takes to keep the Council operating at full capacity." Ciaran paused, her brow furrowed. "Hmm... oh!" A smirk appeared. "Thanks, Gramps. You just gave me an idea."

Silas winced. Even as a child, Ciaran's 'ideas' always augured trouble on the horizon. Even more when accompanied by a smirk. "Dare I ask?"

"No spoilers," Ciaran shot back playfully. "You'll find out with the rest of the Council once I have everything sorted out."

"Which will be?" Silas chanced.

"Give it two weeks, tops. Was there anything else you had to report?"

"That was all." Her grandfather smiled genuinely. "It was good to talk to you, kid."

"You too, Gramps. I'll see you when you return."

"Silas out."

The hologram disappeared. Ciaran added a quick note to her private calendar, before stretching out in a deep recline. PR-1 would schedule the comm call for Raith's next availability, which give her at least a week to brainstorm the key design principles before handing off the project to the Sienar team.

Ciaran sighed. Grievous wasn't the only one stretched too thin. "PR-1?" She called to the outer office. The protocol droid popped his head in. "What's my one o'clock?"

To her surprise, PR-1 was not the one to respond. The protocol droid had stepped aside, for...

"Pained statement: That would be me."

"HK-47? What is this?"

"Answer: Unbearable."

PR-1 chimed in from the door. "HK-47 has graciously volunteered to present your next briefing, Lady Ciaran."

"My next... wait. Didn't I--"

"You ordered me to refrain from further briefings for the next year, yes Mistress. You did not, however, so order HK-47." PR-1 seemed to savor the moment. "Well, here he is. Have fun."

"...I swear, those Deception Routines have been-- wait." Ciaran cut herself off to glance at the highly lethal assassin droid. "You volunteered?"

"Lamentation: I lost a bet."

It took a second for her to process this. Ciaran barely stifled her laugh. "...I'm not even going to ask."

"Gratitude: Thank you, meatbag."

Ciaran wasn't sure how to take that. "So... how exactly is this going to work?"

"Answer: As quickly and as painlessly as possible."

"I wasn't aware you knew that word, HK-47." Ciaran teased.

"Recitation: I am programmed to communicate in over six hundred languages. There are many words I know, that I never had occasion to use."

"Until now, you mean."

"Exhortation: Let's get this over with. Here's your map."

"Clarification: Meatbags that inexplicably do not wish to engage in glorious battle with their neighbors are located in the purple area. As for the rest, PR-1 has determined that you ought to learn about that part of the galaxy ruled by Overfed Meatbags resembling slugs."

"Hutts, you mean?"

"Rejoinder: Did I say 'Hutt'? Whatever empire they may have carved out, their biology is appalling unsuited for war. Conclusion: they are Overfed Meatbags. Observation: PR-1 has evidently assigned the far Outer Rim, along the Triellus Trade Route, as the first region for this survey."

Wild Space
Malagarr sector
- Malagarr: homeworld of Malagarrian race (high-tech, tried to turn planet into energy reactor, now extinct), irradiated wasteland populated by droids

Hurikane sector
- Hurikane: homeworld of Hurikane race (stone/crystal beings), sole source of Hurrikaine crystals (purple, used for Mace Windu's lightsaber)

Outer Rim
Calaron sector
- Dweem: ice world, home of Master Aqinos (Altisian Jedi), center of the 'Iron Knights' (Force sect for Shard race)
- F'tral: homeworld of Iyra race (cephalopod engineers), headquarters of Iyranis Gravitics Limited (physics tech, e.g. grav-field disruptor, gravity belts)
- Kegan: former center of 'Benevolent Guides' Force sect (isolationist) [NB: vision of Empire], childhood home of O-Lana Chion (Jedi, works with refugees)
- Kubindi: homeworld of Kubaz race (humanoid anteaters employed as spies), site of Silver Forest of Dreams (dark-side Force nexus)
- Lowick: homeworld of Pa'lowick race (singers), [NB: childhood home of Sy Snootles], marshy agriworld, site of Lowick asteroid field (rich in firegems)
- Seregar: jungle planet, rich in tolium (blaster gas) and littrium, mining facilities run by Trigdale Metallurgy and by Mining Guild

Kessel sector
- Formos: smugglers' den at terminus of Kessel Run hyperlane, site of Formos Spaceport
- Honoghr: homeworld of Noghri race (assassins), site of ancient Rakatan temple and Sith Academy [NB: site of impending CIS bioweapon spill]
- Kessel: homeworld of energy spider and bogey species, site of Spice Mines of Kessel (prison) [NB: site of Celestial-made biomechanical galaxy map]
- Oba Diah: homeworld of Pyke race, headquarters of Pyke Syndicate (spice) [NB: killed Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas and imprisoned Valorum's aide Silman]
- The Maw: cluster of black holes, site of Sinkhole Station, center of 'Mind Walkers' Force sect [NB: Celestial-made prison of Abeloth 'the Mother']

Bheriz sector
- Aduba III: desert agriworld run by Modirin Mining Concern, center of 'Sacred Way' (religion), [NB: site of 'Behemoth from World Below' Sith monster]
- Bheriz: homeworld of Bherizian race, mining planet rich in teniline granules (necessary component of hyperdrive cores)
- Eadu: mountain planet owned by Wilhuff Tarkin [NB: future site of Imperial kyber refinery]
- Rigel VII: homeworld of Rigellian race [NB: basically Hulk...], high-gravity botanical agriworld
- Teth: Hutt resort colony, childhood home of Janu Godalhi (security expert), site of abandoned B'omarr Monastery where Rotta the Hutt was recovered
- Outland Station: heavily damaged space station, formerly a major trade hub on Shag Pabol [NB: owner was Rozatta, close friend of Jango Fett...]

Albanin sector
- Barab I: homeworld of Barabel race (reptile warriors), rich in barab ore (lightsaber crystal), site of Neutral Jedi Zone, center of Jedi-worshipping cult
- Blaudu Sextus: homeworld of Blaudun race (slavers), headquarters of Sextuna Mining Corporation, slave labor from sister planet (Octusi race)

Zoraster sector
- Altor XIV: homeworld of Avogwi and Nuiwit races, resource-rich steppe planet, recently discovered by Rego Mineral Company

Al'Nasri sector
- Syvris: moon surrounded by asteroid belt, site of Syvris shadowport at nexus of Triellus Trade Route and Hollastin Run, thriving smugglers' den

Galov sector
- Gamorr: homeworld of Gamorrean race (porcine mercenaries), war-torn agriworld, site of Jugsmuk Station (off-world trade), [NB: ancient Sith Academy]

Tammuz sector
- Fyodos: homeworld of Galidyn race (high-tech mini-dragons), surface scoured by 'Great Cleansing' civil war [NB: nuclear countdown...]
- Shola: lava world, site of Shola Catacombs (ruins of extinct civilization, mined too deep and destabilized planet's core)

Quiberon sector
- Rothana: shipyards, headquarters of Rothana Heavy Engineering (Kuat) [NB: 'Project Icefang -- vehicles for Kamino clone] and ConCare (biotech)

