so right now a hundred credits is around, let's say......... 1 hundred thousand dollars?
Ha, no. That would give us a yearly income of three and a half million dollars. We own multiple planets and are one of the richest people in the galaxy, that is hiliraiously low.
Edit: one credit is likely closer to a million dollars, but even that is probably too low. In 2013 earth's GDP was 75.5 trillion dollars. We should have several times that. Maybe 1 credit equals approximately 10 billion dollars? That would leave us with 300 trillion in GDP, which seems somewhat more reasonable.
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so right now a hundred credits is around, let's say......... 1 hundred thousand dollars?
Way more than that.

Per Forbes:
  • The 50th richest person in the world is a "James Simon," with a net worth of $15.5 billion.
  • @bookworm702 compared us to George Soros, the 23rd richest person in the world with a net worth of $24.9 billion.
  • I'd probably rank us closer to 15th, which corresponds to Jim Walton, youngest son of the Wal-Mart founder with $33.6 billion.
Per Google, top results for "_____ annual income":
  • James Simon received $2.5 billion in income last year (16.1% of net worth)
  • George Soros made $4 billion in 2013 (16.1% of net worth)
  • I don't have a figure for Walton, but using the same 16.1% figure as the other two gives us a $5.4 billion annual income
Converting those into 'credits':
  • If we have a comparable income to James Simon, one 'Credit' = $678,610
  • If we have a comparable income to George Soros, one 'Credit' = $1,085,773
  • If we have a comparable income to Jim Walton, one 'Credit' = $1,465,798
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One final point: all of my numbers were based on the assumption that credits and dollars represent relative economic purchasing power in the two economies. That is, if the entire galactic economy were the size of Earth's economy, this would be the conversion.

If you crunch the numbers in absolute terms, as @Chesire did... well, we know the galaxy is significantly bigger than the Earth, that there are at least several million Earth-equivalents (plus a bunch of ecumenopolises, and a bunch more underpopulated colony worlds). So a conservative figure for absolute purchasing power would probably require that we multiply the above values by another hundred million or so. In which case, a single 'Credit' would correspond to $108 trillion.

But at that point, it's basically impossible to comprehend the size of Ciaran's operation, let alone the scale of the galactic economy. I'd argue that keeping things relative to Earth's economy is a much better way to get a feel for how much money Ciaran is throwing around.
Abyss Agent:
Armor: Reinforced coat, light combat armor
Weaponry: Blaster pistol, vibroblade or vibrodagger, grenades, (rarely) lightsaber
Equipment: Medpac, synthrope, encrypted comlink (portable or headset), com-scrambler, slicer equipment, datapad, etc.

Usage: Force Users of the Abyss Watchers. Personaly trained by Tyro Torvin with regular assitance of Ciaran. Tend to have more a mindset along the lines of special agents/commandos than regular Force Users due to Tyro Torvins past as pirate and Lady Ciarans attempts to curb any darkside tendencies
Instead of just making all our Force Users commandos, perhaps we should expand the available career paths of our Force Users? We can have people that are specialised towards other important jobs which benefit from the Force like diplomacy, spywork, and Force research. Not everyone's cut out for combat jobs and this may increase the amount of Force Users we get simply by not rejecting those who aren't suitable for that line of work. It'll also allow more of our Force Users to put their individual talents to better use.

If their weaponry is any indication of what they do, we may also want to make a variant (like how our Guardians and Seekers have variants) that are equipped with sniper rifles. Force use would be a massive force multiplier for snipers.
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Don't forget that 'credit' maybe stuff like 'favours owed' and 'inside trade information, used to manipulate the stock market' or 'information sold to interested parties'.

Explains why wiretapping our Cantina, a known hotspot for backroom deals among both high brow and low brow has a different value to wiretapping an entire planet.
Don't forget that at the end of the day the reason you still have income from the cantina and whatnot is mainly because it'd be dickish for the QM to suddenly take away parts of your income for *reasons*.

I'd recommend applying the MST3K Mantra to your finances in general.
...does heat even work on the thing?
I would assume so. Otherwise one of its main strategies would be to zerg Rush a systems sun and then infest it. Than using Colonal mass ejections or even just the regualr solar wind to hop from system to system.

