"...Diversion: Oh, look, another region!"
Heh. Even HK-47 knows better than to sass Darth Traya.
You know what I'd really like to see ? An omake of Cheriss looking over HK-47's original specs and quietly freaking out that this 4000 years old piece of history somehow manage to outstrip 99.9% of contemporary droids even in its current sorry state.
It definitely wasn't his most famous talent, but Revan was a forcedamned amazing engineer.
A question for the lore experts.

Anyone knows any force cult/lost Holocron that could teach us Electric Judgment or Emerald Lightning?
It is basically the light/grey side version of Sith Lighting, and could come very handy to our force users...
How fanatic are we talking here? Because depending on the answer I may have to kick your ass an idea.
About a thousand years ago, a Jedi Master (Ithorian, go figure) landed on the planet and put an end to several thousand years of old civil war. In response: "Grateful for the Jedi intervention, the Barabel gave the Jedi their undying respect, deifying their arrival and worshiping them for generations."

*snickers* Star Wars names...
So many Star Wars names. Though, to be honest, after researching the 'Rainboh' system (literally designed & drawn by a seven year old with a box of crayons), I've been pretty thoroughly immunized to the ridiculousness.

My interpretation of it was that they were neutral in the "selling info to both sides" way. Satine's neutrality probably wouldn't jive well with that mentality.
Also neutral in the "member of the Republic but not contributing to the war effort" sense that would jive with Satine. And "selling info to both sides" is pretty much the Bothan equivalent of our hiring out mercenaries for both sides.

So we can get a T-1000?
But it can only remain in its liquid-metal state (no disguises). And it does take damage each time it has to rebuild itself, so it's not quite as much of an unstoppable force of nature as the Terminator II villain. But apart from that... yup!

Finally, because there were a lot of random "Nota Bene"s in my latest Briefing, here's a brief overview of stuff we wouldn't know about in-character.
- Kessel: homeworld of energy spider and bogey species, site of Spice Mines of Kessel (prison) [NB: site of Celestial-made biomechanical galaxy map]
Energy spiders are terrifying. 'Bogeys' are not. However, what no one realizes about bogeys, is that they are basically biological datacards:
The source of the bogeys came from machinery deep in the caverns beneath the surface of Kessel with some speculation attributing these devices being the creation of the Celestials. They were responsible for maintaining variables and unimaginable numbers contained within the installation that served as a giant astronomical observatory of the galaxy which contained the coordinates of all gravity wells.
So there's that.

- Oba Diah: homeworld of Pyke race, headquarters of Pyke Syndicate (spice) [NB: killed Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas and imprisoned Valorum's aide Silman]
Pretty sure Silman is still there. No idea how we'd find an IC excuse to learn about him and launch a rescue mission. Nor am I sure what Silman could tell us once he is recovered (that Sifo-Dyas was influenced by Dooku?)

- Rigel VII: homeworld of Rigellian race [NB: basically Hulk...], high-gravity botanical agriworld
I just wanted to point out that Star Wars has an entire planet populated with large, green rage monsters...

- Fyodos: homeworld of Galidyn race (high-tech mini-dragons), surface scoured by 'Great Cleansing' civil war [NB: nuclear countdown...]
In case anyone was curious about that ominous "nuclear countdown"... basically Fyodos is orbited by a Deathmoon with a massive nuclear silo, programmed to automatically launch its missiles at the planet's surface at the end of a six-month countdown, unless a specific abort code is given at the planet-side control station. The station is visited (and code inputted) every six months, at the end of that countdown, in a religious ritual that the planet's inhabitants no longer understand the purpose of.... Frankly, it's a miracle they haven't already gone up in smoke.

- Nimban: homeworld of Nimbanel race (bureaucrats), headquarters of Hoersch-Kessel Drive (Trade Federation starships) and Delban Faxicorp (droids)
@Dr. Snark: considering our long-time work with and diplomatic status (including "favored trading partner" relationship) with the Trade Federation, is there any chance we would already have contact with Hoersch-Kessel? (They were also the ones who built our Lucrehulk...). That'd give us a ready excuse to start recruiting the Nimbanel bureaucrats for our organization. Or at least an excuse to buy a base on Nimban to enable that recruitment.