Albrion sector
- Albrion Major: childhood home of Esu Rotsino (CIS Senator), major agriworld, sector capital administering 200 agriworlds
- Cloak of the Sith: nebula & asteroid belt surrounding Roon system, navigable by Death Wind Corridor (smuggling lane), site of Umboo Lightstation
- Garban: homeworld of Jenet race (survivalist rats with perfect memory), subterranean mining planet, six resource-rich colonies in the same system
- Gibad: childhood home of Ovolot Qail Uthan (mad scientist), site of Academy of Life Sciences (genetics) [NB: targeted by FG36 virus after 'New Order']
- Rishi: homeworld of Rishii race (birds), rich in exonium (fuel), headquarters of Nova Blades (pirates), site of abandoned Revanite Valley Stronghold, sole access point to Rishi Maze (companion galaxy), location of Veijel's longevity-machine schematics
- Roon: homeworld of 'mudmen' race, sole source of roonstones (valuable data crystals), isolated by Cloak of the Sith, [NB: imminent Manda-Roon route]
- Ukio: homeworld of Ukian race (farmers), massive agriworld and major Core supplier, currently controlled by Corporate Alliance (occupied by CIS)
- Varristad: mining planet, formerly controlled by Arcona Mineral Harvest, currently controlled by Offworld Mining Corporation

Yminis sector
- Alvorine: smugglers' den, crystal-rich forest planet, headquarters of Krova the Hutt's criminal empire covering most of sector

Klina sector

Wild Space

Smarteel sector
- Smarteel: homeworld of Smarteel race (humanoid), home of Cabrool Nuum (crime lord, 'ally' of Jabba the Hutt), desert shadowport

Rishi Maze a.k.a. Companion Aurek dwarf galaxy
- Kamino: homeworld of Kamino race, childhood home of Ko Sai (geneticist), site of Tipoca City cloning facilities [NB: and underwater Derem Jedi Library]

"Observation: According to the notes provided by your protocol droid, I am to direct your attention to Dweem, due to... Iron Knights? Clarification: They appear to be a non-meatbag sect of Force User. Is it possible for droids to be trained to use the Force?"

"Ah, the Iron Knights. No, they aren't droids, but crystal beings called Shards, that can use droid bodies for movement."

"Evaluation: So they are crystal-bags, then. How disappointing. The next system highlighted is F'tral, which...." HK-47 trailed off. "Skepticism: They appear to break the laws of physics on a causal basis, and sell the results to civilians. Is this typical?"

"Are you asking about Iyranis Gravitics, or about this briefing?"

"Ambiguity: Yes."

"Then no and yes. Gravitics is your standard 'high-end' company who sell exclusively to the obscenely rich. The briefings, on the other hand.... 'There are more things 'twixt the Core and Rim than dreamt of in your philosophy.'"

"Horror: Was that an attempt at poetry?"

"That was a famous quote by some long-dead playwright whose name I don't remember."

"Query: How long dead?"

It took a moment for Ciaran to catch on. "No, you're not allowed to disinter the corpse."

"Expletive: Damn it, master, I am an assassin droid, not a theater critic. I was programmed to express displease through heavy ordnance!"

"Okay, if I promise not to quote any more poetry at you, will you move on?"

"Grudging acceptance: Only if you promise." At Ciaran's nod, HK-47 continued. "Observation: Further south, the next highlighted system is Honoghr, whose native meatbags are known as efficient killers. As they remain meatbags, I remain unconvinced."

"Need I remind you that General Grievous and The Silencer both managed to trounce you when you challenged them to a spar?"

"Complaint: That would have never happened if I had not gone four thousand years without regular upgrades or maintenance."

"Excuses, excuses."

"Diversion: The next system to call your attention to is Teth, a resort world for overfed meatbags. Also, you apparently recovered a junior slug meatbag from that planet last year."

"Ah, yes, Rotta. I do remember making sure our agents knew to avoid the Hutt beaches. Some things cannot be unseen."

"Disgust: Or unimagined. Statement: Also near Teth, is a certain 'Outland Transit Station' that was targeted by terrorists a decade ago."

Ciaran frowned. "Did PR-1 indicate why you were supposed to mention it to me?"

"Statement: PR-1 believes it to be an investment opportunity. Outland Station was apparently a major trade hub before it was attacked, and most of the damage has not yet been repaired. Displeasure: He even notes that it would be a 'cheap purchase.' As though it would not be infinitely preferable to seize by force."

"Hmm, PR-1 isn't here. I suppose I'll have to take my own notes," Ciaran said, half to herself. "And yes, definitely one to buy."

"Despair: You too, master? Why do you concern yourself with such vulgar money-making, rather than the glories of combat?"

"Explanation," Ciaran mimicked the assassin droid's idiom, "It is precisely that 'vulgar money-making' that lets us outfit agents like you with the upgrades and maintenance to bring you back to your prime. Not to mention buy you new and better toys -- toys like that gravity tech we discussed earlier?"

HK-47 paused. "...Commentary: With such incentive as that, I suppose money-making is far less objectionable than I had considered before."

"Thought so. So, what's next?"

"Observation: It seems the next system of interest is quite a ways to the south. Rothana is apparently a subsidiary of Kuat Drive Yards, one of their largest starship and vehicle production sites. Addendum: PR-1 also instructs me to note that Kuat public records have not accounted for Rothana production or sales since year 4."


"Forbearance: Evidently that has some meaning to you, that it does not for me?"

"Very much so. Year 4 was the year we tracked a massive transfer of funds to Kamino, to fund the creation of the Grand Army of the Republic. If Rothana went off-books the same year... odds are they're the ones producing the vehicles used by Kamino, for training and outfitting each batch of clones as they first enter the war."

"Query: Is this an opportunity for you to make more money?"

"Perhaps indirectly."

"Declaration: In that case, it would be better to move on to less uncertain and more direct opportunities."

Ciaran rolled her eyes. "If you say so."

"Illustration: In the Albrion sector, there are a few hundred prosperous agriworlds subject to Separatist occupation. Surely the local meatbags would be grateful if you liberated them? By shooting their occupiers in the face, preferably. Query: Would such gratitude be expressed in credits or nova crystals?"

"...More often it gets expressed in trade deals and supply shipments."

"Clarification: And this results in money being made?"


"Commentary: How utterly perplexing."

"It's really not that complicated. The more worlds are involved in--"

"Interruption: You need not explain. I remain an assassin droid, not an actuarial one, whatever my late interest in money."

"Very well. Just let me make a note of it... and... all right, what's next?"

"Statement: In the same sector, PR-1 added a note to Gibad -- the university there apparently specializes in researching meatbag genetics. He also highlighted Roon, a planet that is the sole source of exceedingly valuable roonstones, but which is isolated from its neighbors by a nebula and asteroid clouds. I do not understand what we can do about it, but those are my instructions. Conclusion: Lastly, PR-1 would direct your attention to Rishi -- the sole access point to the hyperlane between our galaxy and Companion Aurek, where Kamino is located."

"Very good. I'm guessing that's all for the first region?"

"Calculation: And a quarter done with this excruciating forfeit."

"Oh come, I'm hardly as terrible as all that, am I?" Ciaran teased.

"Answer: You're tolerable for a meatbag."

"Oh?" Now Ciaran's tone had a more dangerous edge.

"...Diversion: Oh, look, another region!"