I'd reckon if they started a couple of thousands of years ago that a good chunk of the Galaxy would be infected and since that isn't the case I'm going to assume that they can't. Also they probably can't survive outer space on their own.
On the topic of Mnggal-Mnggal, would throwing the infested planets into stars work?
I would assume so. Otherwise one of its main strategies would be to zerg Rush a systems sun and then infest it. Than using Colonal mass ejections or even just the regualr solar wind to hop from system to system.

I'd reckon if they started a couple of thousands of years ago that a good chunk of the Galaxy would be infected and since that isn't the case I'm going to assume that they can't. Also they probably can't survive outer space on their own.
The problem with M-M is that it's a extra-dimensional entity. That means we can "destroy" its physical manifestation but it'll still be "alive", by whatever standards it has. As our resident Chiss said it has a "homeworld" in this reality, so maybe it's "entry point" is limited to it alone

Geez. Thank heavens Mnggal-Mnggal isn't genre-savvy.
...oh...oh god you had to say it :o

Don't want to burst you're bubble but Mnggal-Mnggal is a long-term planner: whatever it does has multiple layers: whether it learns something new, a potential escape root, or subverts new "servants".....

Holy, M-M is child of (Halo) Flood and (40k) Warp, go figure :anger::wtf:

On other things:
• New Becta? I'm game, but 'll need to deal with those greed-spits sorry, corporate monopoles

• Those Anomalous Materials concerning Dimensions: potential? new FTL? or anti-M-M

I'm wondering what will happen to Darth Plagueis after Palpatine. He still alive to run free.
His hatred for Palpatine may be the only thing keeping him going, even in the limited state of existence he's at already. The expected result of Palpatine's death is that Plagueis would finally fully die as well.
Defeating Mnggal-Mnggal is so absurdly difficult a task that it's implied that the reason the Unknown Region Hyperspace anomaly exists is because the Celestials (the Forerunners, in Halo terms) made it to contain Mnggal-Mnggal rather than try and rid the galaxy of it. No thanks to taking up that job. Am happy with it being an easter egg from the Wesker plotline.
we might want to make sure war droid tech propagates in the outer rim though. It would make it easier to contain Mnggal-Mnggal.
Defeating Mnggal-Mnggal is so absurdly difficult a task that it's implied that the reason the Unknown Region Hyperspace anomaly exists is because the Celestials (the Forerunners, in Halo terms) made it to contain Mnggal-Mnggal rather than try and rid the galaxy of it. No thanks to taking up that job. Am happy with it being an easter egg from the Wesker plotline.

The problem is that there are various other threats in the Unknown Region as well. I doubt that there won't be something else that comes from there that will be more than just an Easter egg.

If even one potential galactic threat from there were to be introduced to our side of the universe, it could be the Vong, something similar, or even worse.

After the current situation with Palpatine is dealt with, we might wantto set up surveillance methods and defenses in that part of the galaxy. Better to be forewarned of any potential problem coming towards our side of the galaxy than to be caught off-guard like what the Vong did.

"Scandal." said the reporter, nodding into the camera dramatically. "Following a series of leaks from Republic Intelligence, the Commission of the Protection of the Republic stands accused of high treason. Joining us to discuss the matter is political analyst Ozan Elrad. Ozan, would you please enlighten our viewers as to just what these leaks were?"

"Of course, Calla. These leaks, we're not sure where specifically they come from other than that they came about as a result of a Republic Intelligence investigation, basically track a series of payments to COMPOR from known members of the Separatist Council. Given that the Republic is currentyl at war witht he CIS, this goes far beyond simple corruption. Now, further investigations are certainly needed, and I suspect they were underway when these report were leaked, but if substantiated, it will most definitely mean charges of treason for at least the higher ranking members of COMPOR such as Ishin-Il-Raz, the director of COMPOR." said Ozan Elrad, breaking the situation down for those who had been living under a rock all day and hadn't heard of the scandal.

"So how far does this go, Ozan, and what does this mean for the COMPOR?" asked Calla Danjapa, leaning forward slightly as if Ozan's explanation had her utmost attention.

"Well, we'll need to wait for further investigations to discover the full scope of this CIS bribery. There's just not enough here to get more than a general idea of what was happening. Whoever personally gets burned will be determined by that, but I think it's safe to say that Ishin-Il-Raz's career is over. Even if he's found innocent, just his association with the scandal destroys any credibility he might have had." Ozan knew uncertainty didn't make good headlines though, which is why he had prepared a scapegoat for just such an occasion.