Hoersch-Kessell would also be another starship corporation we could work with and/or invite to expand to facilities on Taris. Heck, per the wiki, the Nimbanel make for amazing bureaucrats but terrible business managers, and are about to drive the company into the ground. We might get on the ground floor and buy the corporation outright, to add to our collection. (It'd be pretty easy to rehire the starship engineers that Hoersch-Kessel had fired to save money...).

- Lannik: homeworld of Lannik race, childhood home of Even Piell (one-eyed Jedi Watchman) [NB: recently imprisoned/killed at Citadel, on Lola Sayu?]
As with Silman on Oba Diah, I have no idea how we'd learn about Even Piell in-character, or how long he has until he's killed, or even if the timeline is the same that he's already been cpatured and imprisoned.

- Nelvaan: homeworld of Nelvaanian race (warrior wolves), ice planet, [NB: site of Techno Union lab to conduct cybernetic experiments on natives]
Nelvaan was the location of the original Clone Wars cartoon TV series, the one that also introduced Grievous and made Mace Windu such a badass. Yeah, the Techno Union lab here is pretty gruesome, so we might secure a lot of goodwill (and recruits!) by intervening here.

- Tythe: industrial world, headquarters of LiMerge Power [NB: Damask Holdings puppet, own The Works district in Coruscant, funded Outer Rim pirates]
I didn't highlight this, as there's no way we'd learn about it before auditing the Damask Holdings record, but LiMerge is one of if not the primary puppet used by Plagueis and Palpatine in the Outer Rim. LiMerge Power is responsible for funding piracy all over the place, increasing dissatisfaction with the Republic response and leading to the Outer Rim Colonial Defence League that preceded the Separatist movement. LiMerge Power also owns 'The Works' district in Coruscant, where Palpatine has his face-to-face meetings with Count Dooku. When we do find out about Damask, this should be one of the major discoveries.

- Apatros: mining colony rich in cortosis, controlled by Outer Rim Oreworks, [NB: childhood home of Darth Bane]
O hai Bane.

- Arapia: adopted homeworld of Kadri'Ra race (dragons), childhood home of Saadon-Kauldi [NB: Kadri'Ra declared non-sentient & enslaved by Empire]
@Panory: here be dragons.
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The truly fun bit with the Bouncers (besides being naturally force senstive like Miraluka) is that they have a passed down living history that was called "Poem of Ages" that in keeping with their natural telepathic abilities also included various prophecies. Why is this important? Well, prophecies are a BIG deal when it comes to the Star Wars universe and the ones that apply to the Valley are thus:

"And a knight shall come, a battle will be fought, and the prisoners shall go free." - Originally meaning Kyle vs. Jerec...but this could also be say - Ciaran vs. Sidious/Dooku/Maul.

"An alien knight will arrive from the east. He will fly through the air, stay the night in the city of Olmondo, and request directions to the Valley." - This was Morgan Katarn landing on Ruusan and finding shelter in the razed capital city of Olmondo, where he found out about the valley and its location from the nomadic bouncers in the area. Like Publicola said, this could easily be one of our Agents, as 'knight' to the bouncers merely meant one being Force Sensitive.

I think if we loophole the prophecy it would be better than just flat out brute forcing the Valley, as the victims of the thought bomb were not Force ghosts. They were forcibly bound to the location of their demise and were not able to communicate, being basically stuck in the feedback loop of their death throes. Heck, according to the Saga Edition RPG rules, Jerec had to develop a Dark Side Technique called Drain Knowledge in order to subvert the nexus to his bidding. Katarn freed them instead, purifying the nexus instead of forcing their compliance.