Pando Spur region
- Near Pando: emerging trade hub in southern Hutt Space, site of the Malabar Construct (ancient Rakatan ruins)
- Xolu: homeworld of Yahk-Tosh race (Hutt-like slugs), pleasant agriworld controlling colonies along Pando Spur

Hollastin Run region
- Aylayl: resource-rich forest world, slave-based mining economy, controlled by Shell Hutt kajidic
- Circumtore: throneworld of 'Shell Hutt' kajidic, artificial ring-shaped planethoid (wheel-world)
- Riileb: homeworld of Riileb race (empathic insects), rich in heklu (delicacy), controlled by Yorvi the Hutt

Shag Pabol region
- Diyu: industrial world based on slave labor, controlled by Popara of the Anjiliac kajidic
- Poytta: smugglers' den and pirate haven on bypass hyperlane off Shag Pabol
- Rorak IV: industrial planet and trade hub by Nal Hutta, orbited by Rorak V Station (neutral meeting ground), site of largest slave market in Hutt Space
- Ylesia: homeworld of reek species, industrial world known for slave-run spice processing facilities, controlled by Aruk of the Besadii kajidic

Bootana Hutta region ('Garden of the Hutts')
- Bootana Shagplan: trade hub (esp. for luxury goods) and primary slave market supplying the 'Garden of the Hutts' region
- Da Soocha: mythic planet of Hutt legend, unexplored & unpopulated water world rumored to have a sentient ocean [NB: it doesn't]
- Gos Hutta: fortress world guarding access to 'Garden of the Hutts' region, three agriworlds and many orbital stations in system
- Kor Anjiliac: throneworld of Anjiliac kajidic (Hutt spice-dealers, led by Zietta the Hutt)
- Kor Bareesh: former throneworld of Bareesh kajidic (Hutt arms dealers), in ruins due to supervolcano eruption
- Kor Besadii: throneworld of Besadii kajidic (Hutt slavers, rivals of Desilijic clan, led by Arok and Gardulla the Hutt)
- Kor Desilijic: throneworld of Desilijic kajidic (dominant Hutt clan, led by Jabba the Hutt)
- Kor Gejalli: throneworld of Gejalli kajidic (minor Hutt traders, rivals of 'Shell Hutt' clan)
- Kor Gorensla: throneworld of Gorensla kajidic (Hutt black market operatives, control shadowports and planets from shadows)
- Kor Hestilic: throneworld of Hestilic kajidic (original founders of Hutt Council, now minor clan)
- Kor Jiramma: throneworld of Jiramma kajidic (Hutt crimelords, control single-planet 'empires', e.g. on Nar Shaddaa or Cato Neimoidia)
- Kor Kajidier: throneworld of Kajidier kajidic (Hutt white-collar criminals, profit from money laundering, forgery, and holovid piracy)
- Kor Nasirii: throneworld of Nasirii kajidic (Hutt intelligence operatives, operate 'pleasure dens' for blackmail)
- Kor Qunaalac: throneworld of Kunaalac kajidic (Hutt admiralty, patrol Hutt Space hyperlanes)
- Kor Vosadii: throneworld of Vosadii kajidic (Hutt political operatives, manipulate elections and public sentiment)
- Nar Shunna: trade hub (esp. for trade between throneworlds) and archaeological site [NB: "awash in precious artifacts"]
- Saki: homeworld of Sakiyan race (mercenaries with supersenses), independent from Hutt Council (!), high-tech industrial planet with three colonies
- Varl: original homeworld of Hutt race and (Hutt-like) t'landa Til race, ancient Rakatan colony, now an irradiated wasteland with domed cities

The Cairns region
- Godsheart Station: Sakiyan space refinery used to enrich graxitium (exotic ore mined from Sakidopa colony, used for repulsorlift circuitry)
- Moralan: original homeworld of Moralan race (extinct), slave rebellion crushed by Boonta the Hutt in 25,100 BBY (inspired Boonta's Eve holiday)

Si'Klaata Cluster region
- Arrochar: lush underpopulated mountain world, isolated, ruled by human population, very resource-rich
- Kintan: homeworld of Nikto races (five specialized subspecies, reptiles), site of Wannschok ('fire desert'), center of Morgukai (anti-Force death cult)
- Klatooine: homeworld of paddy frog species, headquarters of Klatooinian Trade Guild, site of 'Fountain of Ancients' (wintrium - more resilient over time)
- Vodran: homeworld of Vodran race (communal identity) and dianoga species (garbage eaters)

Sisar Run region
- Cyborrea: homeworld of Cyborrean race (warriors) and nek species (battlemounts), recruitment & training center for Hutt military
- Dirha: industrial planet and trade hub, controlled by Gormo of the Vosadii kajidic

Ilosian Spur region
- Tal Nami: homeworld of Tal Nami race (honorable merchants) and egoa tree species, major trade hub on edge of Hutt Space

Pabol Sleheyron region
- Ilos: homeworld of Ilosian race, agriworld and trade hub controlling colony worlds along Ilosian Spur
- Nar Kreeta: major trade hub and industrial planet, mining facilities controlled by Mining Guild
- Nimban: homeworld of Nimbanel race (best bureaucrats), headquarters of Hoersch-Kessel Drive (starships, e.g. Lucrehulks), Delban Faxicorp (droids) and Delban Serv-O-Droid (utility droids, e.g. DUM-series pit droids, CZ-series comm-droids, salvage droids, etc.)
- Quesh: acid planet, rich in venenit queshaaga (used for adrenals and toxins), thriving chemical industry, site of Three Families palace
- Sleheyron: massive trade hub, slave-based industrial planet rich in tibanna gas, controlled by Thakba of the Besadii kajidic
- Ulmatra: minor trade hub, major financial center for money laundering operations, controlled by Kajidier kajidic

Ganath Cloud region
- Jilrua: homeworld of Jilruan race (humanoid warriors), recruiting center for Hutt military
- Boonda's Moon: moon of gas giant Kleeva, industrial economy, site of Rseikharhl Droidworks factory (produce LE-VO law enforcement droids)
- Nal Hutta: original homeworld of Evocii race, capital of Hutt Space, massive industrial trade hub, site of Gardulla's Palace and Hutt Council Chamber
- Nar Shaddaa: 'Smugglers' Moon' of Nal Hutta, homeworld of Gank race (high-tech bounty hunters), crime-ridden ecumenopolis, extensive Undercity
- Toydaria: homeworld of Toydarian race (shrewd traders), [NB: childhood home of Watto], feudal swampy agriworld, key trade hub by Nal Hutta
- Valsedian: site of resource-rich asteroid belt, mining facilities operated by Ugnaught slaves, sold to the CIS by Torpo the Hutt

"... Observation: This appears to be the region at the core of the overfed slug meatbags' empire. The first system of note is apparently Riileb, home to a decidedly unimpressive Hutt. Query: Why was this judged worthy of your attention?"

"We have a trade deal with Yorvi to distribute heklu around the Core and Colonies."

"Clarification: Which means?"


"Statement: Now I understand. PR-1 also wishes you to be aware of Rorak IV, which is the largest meatbag-market in the region, and also serves as neutral ground when overfed meatbags meet for business. Commentary: How appallingly nonsensical, to designate an entire planet as free of violence."

"It makes sense when that non-violence lets you make deals and earn significantly more money."

"Confusion: Non-violence... to improve one's efficiency in war? I shall never understand meatbag logic." HK-47 shook his head. "Observation: It appears that PR-1 wishes me to provide an overview of the Overfed Meatbag clans, as he's highlighted quite a few systems in the Bootana Hutta region. Recitation: Once, thousands of years ago, the Overfed Meatbags waged war on each other. Then came a meatbag, Budhila Hestilic Amura, who persuaded these warriors to focus their fighting on their neighbors, and to make peace among themselves. Commentary: How barbaric. This Budhila reorganized the Overfed Meatbags into clans, or kajidics, and assigned each one a throneworld in the Bootana or 'Gardens' region, closed to non-enslaved meatbags from other clans or species."

