Throw up a MEW between Hazou and the mob? Might crush a few people if it topples over, cue Hot spring 2.0 and fourth ninja world war.
@Velorien A couple of questions, mostly relating to the layout of the area:
  • SuperTeam Leaf is supposed to be in a marquee in the northeast corner, is this the northeast corner of the entire grounds? Or is it the northeast corner of the congregation?
    • If it's the latter, are there other marquees in the congregation?
  • How far away is Hazou from a source of earth with which to go underground (e.g., in the same Zone, a zone away...)? Can he get there without being seen?
  • Do we know the elemental affinities of anyone from Mist, like Shin?
Runnig coughing and screaming yelling poison isn't going to work, it'll implicate us.

So, their stampeding towards a potentially dangerous cloud of alcohol (if they stay in for any length of time).

We are standing on an undescript wooden surface inside the mansion and we won't be able to turn the tipserator off since the cloud obscuring our vision would then be caput.


Slap down a smoke bomb , cut off the tipserator and then fuck off back to the deep recesses of the mansion?

I'm assuming the EM effect was successfully dispelled by the proctors?
@Velorien A couple of questions, mostly relating to the layout of the area:
  • SuperTeam Leaf is supposed to be in a marquee in the northeast corner, is this the northeast corner of the entire grounds? Or is it the northeast corner of the congregation?
    • If it's the latter, are there other marquees in the congregation?
  • How far away is Hazou from a source of earth with which to go underground (e.g., in the same Zone, a zone away...)? Can he get there without being seen?
  • Do we know the elemental affinities of anyone from Mist, like Shin?
The marquee is in the northeast corner, a significant distance from the trap area (which is why you chose it).

If Hazō steps a zone away, he is off the entrance area and on the grounds, which are all earth. He can do this without being seen by the crowd while their vision is fully obscured by the tipserator mist. Edit: But depending on the angle and where he goes, he might be seen by people who have left the crowd.

Most Academy students don't have/know elemental affinities unless they're part of special clan training. You can hazard a decent guess that Kiri is Water. Is there something specific you're looking for?
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So, we have one round to escape. That means two supplemental actions and one standard action. Things we can use are:

1. Any of our seals
2. Any of our jutsu
3. Random Supplemental actions (e.g. Door opening/closing)

Our primary objective is to not get killed by a stampede of frightened ninjas, our secondary objective is to not be associated with the suspicious stuff we just did.
ngl this whole thing reads like Shin going "what would Hazou do to throw out the whole event" and then being insufficiently creative
I would allow you to spend FP to declare that there is some item of furniture (like whatever they have instead of deck chairs in 12th century Japan) somewhere within range. @eaglejarl, of course, might rule otherwise.

Hivemind, I really think we should spend that fate point.

I like the idea of convincing people to leave the grounds, but even if we succeed we will have created no private information. only civilians will leave, so we won't reduce competition.
So, we have one round to escape. That means two supplemental actions and one standard action. Things we can use are:

1. Any of our seals
2. Any of our jutsu
3. Random Supplemental actions (e.g. Door opening/closing)

Our primary objective is to not get killed by a stampede of frightened ninjas, our secondary objective is to not be associated with the suspicious stuff we just did.
To clarify, next round the stampede will be upon you, but you will only be potentially crushed to death in the round after that (this is technically me bending the rules in the name of simulationism).

I hate zones. They make everything so complicated.
4) My QM instinct says yes, but I don't know what you're actually asking.

5) His location is concealed by the edge of the tipserator cloud. Otherwise he would be within LoS.

For 4) I was asking if the concentration of alcohol in the mist would be dangerous to anyone walking or running into it besides getting them drunk. If it was designed to be dispersed from the mansion, will it be more concentrated at the point of origin than would be considered safe, biologically speaking?
If Hazō steps a zone away, he is off the entrance area and on the grounds, which are all earth. He can do this without being seen by the crowd while their vision is fully obscured by the tipserator mist. Edit: But depending on the angle and where he goes, he might be seen by people who have left the crowd.
Hm. Do we have a second tipserator we can use as additional cover?
Most Academy students don't have/know elemental affinities unless they're part of special clan training. You can hazard a decent guess that Kiri is Water. Is there something specific you're looking for?
Looking for an Earth affinity, mostly. I wanted to see if we could use Earth Release while disguising ourselves as someone else in Mist.