Basically, we should be extremely careful if we decide to disturb the Valley. Since not only is there a prophecyTM​ involved, but poking the mass grave of forcibly bound Jedi and Sith spirits could wind up backbiting us.
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......Then there is stuff in the same area that Thawn and the Chiss come from, which points to the Celestials closing off 1 quarter/third of the galaxy in order to keep it contained.
I forgot to mention it earlier, but that was one of the big reasons I was so happy to discover The Foundry. We've been talking about possible counter-measures to Mnngal-Mnngal, and it's been suggested that we send in an army of droids to eradicate it from the Unknown Regions (since droids aren't vulnerable to Mnngal-Mnngal like organic beings). And oh, hey, look at that, there's an automated droid factory right next door that we could use for exactly that purpose....

Anyone knows any force cult/lost Holocron that could teach us Electric Judgment or Emerald Lightning? It is basically the light/grey side version of Sith Lighting, and could come very handy to our force users...
Hmm. As far as the wiki is concerned, Electric Judgment is only recorded & taught on the Great Holocron in the Jedi Archives on Coruscant. And that's something we'll never be permitted access to, not unless we steal it while the Jedi are getting 'Order 66'ed.

Something else to consider, however: Electric Judgment was developed by Plo Koon, a 'Kel Dor' Jedi Master from the planet Dorin. Notably, the first time he used this Force technique was instinctive, which indicates that it may be related to his species. As it turns out, Dorin is also the center of the Baran Do Sages Force sect, which specializes in (wait for it...) Weather Control. Sure enough, here's what the wiki has to say:

Baran Do said:
They were also proficient in a white lightning technique, possibly a variation of Electric Judgment.
This is apparently considered part of the hasset-durr family of Force techniques, which provides an impressively fine control over electricity -- for Force lightning, sure, but more notably for disabling cybernetics or electronics, boosting radio and comm signals, and of course controlling lightning storms.

So, it's ultimately up to @Dr. Snark, but yes, it seems like spending a Lore Action to learn from Baran Do would let us start learning Force lightning...

Finally, I found an interesting reference to the 'Kaiburr Crystal' (not kyber), a hefty Force relic found in the Temple of Pomojema on Circarpous V (aka 'Mimban'). The Kaiburr Crystal is able to massively augment a Force User's power, enabling the light-side use of Force lightning among a bunch of other abilities. The trouble would be finding it -- apparently it was considered a local legend, and not unearthed until 2 ABY when Luke Skywalker crash-landed on the planet. Also, given that the 'Kaiburr Crystal' originates from one of the earliest first drafts of the original 'Star Wars', and later inspired the actual canonical 'kyber crystals' that are used for lightsabers, @Dr. Snark may just decide that this isn't a thing. (It is rather OP).

At this point, I think the Baron Do Sages would be our best bet.
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whose main ability is separating their consciousness from their body and 'walking' the realm called "beyond shadows." Pretty useless, though...
...Can they meet each other while there? If so, does distance matter? How obvious is it to force users that don't know the technique? Because that sounds like a way to exchange information and have meetings that's almost entirely secure, which would be hilariously useful, even if it's only usable between us, Tycho, Asajj, and our force agents.
Hypori is basically an Academy for the latest batch of Baneite Sith -- the grounds have been used to train Plagueis, and Sidious, and Maul. Fortunately, Damask Holding's involvement in the planet is public knowledge, and once we investigate them in more depth we'll be able to figure out that it's still in active use (by the Echani Sun Guard).
We know about the Echani Sun Guard and their connection to the Sith thanks to the Silencer.

I understand not giving us the codebreaker immediately -- that seems far too valuable for a mediocre success on a single action.
It was a normal success, not a bare success.

furthering in our long-term plan to save/recruit Anakin Skywalker (now he begins to realize that Obi-Wan is not the perfect paragon of unattached virtue...).
I don't see how that would make him want to leave. Obi-Wan has already explained that it was just his youth and it's normal for Padawans to develop those feelings. He, like most such Padawans, got over them. Even if he still had them, I don't see how that would convince Anakin to leave the Jedi. More likely it'll just be something they can bond over, even if they ultimately disagree with each other.