"I never thought to receive a history lesson from an assassin droid."

"Observation: PR-1 has highlighted a number of throneworlds. As they are inaccessible to the Abyss Watchers, I can only imagine that he wishes to call your attention to the kajidics which occupy them. Illustration: There is utterly nothing of significance on Kor Vosadii, save for the fact that it is the throneworld of the Vosadii kajidic, which specializes in the manipulation of public opinion and the political process. Likewise for Kor Gorensla, the throneworld for those Overfed Meatbags who exert their influence on a planetary economy from behind the scenes. Recitation: the Nasirii kajidic is known for their intelligence-gathering, usually for the purpose of blackmail, the meatbags of the Jiramma kajidic center their efforts on control of a single planet -- I understand your Overfed Meatbag advisor Borvo originates, if not from this planet, at least from this clan. Finally, the Kajidier kajidic specializes in... PR-1 identifies it as 'white-collar crime', which is neither familiar to me nor of any interest whatsoever. Reiteration: Assassin droid."

"Understood. Still, thank you -- that was helpful, however far removed it was from your original programming."

"Distinction: There are two worlds that do not fit this pattern. First is Saki, which lies in the Bootana region but is neither a throneworld nor under the control of Overfed Meatbags at all. The natives were apparently successful in fighting off their heavier neighbors over the course of several thousand years, thanks to their superior meatbag senses and a proclivity for advanced technology. Continuation: the second item is Circumtore, which does belong to Overfed Meatbags, but for a kajidic so minor they were not given a throneworld in the Garden but relegated to an artificial planetoid some distance away. Identification: The kajidic is called 'Shell Hutts', for those Overfed Meatbags who follow the warrior ways of their ancestors and fight in repulsor-fitted power armor."

"You're kidding."

"Answer: Not in the slightest."

"Hutts in power armor -- that I gotta see."

"Interruption: Perhaps that can wait until after we conclude."

"If you insist."

"Answer: I very much do. The next point of interest is Nimban, an industrial planet that lies further north on the Pabol Sleheyron hyperlane, known as the headquarters of several large corporations that produce starships and droids. PR-1 also directs me to note that the planet's meatbags are known...." HK-47 trailed off. "Disbelief: I can hardly believe any native species, even a meatbag one, could be so lost to all decency and good sense, as to cultivate a galactic reputation as being ideal bureaucrats."

"Huh, I had no idea. That really does sound useful."

"Alarm: What is wrong with you?"

"I told you, money makes everything we do possible, and it turns out that paperwork makes the galaxy spin and keeps the money flowing. If PR-1 is right, those bureaucrats would be an immense boon for our organization."

"Despair: My processors are not equipped for such illogic. The last planet in this region is Nal Hutta, the capital for Overfed Meatbags, and its moon Nar Shaddaa, the crime capital of the whole galaxy. Query: PR-1's notes indicate that the Abyss Watcher facility on the planet is used primarily as a nightclub and casino. Why have you not designated that planet as a Blacksite for Abyss Watcher forces? Indeed, given its reputation and crime rate, Nar Shaddaa could be ideal for live-fire training against other meatbag gangs. I also understand both the Neimoidians of Duros Sector and the Corellian Port Control are known to hire bounty hunters to clean out crime in their districts of the city, so you'd even get paid for it. And that's not to mention recruitment of the Gank Killers, meatbag bounty hunters who compensate for their fragility with cybernetics and battle armor."

"...You know, I really don't know why we hadn't? The thought just never crossed my mind."

"Satisfaction: Then it is fortunate I was able to correct your oversight. I would also point out that my former Master owned a sizable estate on Nar Shaddaa, which might be accessed with the right entry codes."

"...Am I correct in thinking that you have those codes?"

"Affirmation: Of course! I was my master's greatest and most faithful ally."

"Are you sure there'd even be something there to recover? It has been nearly four thousand years."

"Mockery: Of course not, my Master would never think to leave adequate and automated defenses for his personal estate. It's not like he was a Lord of the Sith with enemies across the galaxy, and certainly had never faced betrayal many times over from his closest associates."

"...I should apologize to PR-1. Sarcasm is much more disturbing coming from a Sith-made assassin droid."

"Gratitude: Thank you, meatbag."

"That wasn't a-- you know, never mind. What's next?"

Esaga sector
- Cygnus B: homeworld of 'giant algae-beds' race (botanical 'super brains' covering ocean surface)
- Rett II: colony world of Jante race, mining and industrial planet in fierce rivalry [NB: verge of war] with neighboring Freda system

Teraab sector
- Averill: mining planet rich in quadrenium (used for Old Republic starship construction)
- Drogheda: resource-rich mining planet controlled by Drogheda Mining Company, governed by corporate monarchy
- Istic II: homeworld of Istician race (mutants), resource-rich mining planet
- Ruusan: site of battle that led to Ruusan Reformation [NB: homeworld of bouncer race, rich in Ruusan crystals, site of 'Valley of the Jedi' Force nexus]
- Ruusan II: moon of Ruusan [NB: site of 'Skytop Station', CIS listening post built by Hyper-Communications Cartel & destroyed early in the war]
- Tyne's Horky: frontier mining planet rich in keschel ore (rare) and nergon-14 (used for proton torpedoes)

Kurost sector
- Kurosti: trade hub, headquarters of Kurosti Merchant Fleet (Corporate Alliance), currently under CIS occupation

Hune sector

Eclorar sector
- Nixor: homeworld of Nixor race (simmering feud with galaxy), site of decrepit Nixor Spaceport (no amenities, but good place for secret meetings)

Daalang sector
- Daalang: trade hub and former Separatist fortress world, currently a Republic military base

Oktos sector
- Ghtroc: former headquarters of Ghtroc Industries (shipwright, e.g. Ghtroc-720 light freighter and Cargo Empress-class super freighter, now bankrupt)

Lannik Space sector
- Lannik: homeworld of Lannik race, childhood home of Even Piell (one-eyed Jedi Watchman) [NB: recently imprisoned/killed at Citadel, on Lola Sayu?]

Lannik Wilds sector
- Nanth'ri: asteroid field, site of The Foundry (massive Rakatan-made automated mining/battledroid manufacturing space station)

Dohlbani sector

Bothan Space sector
- Bothawui: homeworld of Bothan race (bipedal horse-dogs, best spies); sole source of lidium (ore); childhood home of Polo Se'lab (neutral Senator), Savielk Trey'dra (Council Chief) [NB: opposed Emperor Palpatine], Glynn-Beti (Jedi Master), Kai Hudorra (Jedi Master, survived Order 66), Knol Ven'nari (gray Jedi Master, fire elementalist, killed c. 21 BBY), Karaksk Vet'lya (CIS admiral), Reug Yucon (scientist, studying titanite) [NB: bacta...], Elwis Bonraar, Ch'ord Sy'fon (Coruscant information brokers), Akris Ur'etu (Coruscant crime lord), Weasy (smuggler & informant), [NB: Varesk Bura'lya (anti-Palpatine ambassador, Bothan Embassy) and Oryon (anti-Palpatine agent, Republic Intelligence)]; center of 'Jeswandi' Force sect (martial arts); headquarters of Bothan Spynet (best intelligence network in galaxy), Bothawui Shipyards (starships), Bothawui Communications Conglomerate (military comms), MCS (computer mainframes), Elsinore-Cordova Engineering (starships), Droid Equality Foundation, Bothawui Defense Corps (sector fleet); site of Drev'starn Spaceport, Regal Bothan Hotel, and Intergalactic Trade Mission [NB: Bothan Spynet]; neutral!
- Kothlis: Bothan colony world, industrial planet, headquarters of Plextech Plastic Corporation (mining/processing) and Compart Corporation (droid parts)
- Sennatt: Bothan colony world, industrial planet, headquarters of Publictechnic (industrial maintenance droids)

