I did write up a reply to the plan by
@Evenstar earlier (but never posted it), so let me see if I can retrace my steps there.
First, I agree with the comment on Hazou and agency here:
Plus, he's gone back-and-forth some on communication--there was a period where they asked him to taper down on CCNJ-ing everything, after all. To some degree the communication is only really a problem because he's playing so drastically over his level that he has a hard time course-correcting in the moment; you don't really have a walking problem if you're only falling off of tightropes, you know? The real solution is to finish the tournament, get out of Mist, and get back to a playing field where Hazou is more capable.
The meeting is in general a bad format for addressing issues, because it means that you're pointing out people's problems in front of everyone else. That immediately makes pride and social face a factor and complicates communication, because it often means that even if people objectively agree with you they'll have a harder time saying so. People will go to extraordinary lengths to avoid feeling embarrassed, and that's the first thing any call-out accomplishes.
The specific critiques are also a problem. Jiraiya's in a busy period as a Kage, but what's tipping him over the edge of overwork is his dual responsibilities--he's Hokage
and head of Clan Goketsu, which includes Naruto. Considering our respective situations, he can't afford to drop that end, and there's no one else who can do it. He can delegate to some degree on the Hokage side, but if he dumps too many responsibilities to focus on clan matters, that's legitimate reason to lose the hat, which we really can't afford for many different reasons.
Critiquing Keiko is difficult because she'll agree with all of the symptoms (see that last talk with her, and her talking about her social problems) while ignoring the actual diagnosis (all of it stems from her self-worth issues). Her problems are also sufficiently obvious that calling them out doesn't really accomplish anything.
Saying Noburi is too easy on Hazou is a
bad idea. Hazou currently has basically zero actual non-family friends, save Akane, and when your best option for outside social support is your recently-broken-up-with ex, you know you're in a bad situation. Given that Noburi is the only person with which Hazou currently really has a comfortable, mutually supportive relationship, keeping that structure in place is really important! Hazou is the earthly vessel of our ineffable will and he does a bad job of it when he's emotionally compromised (see: Hana).
The rest isn't really actionable. Getting more outside family pulled into the Clan would be good, but they're all bloodline ninja and therefore the personal becomes
incredibly political. It's a good argument for Hazou biting his tongue and going along with the engagement to Ami, at least, though there's many other things to weigh in that department.
(Like the fact the earthly vessel of our ineffable will doesn't want to. But that just means we need to construct an incredibly convincing argument to keep him from screwing up and
not committing wholeheartedly to the hilarious clusterfuck currently threatening to engulf his whole life. Honestly, what's his problem?)