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... okay? Not disagreeing with most of that, just not sure of the point you're trying to make.
That's probably my fault, sorry.

Driving at two points. One, I don't, personally, have a strongly negative opinion of her as a person.

2: It's less about 'probable' and more 'one of the only known plausible threats'. We can't be sealed, by, say, the human schoolkids (that we know of) so it's a reason why her, as a threat, is higher rated than most anyone else that may be opposition, on an individual level.
She has proven able to seal Vegeta Vegeta in his sleep unnoticed by the big super saiyans. This does not automatically mean she could do it to us, but random Senzus, say, are more likely to be stopped by random guards or caught by Berra or whatever. It's a plausible threat and she's proving to consider it a viable solution to problems (where any random Senzu we don't know would be willing to kill us in our sleep, etc)
..Well, obviously she didn't get stopped by any guards or activate any alarms, she's his goddamn wife and is supposed to be in his bedroom at night. That doesn't mean she wouldn't get noticed if she tried to seal anyone who isn't her husband.
Desperate or ruthless are options. Not automatically the same thing as sadistic or malicious. He might well be a very nice person other than considering torturing small children to death okay, it's entirely possible.
Firstly, you cannot be a nice person if you torture children to death. It's simply not possible. And to the point you raised about Saiyan culture possibly being different, these are not the genocidal Saiyans of planet Vegeta, but the hybrid refugees of Dragon Ball Earth, and Dragon Ball earth did not endorse the torture and murder of innocent children. And again, he tortured a six-year old to death in front of her family. If you do that, you deserve to die (hopefully by being tortured), no matter how "charitable" or "generous" you might otherwise be. If he had merely killed the children, he could have passed it off as ruthlessness (though I'd still say he'd deserve to die), but this was straight up sadistic.
Secondly, Dandeer said that the "madness" she saw in Lord Vegeta and Jaffur was present in Yammar too, and thirdly, he raised Lord Vegeta and turned him into the bastard he was. That doesn't exactly paint him as a good person.
By all appearances, it'd have to be Apra and Yammar together to do shit to him. Also? Who Cares. She still greatly disrupted the balance of power, by which I mean it's now possible for Berra to murder most of the planet with no single individual able to stop him. And don't try to objrect that he's a good man, mind control definitely exists in the setting.
We've only seen one kind of mind control in DBZ, and that relied on using the evil within people. Somehow I don't think that'd be particularly effective on Berra.
No. It was theorized it may have been used merely because it's something we, the audience would see as being a 'magic chant, done', but it's specifically Babidi's mind control chant. it might not be being used as such in context, but, in my opinion, the risk that it is is too great.
We saw what happened from Jaffur's perspective. Dandeer fucked with his mind, but she didn't put him under mind control. Also, how the hell would she have learned Babidi's mind control spell? It makes far more sense for it to be a general magic chant, because then it explains why she's using it.
Blatantly fallacious. If we get hit by.... say, 6 aliens, each of which is about an even match for a former lord/current lord/scion, we could die because we're down 1/3rd of our biggest guns. Remember, we can win and be tired whereby more meat for the grinder would help. Aside from any concentration of power advantage.
Yes, but in all likelihood, any aliens who invade won't even have a power level of a million (the Ginyu force were feared throughout the galaxy with a mid five digit power level). I'm not sure where you'd even find 6 evil aliens with a power level high enough to threaten us. On the other hand, since this is DBZ, I think we're more likely to be invaded by someone stronger than us than by someone at our strength or lower.
That's probably my fault, sorry.

Driving at two points. One, I don't, personally, have a strongly negative opinion of her as a person.

2: It's less about 'probable' and more 'one of the only known plausible threats'. We can't be sealed, by, say, the human schoolkids (that we know of) so it's a reason why her, as a threat, is higher rated than most anyone else that may be opposition, on an individual level.