Manda sector
- Holess: homeworld of Holessian race (literally worship rule of law), site of Mount of Justice (courthouse temple), rich in duranium (lightsaber-resistant)
- Manda: childhood home of Ebenn Q3 Baobab and Mungo Baobab, site of Baobab Archives (galactic wonder), headquarters of Baobab Merchant Fleet

Endocray sector
- Argovia: resource-rich swamp planet, under-exploited mining planet

"... Observation: PR-1's notes are remarkably insistent that I call your attention to the Ruusan system. He seems to have appended several... dozen... articles related to something called the 'Seventh Battle', which apparently took place several thousand years after my time. Query: Do you know why he would attach such significance to the planet?"

Ciaran furrowed her brow. "I've heard of a battle there, but nothing about a seventh one. And Ruusan's more famous for the Reformation a thousand years ago, but I think that was more of a treaty...? Maybe the treaty was signed after the battle."

"Derision: How appallingly predictable, that the protocol droid would care so much about a thousand-year-old treaty. And look, as if one required further evidence that your droid is in dire need of debugging, PR-1 didn't even bother to highlight the Nanth'ri system."

"Why, what's in Nanth'ri?"

"Astonishment: Surely you have heard of the Foundry? The site of my master's final measure to eradicate the Sith?"

Ciaran shook her head.

"Despair: What has the galaxy come to? Recitation: During his search for a Rakatan artifact called the Star Forge, my Master discovered the location of the Foundry -- a massive space station, built in a remote asteroid field long before even the earliest years of the Galactic Republic, with automated manufacturing facilities capable of producing thousands of custom-designed battle droids."

By now Ciaran's eyebrows were visible even above her Miralukan mask.

HK-47 continued apace, "Revan hid the site from Darth Malgus and the other Sith, even after he was captured and imprisoned in a statis field for three hundred years. Upon his release, my Master contacted me and gave me directions to the Foundry, where he planned to construct an army of exterminator droids -- modeled on my own design, to be commanded by myself, made to end the threat of the Sith forever. Lamentation: Before the army could be assembled, Darth Malgus discovered his plans and struck first. We were overwhelmed; my Master was slain, and I was reprogrammed to serve as Malgus's bodyguard aboard the Emperor's Fortress, shortly before his own untimely demise at Ilum. Conclusion: As any meatbag who knew its location is deceased, I seem to be the last one left who is familiar with the Foundry's location."

At this point Ciaran would typically be swept away in paroxysms of joy and avarice. However, a small part of her felt obliged to defend her protocol droid. "If so, then why would did you blame PR-1 for not highlighting it?"

"Explanation: Nanth'ri was the site of my Master's final defeat -- I assume it must have been widely publicized. Naturally, its precise position or that of the asteroid field would have been disclosed to only a select few meatbags. And the Foundry itself was well concealed within a hollowed-out asteroid, so there should be no fear of accidental discovery."

"I'd never heard the tale, whatever that's worth. If PR-1 didn't include it, I assume Nanth'ri must not have been publicized as much as you think."

"...Incredulity: You mean my Master's last stand has gone unheralded these three thousand six hundred twenty-two years? Outrage: This is not to be borne! My Master deserves better than anonymity; he--"

Frankly, Ciaran would have promised half the galaxy for access to that space station. Promising to restore Revan's name and legacy, the very archetype of Grey Jedi, one who had learned from the Jedi and the Sith and rejected both... if HK-47 insisted that was the price of accessing the Foundry, it was one Ciaran considered well worth paying. "Help us gain access to that Foundry, and Revan's name will be remembered till the very stars are extinguished."

"Gratification: I will hold you to that, master."

"Of course, and I'll do the same."

"Query: So we understand each other?"

"I think so."

"Statement: Then let us wrap things up. The penultimate world highlighted by PR-1 is Bothawui, capital of Bothan Space, headquarters of the Bothan Spynet, and home of your own chief spy meatbag Gulan Terrek. Notably, Bothawui has established itself as entirely neutral in this conflict, even though it has not yet petitioned to join the CNS."

"Wait, really? The Bothans are neutral? How did we manage to overlook that?"

"Answer: I do not have that information, master."

"Did PR-1 mention why the Bothans have not yet filed for membership in the CNS?"

"Answer: No."

"...All right, I'll have to ask PR-1 myself. What's left?"

"Statement: The final planet to cover in this region is Manda. And while PR-1 has provided me with..." HK-47 paused to take a count. It was a long pause. "...files for one hundred thirty-four separate items of note, he seems to have overlooked the fact that I am an assassin droid, and frankly do not have the patience to present a detailed report on..." He pulled one flimsi out of the stack "...the Ark of Baron Auletphant? Incredulity: What possible importance could be attached to--"

"A summary will be fine," Ciaran cut off the rapidly unraveling assassin droid.

"Recitation: Manda is revoltingly non-militarized, and is best known as the headquarters of the Baobab Merchant Fleet, the largest commercial operation in the galaxy that isn't a megacorporate conglomerate. The Fleet is owned by the ludicrously rich Baobab family, which also owns the Baobab Archives. Summary: Money and a museum. How droll."

Grohl sector
- Calast: orbited by massive Golan Space Colony, trade hub and refueling/repair/supply station along southern Triellus Trade Route
- Felacat: homeworld of Felacatian race (changelings, baseline form has super-reflexes, shift to powerful 'cat' state when stressed), under CIS siege
- Sucharme: childhood home of Kligson (Cuy'val Dar), headquarters of Grohl Liberation Front (anti-CIS), agriworld invaded by Trade Federation pre-Naboo

Arkanis sector
- Arkanis: sector capital and major trade hub, site of Arkanis Academy (Republic military) and Scaparus Port, former capital of Regency Worlds
- Austan: site of Austan Asteroid Cluster (resorts and mining facilities)
- A-Foroon: throneworld of Jahibakti kajidic (Hutt arms dealers), formerly controlled Tatooine water supply
- B-Foroon: throneworld of Faljozic kajidic (Hutt import/export), formerly controlled Tatooine offworld trade
- C-Foroon: throneworld of Besadii kajidic (Hutt spice smugglers, rivals of Jabba's Desilijic clan), headquarters of Decca the Hutt's criminal empire
- Cranan XII: resource-rich mining planet, trade hub, controlled by Mining Guild
- Geonosis: homeworld of Geonosian race (isolationist flying insects); childhood home of Poggle the Lesser (Archduke, member of Separatist Council), Gizor Dellso (engineer), Gorgol (aristocrat & gifted mechanic) [NB: and Karina the Great (Queen, Stalgasin hive)]; headquarters of Gordal Weaponsmiths (sonic guns), Geonosian Industries (Techno Union, battle droids), and Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights (produce Nantex-class beak-wing fighter, Punworcca-class solar sailer, and Ginivex-class starfighter); site of Petranaki Arena, Progate Temple, and Stalgasin Hive (capitol-spire)
- Issor: homeworld of Issori and Odenji races, site of University of Be'Nal, industrial and scientific powerhouse of Arkanis sector
- Kemal: gas giant rich in tibanna gas, orbited by moon Kemal Station (trade hub and smugglers' den)
- Pii: heavily forested sister planets (Pii III and IV), sole source of greel wood (luxury), headquarters of Greel Wood Logging Corporation
- Tatooine: homeworld of Tusken and Jawa races & krayt dragon species, childhood home of Anakin Skywalker, site of Jabba's Palace and Shiin's Library