Also a completely different set of questions: When the stampede goes to the mansion will they be going directly towards where the tipserator gas was released? If so, would the gas have dispersed (revealing LOS) by then?
For 4) I was asking if the concentration of alcohol in the mist would be dangerous to anyone walking or running into it besides getting them drunk. If it was designed to be dispersed from the mansion, will it be more concentrated at the point of origin than would be considered safe, biologically speaking?
The exact answer is that Hazō doesn't know. However, the mist isn't going to be significantly more concentrated at the point of origin as misterators are optimised for dispersal.
So, what do people think about wall walking up a pillar to avoid the stampede, and pulling out Tunneler's Friends and Purification Seals to have non-drunken inducing air to breath?
So, what do people think about wall walking up a pillar to avoid the stampede, and pulling out Tunneler's Friends and Purification Seals to have non-drunken inducing air to breath?
I'm not sure that's wise; we aren't particularly good at stealth, and all it'd take is someone to look up.
I'm not sure that's wise; we aren't particularly good at stealth, and all it'd take is someone to look up.
Depends on how dense the mist is. I believe our original plan had been to use the mist as stealth cover while on the ground, Idk how dense it is. At the very least, it would let us avoid the initial stampede.
I'm not sure that's wise; we aren't particularly good at stealth, and all it'd take is someone to look up.
So, what do people think about wall walking up a pillar to avoid the stampede, and pulling out Tunneler's Friends and Purification Seals to have non-drunken inducing air to breath?
We definitely don't want to use ninja techniques to induce a sitting duck situation. If anything we can sprint like a madman to some ground to use.

It sounds like leaving the tipserator on will be ok. I forgot it just pumps out a consistent concentration aerosol as opposed to working like an IRL smoke bomb.

We should give heavy thought to :

1) Find some way to stop the stampede

2) Failing that buggering off

How much time is there left in the event, a few hours?

On the literal flip side, WE didn't cause the stampede, whoever tossed that tag did. So any Henge dispersals aren't our problem , barring them happening to teammates and friends. Likewise for injuries.
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Hm. Do we have a second tipserator we can use as additional cover?
You do not.

Looking for an Earth affinity, mostly. I wanted to see if we could use Earth Release while disguising ourselves as someone else in Mist.
I think "One of the Mist genin in the Exams knows Earth ninjutsu and you've seen/heard of them using it" is also within the power of FP.

Also a completely different set of questions: When the stampede goes to the mansion will they be going directly towards where the tipserator gas was released?
Almost exactly (you were slightly off-centre from the entrance since you were hiding behind a pillar).
If so, would the gas have dispersed (revealing LOS) by then?
No. It lasts for one minute.

Strictly speaking, it's supposed to only cover one zone, but it doesn't make sense to me that a broad cone of mist wouldn't provide any usable cover unless you went to a different zone from its origin point.
You know, this would be a great way to start WW4. Just get into the crowd and detonate a stupid box.
I wonder if "start WW4" is anyone's objective? If so, and they are present, they have a great opportunity here.

We definitely don't want to use ninja techniques to induce a sitting duck situation. If anything we can sprint like a madman to some ground to use.

It sounds like leaving the tipserator on will be ok. I forgot it just pumps out a consistent concentration aerosol as opposed to working like an IRL smoke bomb.

We should give heavy thought to :

1) Find some way to stop the stampede

2) Failing that buggering off

How much time is there left in the event, a few hours?
easiest buggering off solution I'm aware of is substitution, possibly with PMYF if there isn't a target available. Problem with that is that it makes it obvious someone did substitution near the sake bomb (Idk the state of ninja forensics). Alternatively, we could run back into the mansion and wait for others to join, then mingle while not drunk. Problem with running out is that it'll make it obvious the drunk bomb was us.
This is the purpose for which the plan for each update is linked in the title. And a good thing too, as shoehorning in information breaks the flow and generally looks awkward. I already had enough of that in the last scene here because I didn't want to write the pure infodump scene that would have gone at the start of the update.

That's fair; just wanted to make sure this is an intentional decision, since almost always the text itself is sufficient to follow the action.
All in all, that went very well. Our plan achieved all of its objectives splendidly. Now, time to capitalize.

@Velorien I'm going to do my utmost to get that Ami conversation into a plan for you in the future. Assuming we're still alive after this, of course.