"One name I think we'll be seeing a lot more of is Crueya Vandron. This is the guy responsible for most of COMPOR's funding. If the CIS were funding the lobbyists, it's likely they went through him. Given his background, I wouldn't be surprised to find him neck deep in this." said Ozan, stopping when Calla raised a hand to stop him and put her other hand on her ear.

"Sorry Ozan, but I'm receiving reports that the Vice Chairman of the Senate, Mas Amedda is appearing before the press. We go live now to field reporter Asha Dana." Calla nodded to the screen, and the footage cut to a chaotic press room, with Mas Amedda himself coming up behind the podium.

He cleared his throat with his patented 'Senate Quieting Voice' and the reporters all fell silent as he adjusted the microphone and began speaking. "Recent events that have come to light cast a shadow of doubt on what both the Chancellor and the Senate believed to be the will of the people. Further investigations will be launched, including auditing of all lobbyist groups to insure that they truly have the best interests of the Republic in mind. Once the facts are clear, those complicit in this treason will be stand trial and be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. With those facts established, I will now take any questions the press may have."

The vice chairman pointed into the crowd as the reporters all scrambled to ask their questions, quieting once Amedda selected one of them. "Asha Dana, CRN News. The COMPOR's almost fanatic support of Chancellor Palpatine is well documented. Given that we now know their views were bought by the CIS, what does that say about the Chancellor's policies?"

"While he is unavailable to comment at this time, I assure you that Chancellor Palpatine has nothing but contempt for such traitors to the Republic. The Senate investigations will spend the coming weeks not merely determining who was complicit in these events, but also determining what the CIS was attempting to gain from their actions. It is very possible that their actions were intended to make us doubt our leaders in these trying times and divide the Republic to ease their victory. The treason of these men should be seen as a condemnation of their moral fiber, not of their political views." said Amedda, deflecting the question with all his political experience. "Next question."

Mas Amedda turned off the recorded broadcast, pleased with himself. It had been child's play to frame the COMPOR for treason in such a manner, setting up so many decoy companies and individuals that they never suspected their donations were coming from the Separatists. The hardest part had been convincing some rather influential Separatist leader to go along with the plan. He didn't know how his fellow art lover had gotten the funds flowing, and he didn't particularly care. He would need to focus on making sure the charges of treason stuck, at least to the humanist bastards who would never support him.

Given that he was heading the investigations, it shouldn't be difficult at all to make them complicit in a crime they had no idea was even occurring. Now he'd just need to figure out a way to deal with Sate Pestage…


Sheev Palpatine was not happy. The COMPOR hadn't been particularly important to his plans, but they had certainly been useful with their near worship of him. He was tempted to blame Lady Ciaran for their downfall, but unfortunately he was all too aware of the perpetrator. Perhaps he would need to reconsider the elimination of Mas Amedda. He was acting without Palpatine's say-so, and the last thing he needed was the return of Amedda's ambitious streak. Perhaps Senator Amidala would be a suitable replacement. A part of him enjoyed the thought of a Naboo monopoly, and she was certainly trusting of him, if not exactly on board with all of his policies. He'd need to consider it more, once he got a better grasp of Amedda's endgoal.

AN: Amedda takes out Palpatine's other supporters for us, and makes Palpatine reconsider eliminating the Vice Chairman of the Senate. In other news, while Amedda manages to shift the blame of Palpatine directly, the nickname Shifty Sheev makes a small comeback in the following weeks.
Huh. It turns out there might be another attendee at the anti-Palpatine meeting.

According to the wiki, in 21 BBY Palpatine arranged for the assassination of the former Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, under the guise of a terrorist attack. Valorum had met with Bail Organa at the Alderaanian embassy, urging Organa to oppose the 'Enhanced Security and Enforcement Act'. (Valorum was specifically motivated and concerned at the disappearance of Seti Ashgad...).