They're more like centipedes than actual dragons.
We know about the Echani Sun Guard and their connection to the Sith thanks to the Silencer.
But this would tell us where they train and where their main barracks are. Which means we could theoretically do an orbital strike to take them out of the equation...
It was a normal success, not a bare success.
Yeah, but the codebreaker seems like a really big deal, so I understand holding onto it for a turn.
I don't see how that would make him want to leave.
It's more a matter of ensuring he doesn't Fall -- Anakin's inability to 'connect' with Obi-Wan (and failure to recognize that Obi-Wan struggles with attachment too...) is one of the biggest reasons he felt estranged from the Jedi Order.

Also, does anyone really want to see Anakin inspired by the Corellian Jedi to become the first 'official' Jedi Lord in a millennium? Because the Corellian Jedi don't have to listen to the Council, go out and fight evil and injustice proactively, and (best of all) can get married like normal human beings. Sounds like a sweet deal to me.

They're more like centipedes than actual dragons.
100-meter 'centipedes' that can fly (through space, even!), live for over a thousand years, and grow more fearsome with age. Sounds like a dragon to me.
But this would tell us where they train and where their main barracks are. Which means we could theoretically do an orbital strike to take them out of the equation...
If we wanted to know where they are we could just nab a Sun Guard and torture/Mind Trick him for the information.

Also, does anyone really want to see Anakin inspired by the Corellian Jedi to become the first 'official' Jedi Lord in a millennium? Because the Corellian Jedi don't have to listen to the Council, go out and fight evil and injustice proactively, and (best of all) can get married like normal human beings. Sounds like a sweet deal to me.
The Corellian Jedi are an unimportant group that have no relevance to the galaxy whatsoever, illustrated by their complete lack of existence in any of the movies or TV shows. Better he stick with the actual Jedi so that he can be useful on a wider scale.

Unless you want him to be useless, which may not be a bad idea for after the Clone Wars considering how much crime we do on a daily basis.

100-meter 'centipedes' that can fly (through space, even!), live for over a thousand years, and grow more fearsome with age. Sounds like a dragon to me.
I remain unconvinced that we would have any use for them. What possible way could we exploit these creatures without making them slaves?
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The Corellian Jedi are an irrelevant group that have no relevance to the galaxy whatsoever, illustrated by their complete lack of existence in any of the movies or TV shows. Better he stick with the actual Jedi so that he can be useful on a wider scale.
Only because they don´t appear in the Movies or in the TV shows doesn´t mean that they are irrelevant in SW, there are thousands of relevant stuff in legends that never got into any of those, just take a look at the Old Republic age...
Only because they don´t appear in the Movies or in the TV shows doesn´t mean that they are irrelevant in SW, there are thousands of relevant stuff in legends that never got into any of those, just take a look at the Old Republic age...
I'm reading their wiki page and while they had some relevance in the past when the Sith were big in the galaxy, there is no mention of them doing anything during our time except swearing to defend their own planet.

Add it to Grievous' Petting Zoo.
They're sentient. That's slavery.
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Then Grievous bargains using means compatible with their sentience to add some of them to his army of the Galaxy's most terrifying creatures.
I remain unconvinced that we would have any use for them. What possible way could we exploit these creatures without making them slaves?
The same things you normally use a dragon for: finding out about stuff from thousands of years ago, having a terrifying guy on your side in a fight, and selling all your extra cattle.
The idea of employing giant beings like those is, well, a bit impractical. But they are still sapients, so they probably accept cash. And they have force sensitives. Good luck dueling someone whose custom made lightsaber is thicker than you are (would need an upscaled version of whatever is used o make artificial crystals though, but totally worth it).
The idea of employing giant beings like those is, well, a bit impractical. But they are still sapients, so they probably accept cash. And they have force sensitives. Good luck dueling someone whose custom made lightsaber is thicker than you are (would need an upscaled version of whatever is used o make artificial crystals though, but totally worth it).

You probably get a variant of Cyborg Ninja Raiden vs any of the Metal Gears.
Briefing the Boss Pt. 5

Right then, some quick housekeeping while I have the time: having HK exposition is great, non-canon, +10.

Still trying to figure out what the deal with C-3PX will be.

There isn't anything else from the result with Fry because he's currently in Maximum Paranoia mode and isn't keen on any further obligations/deals/whatever right this second. Later.