Savareen sector
- Apatros: mining colony rich in cortosis, controlled by Outer Rim Oreworks, [NB: childhood home of Darth Bane],
- Christophsis: crystal planet, major mining economy, asteroid fields rich in quadrillium, nergon-14, hfredium and chalon (rare dense ores for hull plating)
- Gellefon: homeworld of gellbeast species (wardogs), site of Kig Dannen Spaceport
- Nelvaan: homeworld of Nelvaanian race (warrior wolves), ice planet, [NB: site of Techno Union lab to conduct cybernetic experiments on natives]
- Rodia: homeworld of Rodian race, childhood home of Onaconda Farr (anti-Palpatine militarist Senator), Suvam Tan (legendary inventor c. 4000 BBY) [NB: and Suz Tanwa (New Republic-era treasure hunter)], headquarter of Rodmark Weapons and Goa-Ato (bounty hunters)
- Tythe: industrial world, headquarters of LiMerge Power [NB: Damask Holdings puppet, own The Works district in Coruscant, funded Outer Rim pirates]
- Zaadja: Mandalorian colony world, resource-rich asteroid belt in ring around planet, site of Geonosian hive-factory fortress, controlled by CIS

Dalchon sector
- Arapia: adopted homeworld of Kadri'Ra race (dragons), childhood home of Saadon-Kauldi [NB: Kadri'Ra declared non-sentient & enslaved by Empire]
- Orvax IV: trade hub on Old Corellian Run, slave-trade economy, headquarters of Orso Meeto's criminal empire (slaver)
- Son-tuul: jungle planet, headquarters of Son-tuul Pride (criminal organization, rivals of Jabba the Hutt)

Gaulus sector
- Ryloth: tidally-locked homeworld of Twi'lek race; childhood home of Aayla Secura (Jedi Master, padawan of Quinlan Vos), Orn Free Taa (corrupt Senator, leader of Rim faction), Bib Fortuna (majordomo to Jabba the Hutt), Amada Lakhasa (scout), Cham Syndulla (led 'Freedom Fighters', distrust Orn Free Taa), Xiaan Amersu (Jedi Knight), Vhiin Thorla (anti-slavery Jedi Master), and Kh'aris Fenn (anti-Jedi terrorist, allied with Dooku); headquarters of SchaumAssoc (PR firm, Corporate Sector sponsor), Galactic Exotics (rare plants), Lakhasa Caravan (scouts), Graxol Kelvynn's slaver empire, and Hunvar the Hutt's slaver empire; rich in ryll (spice); center of 'Freedom Fighters' (anti-CIS paramilitary); site of Floating Rock Gardens of Ryloth, Kala'uun Spaceport (hollowed-out mountain), Ryloth Archives, Secura Estate, Hunvar's Spire (slave-ring headquarters & gladiatorial arena), The Enclave (Jedi-run refuge for freed slaves), and abandoned Sith Academy (trained assassins)
- Skip I: hollow asteroid in Smuggler's Run asteroid field, massive space station used as smugglers' den and shadowport, controlled by Gorensla Hutts

Bitrose sector

Hunnovers sector
- Olanet: industrial planet, massive battledroid factories run by Baktoid Armor Workshop (Techno Union) [NB: sabotaged by Null-ARC Prudii ]
- Kaer: site of Kaer Orbital Platform (refueling/repair station built by InterGalactic Banking Clans), plundered for CIS by Sev'rance Tann

Ferra sector
- Hypori: industrial planet, droid factories run by Baktoid Armor Workshop (Techno Union), site of Damask Holdings compound [NB: Sith training ground]

Instrop sector
- Dagu: adopted homeworld of Rybet race, former Separatist prison planet liberated by Republic army
- Vlemoth Port: Talz colony world, site of Vlemoth Station (starport) and Sanshur Flats, major industrial planet controlled by InterGalactic Baking Clans

Sevetta sector
- Sevetta: homeworld of Polydroxol race (changelings, baseline form is liquid mercury-like 'denatium' metal, cannot mimic skin/fur)

Herios sector
- Excarga: headquarteris of Exargan Mining Authority (Mining Guild), site of massive asteroid field, major source in doonium (starship hulls)
- Pzob: Gamorrean colony world, site of Pzob Forest Battle Yard (gladiatorial arena), backwater world with warring clans

Wild Space
Naos sector
- Naos III: sole source of Naos sharptooth (delicacy), [NB: home of Fa'ale Leh (Twilek pilot, flew Scimitar)], NB: headquarters of Naos III Mercantile

Lamaro sector
- Lamaredd: homeworld of Menahuun race, site of Hua'Bal, resource-rich mining planet formerly run by Outer Rim Oreworks [NB: major Force nexus]
- The Reef: asteroid field outside Lamaredd's orbit, hyperspace anomaly (resulting in Lamaredd's isolation)

Gertafuu sector
- Gertafuu VI: Whiphid colony world, ice planet (produces furs), site of Fort Balarad (smugglers' den), mines controlled by Outer Rim Oreworks

Indoumodo sector
- Indoumodo: homeworld of kouhun species (assassin bug) [NB: in canon, used by Zam Wesell against Padme Amidala], 'poison jungle' planet

"Dismay: PR-1 has highlighted an alarming number of systems in this last region."

Ciaran smiled faintly, "You have my permission to keep it quick."

"Gratitude: Thank you, meatbag. Synopsis: Sucharme is the headquarters of an anti-Trade Federation paramilitary/terrorist group whose founder is a friend of Mandalore the Resurgent. Geonosis is an industrial world controlled by the Techno Union. Tatooine is where Anakin Skywalker grew up, and is the seat of Jabba the Hutt's empire. Rodia is the home of Onaconda Farr, who you've apparently met, and is known for its bounty hunters. Apatros is one of the richest sources of cortosis in the galaxy. Nelvaan is an ice planet populated by reputedly fearsome warrior wolves -- though, as with the the Noghri, I remain unconvinced."

"Sure you do."

"Continuation: Ryloth is the home of Orn Free Taa who you've also met, as well as a major center of the slave trade that trafficks in head-tailed dancing meatbags that are native to the planet. Hypori is another Techno Union industrial world, though PR-1 highlighted that the planet used to be controlled by Damask Holdings. Commentary: I assume this means something to you?"

Ciaran chuckled. "Damask Holdings was owned by the previous Sith Lord. I wonder what he needed to use a planet for?"

"Conclusion: Kaer Platform is an InterGalactic Banking Clans facility that you looted on your last visit -- well done, master. Vlemoth Port is another IGBC industrial world -- PR-1 notes that they will likely join the CNS in the near future, especially if its neighbors join first so the CNS has a foothold in the region. Finally, Lamaredd is a Wild Space planet with rich mines and an apparently fascinating history" HK-47 held up a stack of files "that I couldn't possibly do justice to." He dropped the stack unceremoniously.