A few items of interest:
  • Palpatine found out about the meeting because he had surveillance in the embassy building, specifically using the custodial droids. However, we are the ones who run security for the Senate, so it's entirely possible our agents figured out the leak in time.
  • Palpatine was specifically motivated to arrange the assassination because, the day after his meeting with Valorum, Organa confronted Palpatine in the Chancellor's Office to warn him that he (Organa) would openly opposed the Act.
  • Palpatine arranged for the murder through two of his agents, Sora Bulq (one of Dooku's Dark Acolytes) and Senator Viento (a Separatist sympathizer who knowingly served 'Darth Sidious' by sabotaging anti-Palpatine Senators...?) Those agents hired Sajé Tasha, an Anzati assassin, to intercept Valorum while traveling on the freighter Star of Iskin -- Tasha killed Valorum and sabotaged the freighter, causing it to crash, killing all onboard and many on the Coruscant surface.
  • The 'terrorist attack' was a major reason the Enforcement Act was approved by the Senate
  • Per 'Legends', Senator Viento was killed by Quinlan Vos (Jedi undercover as Dark Acolyte), who was deceived by Dooku to believe that Viento was the Sith Lord in the Senate...
Basically, it's a mess. However, we set up our 'Senatorial Security Systems' pretty much as soon as we recovered Seti Ashgad, and our security teams did intercept and thwart a lot of assasination attempts and attacks. Only @Dr. Snark can say if the Star of Iskin attack was one of them, but if we succeeded, then former Chancellor Valorum might be a surprise guest at the anti-Palpatine meeting...

EDIT: also, considering the lack of Senatorial security was what led to the Enforcement Act being passed, does our intervention mean the law remains 'indefinitely tabled'? Or did Palpatine find some other excuse to push it through?
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Unrelated, I've been looking into this whole Zygerrian Slave Empire thing, specifically the comics. They're superceded in the show in terms of canon, but the general story beats are the same, and to be honest I like the comics more anyways. The Zygerrians have a better design imo, there's generally more details in the comics, and most importantly, the show does not have the Zygerrian Sky Guard. There's a bit to take in.

First, and most importantly:

Okay, so firedrakes are just dumb bugs, but the Zygerrians have an honest to goodness Sky Guard with fucking dragon mounts. Wyverns at worst. We can still get Grievous a dragon. Also they have dinosaurs, but that's whatever.

Of slightly less importance: The people of Kiros all get enslaved in the plot of the comic after some Dooku strong arming. Did we ever recruit Kiros to the CNS, because if not, they all get kidnapped this year. Silver lining, the queen uses her new slaves to try out a Royal Auction to jumpstort her new slave trade empire. A lot of important people will be there.

Speaking of the Queen:

Also, she got herself a spot on the Separatist Council, so that whole "they were sort of working with the CIS, but not officially allied" thing? Right out the window with that little tidbit, even if Dooku does kill her for keeping Anakin and Obi-wan alive against orders.

One last thing: The Jedi are the reason there's no longer a Zygerrian "Empire". If we want a nice teambuilding exercise, this might be a good one to bring the Jedi in on. Plus, this is massive points with Anakin. It goes without saying he's not fond of slavers.

Other random notes:

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
Also, we get to see Anakin in an honest to goodness eyepatch if the Jedi go through with this plan. We cannot let Ciaran miss this.

Also, she got herself a spot on the Separatist Council, so that whole "they were sort of working with the CIS, but not officially allied" thing? Right out the window with that little tidbit, even if Dooku does kill her for keeping Anakin and Obi-wan alive against orders.
I don't think that showed up in the show, and considering that it supersedes the comic in terms of canon, Dr. Snark may decide against it. Because seriously, I have no idea how that could ever work. I can accept the evil stuff that the Seperatists get up to on a daily basis (slavery, bioweapons, etc.), but it's always under the assumption that it's just the Dooku-controlled military doing all that stuff and never with the knowledge of the Separatist Senate.

The whole arc with Lux Bonteri was supposed to showcase that the CIS wasn't just "those evil bastards that kick puppies and do genocide". There were lots of decent people there representing planets who just wanted to get away from the corrupt Republic - something that was a very legitimate concern for Outer Rim planets considering how often they got shafted by it. The episode was called Heroes on Both Sides, and the Senate had even voted in a majority to begin peace negotiations with the Republic. I just can't see how openly and officially letting slavers into their Senate would go down at all with them. You'd have neutrals allying with the Republic and even many Separatist planets would defect. It just doesn't make sense.
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