Okay, that seems like pretty sensible reasoning. Granted, I'm tempted to not really do anything about it anyway, because I think that having the 9 year-old pacifist girl a bit naive and not overly worrying about surprise attacks is more interesting. But yes, she's right now the only known threat, even if the amount of threat is debatable.
As per BOD, the answer to the first question is, "yes and no," in a way that ties into the second question. ASSJ gives you a 1.5x multiplier to the SSJ boost, and USSJ doubles the boost. In addition, both in theory raise the base power cap to 375 million, just like FPSSJ. However, they get slammed with diminishing returns far earlier and far harder, and also give no endurance benefit like the mastered form does. So it would take a lifetime to grind them up to a comparable or greater power level -- as House Talt discovered while trying to find a way to master them. That said, a FPSSJ who tried to bulk up would simply go USSJ, doubling their 750 million boost and arriving at a total transformed power of 1.875 billion, but with all of the crushing endurance and speed penalties of the bulked up forms. So if you've got a really big blast that needs charging, and absolutely nothing else, it's the superior form. Thus, under the right circumstances and used by the right person, USSJ is stronger in terms of brute force, yes.

And as @Aranfan pointed out above, the implication is that that power level is equal to SSJ2. And under the BOD system, they're correct -- SSJ2 kicks up the boost from SSJ by a factor of 2, but with an equivalent proportion of endurance and speed to a normal Super Saiyan. So a Full-Powered Super Saiyan who bulked up into USSJ and got into a beam struggle could fight a Super Saiyan 2 on equal ground -- for like a minute, until their ki ran out. And then they would be vapor. Really, really buff vapor.

No worries! Welcome back!
What do you mean by ussj and so on?
What do you mean by ussj and so on?
ASS is the muscular super saiyan form Vegeta and Trunks showed after leaving the room of spirit and time in the cell saga and stands for ascended super saiyan. It looks like the first level with more muscles. USS is ultra super saiyan, the bulked form Trunks used against perfect cell. FPSS is full power super saiyan which is what Goku and Gohan were when leaving the room.
Not a close, but time for a quick vote tally.

Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] ...things that will be.
No. of votes: 2
veekie, lemon10

[X] ...things that are.
No. of votes: 13

Chaossama, Zuduke, Bakkasama, Andres110, Icefyre, KaintukeeBob, pianoman, Walkin' Man, KnightDisciple, MrGazzer, ChildishChimera, Terrabrand, Macros

[X] ...things that were.
No. of votes: 5

Bommelom, Teen Spirit, Nathaniel Wolff, Astaroh-M, dunk1010

Fairly quick response on this one so far. We'll see how (if) things develop for a bit, though.
Which reminds me, is the ki blocking thing the seers can do penalized by it? I mean, it looks like a non-lethal takedown.

On a completely unrelated note though, we should find out what is the deal with the whole Vegeta line of succession now.
Wait, is ki blocking what jackie chun did to manwolf in the 22nd tournament?
Didn't Roshi do it, though?

He did, but it's not really well-studied. General perception is, "Well I can spend years learning to hypnotize somebody, and in general just kinda hope that they don't know a countermeasure, or I can ask a Sorcerer to wave at them and mutter under their breath for a second."

So, I mean, you could learn it. It won't be terribly reliable, but you can.
He did, but it's not really well-studied. General perception is, "Well I can spend years learning to hypnotize somebody, and in general just kinda hope that they don't know a countermeasure, or I can ask a Sorcerer to wave at them and mutter under their breath for a second."

So, I mean, you could learn it. It won't be terribly reliable, but you can.
Does this mean it's possible to replicate many sorcery effects with ki? I mean, the Mafuba also sounds like something that'd be easier t accomplish with sorcery, but Mutaito managed to make it run purely on ki.
Does this mean it's possible to replicate many sorcery effects with ki? I mean, the Mafuba also sounds like something that'd be easier t accomplish with sorcery, but Mutaito managed to make it run purely on ki.

In general, yeah. Ki can do some weird shit. But sorcery is just optimized better for certain things. The Mafuba, for instance, kills you, but a Sorcerer could manage it while merely being exhausted afterwards.
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