"...That's all?"

"Answer: Yes. Exclamation: Finally! Time to enjoy some high ordinance stress relief at the firing range." HK-47 tramped to the door and threw it open. "Admission: PR-1, that trick was cruel and creative. If you weren't such a pathetic bucket of bolts, I think I could grow to like you."

And just like that, the assassin droid disappeared.

Ciaran blinked, several times. That had certainly been an experience. "PR-1!" She called. A few seconds later...

"You called, Lady Ciaran?"

"Regretting your prank yet?"


"You know HK-47's going to go out of his way to cause trouble for you, right?"

Now it was the protocol droid's turn to blink. Metaphorically, at least. "...It does occur to me now, I may not have considered the full repercussions of..."

"Pissing off the psychopathic assassin droid?"

"Oh dear."

"Yeah, not your finest hour."

"Oh dear."

"If it's any consolation...?"

"Yes, Mistress?"

"That was like getting briefed by The Silencer -- it won't happen again if I can help it. So, I take back my earlier order. If you have a briefing for me, you can be the one to give it."

"Thank you Lady Ciaran."

"Consider that the only apology you're going to get. Now, looks like HK-47 finished early, so I got some time to kill before my four o'clock. Comm Raith Sienar's office, tell them I'd like two hours of his time sometime in the next two weeks, whenever he can fit it in."

"Yes Mistress." PR-1 moved toward the door.

"Oh, and PR-1?"


"A dozen notes, a dozen reminders -- we've got a Foundry to steal."


Many, many thanks to @Panory for setting this up so perfectly with his 'Interesting' omake. It was originally just a stray idea, to have HK-47 lose a bet and deliver the next briefing, but that took on a lot more significance once I found out about The Foundry. Seriously, an automated Rakatan droid factory, in a secret asteroid base, able to mass produce custom battle droids. Holy sithspit yes I want this. Not only that, but the fact that it was HK-47's final mission for Revan, and his second-to last mission before getting deactivated and stuffed in a Hammerhead for three and a half millennia... yeah, if that's not the perfect excuse for him to mention it, I don't know what is.

On the other hand, writing dialogue for HK-47 is exhausting, even if the results are hilarious. This took a lot longer than expected, even if I didn't break my colon key as Panory did.

As for everything else, wow there was a lot of content here, and a whole bunch I was only able to hint at. Yes, F'tral is real, and their gravity tech is hilariously overpowered. The gravity belt 'only' increases or decreases gravity (it can't change its direction or anything like flying) but even that could be easily used for all kinds of things, from sports (skydiving) to military (tactical insertions, combat mobility, etc.). The gravitational-field disruptor, though, can increase or decrease a target's gravity, from range. Not only can this be used to make cargo easier to transport, but it can also function as a weapon. In one of the comics, Senator Leia used it to foil an assassination attempt, by increasing the gravity on her attacker sevenfold, sending him crashing through the floor and into a new and very deep hole. Good luck walking away from that. :rofl:

Outland Transit Station is a major trading post that was bombed during Jango's 'audition' as the clone army template. Jango was best friends with the former owner who died in the bombing, and (depending on if she wrote a will) might actually be the rightful owner. Could this be a Hero Action for when we add Jango to our Council?

Yes, the Bothans are about as blatantly neutral in the Clone Wars as Corellia or Mandalore (Satine Kryze should have tried recruiting with Polo Se'lab in canon). At least we'll have a chance to address her mistake. Which means we'd be adding the single biggest & most effective intelligence organization in the galaxy to our stable of allies. (Yes please...)

Given HK-47's personality, I had to cut out pretty much everything that makes Manda and the Baobab family so interesting, but that is another high priority recruitment target. Especially once their neighbors (Bothan and Albrion sector) start joining the CNS, I imagine Manda won't be far behind.

Hypori is basically an Academy for the latest batch of Baneite Sith -- the grounds have been used to train Plagueis, and Sidious, and Maul. Fortunately, Damask Holding's involvement in the planet is public knowledge, and once we investigate them in more depth we'll be able to figure out that it's still in active use (by the Echani Sun Guard). There are also a number of IGBC planets in the southern Outer Rim, that will probably join the CNS in the near future.

As for Ruusan: sadly, even with Darth Traya's influence, Learning remains our dump stat, and Ciaran lacks the political experience or higher education that'd clue her in on Ruusan's real significance. Still, I can't imagine we'll remain ignorant for long, especially once we approach the Corellian Jedi (still technically led by a Jedi Lord...). At some point, we should absolutely send Ciaran to Ruusan, if only to memorialize the final battle that ended so many Jedi (and so crippled the Jedi Order that the Coruscant Council would be able to seize control).

I mentioned it before, but I could easily see Ruusan turning into the same sort of 'turning point' for Ciaran's personal development that Malachor was. And that is something I'd love to see.
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Good lord Publicola, I gotta say, this assembly of Galactic secrets, treasures and opportunities is probably in and of itself an incredibly valuable database. Just imagine what some would give to know about even half of this stuff!

Things like this really shows how knowledge is power and Ciaran's own skill at being able to use and exploit it.

I'm very interested at more opportunities to gain more control of the IGBC and money in the galaxy in general.

Getting back to Ruusan, I suppose a journey there could only really be justified by further Lore improvements, or somehow stumbling over evidence of the memorial built there.
I imagine that the Corellian Jedi would have kept records of the battle there in greater prominence given their relationship with the fighters lost there.

Doing more to resurrect the memory of Revan can only be a good thing and learning the path he walked is certainly no bad thing, given that he was without a doubt one of the Greatest people to live in the Star Wars galaxy.
It's a tragedy that the only record of his teachings is, as far as I can tell, in the Telos Holocron, the original Holocron of Darth Revan having been destroyed by Darth Bane after transcribing it.

If only he'd created a record after he'd rejected the Sith and Jedi both, just imagine the teachings!
Well, time to update the omake tally! At last count:
Anyway, the current count leaves us with 31 out of the 34 cap for Turn 25's omake bonuses.

Since then, we've added 14 additional omakes:
Which means we've 'filled up the tank' for Turn 25, and already have 11 bonuses ready to be applied to the turn after that. We're going to add those courier ships next turn for extra Hero Actions, the cap for Turn 26 will be at least 36 bonuses, and we're almost a third of the way there.

I'm also updating the 'Omake Index' posts. I did, however, have a question about how to classify a particular omake:
Coming Out of the Closet
You've listed this one as "Currently Non-Canon." However, you had earlier indicated that you had your own plans for what to do with Maul's assassin droid, C-3PX. Moreover, one part of it definitely felt out of character:
PR-1 looked at the door in confusion. "I don't know." He admitted, tilting his head in confusion and interest. "I do believe that door has been locked ever since the Abyss Watchers acquired it. Due to the illegal nature of our method of obtaining it, contacting a professional has always been too tricky to bother. Scans indicated that it is a small room, no bigger than a closet, so there's really no reason to bother figuring out."
Here was my biggest problem with making it canon.
  • Our agents assume a "small room" couldn't pose a problem? (No one worried about a self-destruct trigger, or tracking device, or guard-droid?)
  • PR-1 assumes that our acquisition of the Scimitar was so well known we couldn't find a professional locksmith.
  • PR-1 assumes that it'd be too tricky to find a black-market locksmith, when we own the Coruscant Undercity (surely someone knows what to do)
  • PR-1 assumes that the Abyss Watchers wouldn't be capable of picking the lock themselves -- we are an intelligence operation, after all.
I understand why it was added -- give some reason to keep C-3PX undiscovered till now -- but it just felt contrived.
@Dr. Snark, I also had a question about the Reward for our "Fry's Fried Codebreaker" action.
[X] Fry's Fried Codebreaker: You've gotten word that one Talesan Fry has suddenly put a very powerful codebreaking machine up for sale, and according to Gulan and Var Zheen it's the real deal and they are very excited about it. Not only that, but apparently your friends Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padme, and Siri are all going to be there due to its value. Now how could you say no to that!? Chance of Success: 60% Cost 100 Reward: Bid made for codebreaker, ???
Rolled 11 + 20 + 20 (Omakes) = 51 (Success)

Rewards: Bid made for codebreaker, potential info leak negated which has delayed final sale
I understand not giving us the codebreaker immediately -- that seems far too valuable for a mediocre success on a single action. However, per the two @Panory omakes you canonized, there are other lesser rewards that were very strongly hinted at:

First, having the Genian system (and its neighbors) join the CNS.
"Well my dear, I came to the planet to negotiate the possibility of Genian joining the CNS, since they're a neutral system anyways. Solidarity is important in matters such as these. United we stand and all that." said Ciaran with a wave of her hand.

Second, a possible shipping contract for heklu (a minor side-deal, probably worth +25 Income if that):
"Well if it turns out you like the taste, I happen to have a reliable supplier who gets heklu straight from the source. Cheaper than what you'd get on the open market as well." said Ciaran.

Third, the possibility of a Fry Industries expansion (base upgrade) to Taris:
"Speaking of allies…" Talesan said, hoping to steer the conversation away from a direction even he could see was leading to confrontation. "Since it looks like my company's planet is going to become a member of the CNS, perhaps we could work together in some humanitarian efforts. Fry Industries isn't exactly producing food or shelter, but there must be something we can do to help."

Ciaran visibly brightened at the change of topic. "Of course. Providing immediate relief aid is a task your company is poorly suited for, but the refugees who have been evacuated out of harm's way still require help to get back on their feet. And sadly it's a task often overlooked for those still in the line of fire. Opening a branch of Fry Industries on a refugee world such as Taris would provide much needed jobs and infrastructure."

Talesan placed a hand on his chin as he considered the proposition. "I'm not sure Fry Industries is profitable enough right now to support branching out right now. What with the war wreaking havoc with trade lanes and such."

"Not an issue in the slightest." Ciaran assured him. "The CNS has some of the safest trade lanes in the galaxy at the moment, and if startup costs prove an issue, I'd be more than happy to lend you the money. I've found that running a humanitarian organization is surprisingly profitable. Investing in people earns their gratitude, and they like to pay you back once those investments bear fruit."

Fourth, both omakes contain are all kinds of less quest-mechanical and more interpersonal benefits -- specifically encouraging the future recruiting of Talesan Fry as advisor or hero (give him free reign to research, and freedom from the "number of dilemmas" his love of invention has caused) and furthering in our long-term plan to save/recruit Anakin Skywalker (now he begins to realize that Obi-Wan is not the perfect paragon of unattached virtue...). Of course, these are merely plot hooks for the future ("no butterflies here, nope, what are you talking about?") but still might be worth mentioning.
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You know what I'd really like to see ? An omake of Cheriss looking over HK-47's original specs and quietly freaking out that this 4000 years old piece of history somehow manage to outstrip 99.9% of contemporary droids even in its current sorry state.
*snickers* Star Wars names...

- The Maw: cluster of black holes, site of Sinkhole Station, center of 'Mind Walkers' Force sect [NB: Celestial-made prison of Abeloth 'the Mother']
I'm tentatively worried about the disparity between how fucking cool "Mind Walkers" sounds and how lame they must be for the system to not be bolded. Any elaboration on what they do?

center of Jedi-worshipping cult
How fanatic are we talking here? Because depending on the answer I may have to kick your ass an idea.
- Cloak of the Sith: nebula & asteroid belt surrounding Roon system, navigable by Death Wind Corridor (smuggling lane), site of Umboo Lightstation

rumored to have a sentient ocean [NB: it doesn't]
You have raised my hopes and then dashed them quite expertly. I'm still going to write an omake about Obi-wan trying to negotiate with an ocean though.
- Cygnus B: homeworld of 'giant algae-beds' race (botanical 'super brains' covering ocean surface)
At least there's a sentient ocean somewhere in the galaxy.
homeworld of bouncer race
We need to recruit them to guard our nightclub.
Incredulity: You mean my Master's last stand has gone unheralded these three thousand six hundred twenty-two years? Outrage: This is not to be borne! My Master deserves better than anonymity
HK-47 storms the Jedi Temple to give the younglings a history lesson.
The Bothans are neutral?
My interpretation of it was that they were neutral in the "selling info to both sides" way. Satine's neutrality probably wouldn't jive well with that mentality.
- Sevetta: homeworld of Polydroxol race (changelings, baseline form is liquid mercury-like 'denatium' metal, cannot mimic skin/fur)
So we can get a T-1000?
it just felt contrived.
That's because any excuse for not noticing the assassin droid guarding the ship for over decade is going to be contrived.
I'm still going to write an omake about Obi-wan trying to negotiate with an ocean though.

Hey now, the ocean doesn't need to be *actually* sentient if there are rumours that that is the case. Especially if someone finagles things so that he receives the impression this sentient ocean he's been sent to negotiate with is very shy/recalcitrant. Bonus if he's under the impression he has to wear some very silly looking equipment to communicate with it.
I'm tentatively worried about the disparity between how fucking cool "Mind Walkers" sounds and how lame they must be for the system to not be bolded. Any elaboration on what they do?

Basically the Mind Walkers use Force Meditation to separate their mind from their bodies and travel to "Beyond Shadows" is a realm of the Force, because keeping time there is hard the Mind Walkers tend to be malnourished surviving only thanks to the force.

"Beyond Shadows" also has a few dangerous force Nexus.
I'm tentatively worried about the disparity between how fucking cool "Mind Walkers" sounds and how lame they must be for the system to not be bolded. Any elaboration on what they do?
They're basically hermits who believe reality is an illusion and only the Force is real, whose main ability is separating their consciousness from their body and 'walking' the realm called "beyond shadows." Pretty useless, though...
While with the Mind Walkers, the two Skywalkers traveled beyond shadows, where they were shown many places, including the Font of Power, the Pool of Knowledge, and the Lake of Apparitions, where they met with the deceased spirits of Jedi Anakin Solo, Mara Jade Skywalker, and Jacen Solo. might be a good excuse for Ciaran to gain OOC info about various Force-relevant sites around the galaxy, and/or meet dead Force users:

EDIT: Solo'd by @ziizo.

We need to recruit them to guard our nightclub.
Actually, 'bouncers' are so called because they look like furry balloons that 'bounce' off the terrain to move. Silly looking, but check out the wiki page: they have "mild telepathic abilities," witnessed the detonation of the Thought Bomb that destroyed the Army of Light, and were responsible for guiding Kyle Katarn to the Valley of the Jedi. Basically, as long as we find an excuse to get Ciaran to the surface of Ruusan, these bouncers would provide an IC excuse to send Ciaran to the Valley itself.

HK-47 storms the Jedi Temple to give the younglings a history lesson.
...:rofl: Omake please?
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