Voting is open
You guys are splitting the negotiate vore.

Not really. To my understanding, Poptart avoids letting votes get split by things like that. Follow this quote a bit:

In general, I've been considering my approach on vote splitting like that. I'll let you know what I decide for this vote.

Currently, the leading vote is "Negotiate." The leading method (with more than half of Negotiate voters, and the second highest number of voters by line) for negotiating is the "Confident Host" route. The number of Negotiate voters with additional contingencies is relatively negligible currently, so they probably won't factor in to the final decision.

Is Kakaara wearing pants, short, or a skirt? It's possible she could wrap it around her leg before anyone notices.

Her current Masqued Power Level is sitting at 300 million, so that is hopefully irrelevant.
Yeah. Masqued-Kakara (that is, "Karen") is strong enough that she could probably solo the Frieza saga- with the Masque on, I emphasize. Even one percent of "Karen's" power would probably be enough to handle this. Our Masqued maximum would make this comically easy, and that is in fact one of our vote options (the 0.7x weighted one).

The challenge isn't getting more power to handle this. it's handling it in a way that doesn't cause social problems with Jaron and Maya.

You guys are splitting the negotiate vore.
The negotiate vote is overwhelmingly winning. It is entirely reasonable for there to be some discussion of which negotiation tactics to try.

Maybe we should consider playing up the child angle in our negotiations: Say something to the effect of "We're scared of you, what do you want?" They do seem to have a distaste for child soldiers, after all.
One of them did. The others are expressing surprise, but they don't seem to be showing any hesitation about attacking us if that's what it takes. I'm not saying this is a bad idea at all, but we shouldn't overestimate its effectiveness.

You know, between Maya being at 780k and a competent flyer and us being at the level of their strongest fighter (500K) while being exceptional flyer,we might have a chance to outfly them if we grab Jaron. Maya would be too fast for them to catch and flying away should give us time to IT.
We might. Then again, flip that around. Their strongest fighter has a power level about two thirds of Maya's, Maya's been training in flight for maybe a year or so. Some of them have been training for decades.

Remember how when we were at two hundred thousand and the dinosaur-guy scout alien was at one fifty? That isn't far from the margin of superiority in power level Maya has over the strongest scout. Remember how the scout we fought was very much holding his own against us, despite the power disparity? And even got in a good shot or two. We'd have won eventually, probably, but it was close to even. A flying contest between Maya and the scouts could be like that fight was for us. Plus, they have numbers, so if she has to start trying to jink and dodge and outmaneuver them, they automatically have the opportunity to box her in.

If I had to place a bet on who would win a flying contest, Maya or the whole squad of alien scouts trying to catch her... I honestly don't know who I'd bet on. Kakara could make it out, if only by powering up if she realized they were gaining on her. But Maya? Maybe so, maybe not.

What would be the results of breaking the mask in this situation? Real question here, I'm not entirely certain.
"Breaking the masquerade" as in revealing the existence of ki-using superbeings to the world? That ship has sailed.

"Breaking the masquerade" as in revealing that (most of) the ki-using superbeings on Garenhuld are in fact saiyans, rather than fighting under our Masques? No advantages to us whatsoever because we really don't need the greater power we have in saiyan form. Two huge disadvantages.

One, the aliens may recognize tailed human-like warriors as saiyans, causing word to get out that there are surviving saiyans on this planet.That could bring all sorts of extraterrestrial attention to this planet, up to and including the Enemy.

Two, the Garenhulders will know that the superbeings among them aren't human. Remember, we live in a large country whose angry xenophobia is enough that they happily tried to starve Tastreya into submission, and enough that their military is perfectly content to nuke Tastreya and kill millions of civilians. If it turns out "aliens live among us," the negative consequences for civilian life on Garenhuld could be very severe. Basically, we're likely to trigger a witch hunt for aliens among the Garenhulders, and while our physical safety is reasonably sure, it's going to have bad effects on:

a) Kakara/Karen's social life and interaction with people including Jaron, who we really need to trust us if we're going to break the Sealing.

b) Our immediate family who will probably have to turn their whole Masqued life inside out and/or give up on it entirely and just flee.

c) Other saiyans whose Masqued double lives might not pass inspection if there's an ongoing witch hunt for aliens

d) Any innocent humans who somehow get caught up or harmed in said witch hunt, and

e) The entire Exile community may have awkward (if solvable) problems if the witch-hunters are successful enough that they somehow penetrate the magical security we have on key locations like the Hall. Or, for another example of a weird but possible problem, if Garenhulders locate the Senzus' home, that could draw attention to it and potentially expose our conspiracy among the saiyans to (for example) Berra. That isn't SURE to happen, but it could.


All in all yeah, there is effectively NO benefit to dropping our sorcerous Masque, and considerable disadvantages.
Last edited:
[X] Draw them away. Whether or not Sensei got the news to Dad, the Hall blocks ki going out, not in. Fight a holding action and get away from the school; your father will be here momentarily, and then this will be over.
-[X] Prepare to teleport well outside the city limits.
-[X] Take Jaron's hand. Telepathically tell Maya to join hands with us, as fast as possible. Once we're all in contact, use Instant Transmission.
-[X] After teleporting, explain to Maya and Jaron. Tell them we're waiting for Dad to show up, and warn of the risk of getting attacked and tranquilized before then.
-[X] If the scouts pursue us, power up enough to deter them from attacking immediately, and try to negotiate.
[X] Draw them away. Whether or not Sensei got the news to Dad, the Hall blocks ki going out, not in. Fight a holding action and get away from the school; your father will be here momentarily, and then this will be over.
-[X] Prepare to teleport well outside the city limits.
-[X] Take Jaron's hand. Telepathically tell Maya to join hands with us, as fast as possible. Once we're all in contact, use Instant Transmission.
-[X] After teleporting, explain to Maya and Jaron. Tell them we're waiting for Dad to show up, and warn of the risk of getting attacked and tranquilized before then.
-[X] If the scouts pursue us, power up enough to deter them from attacking immediately, and try to negotiate.
So, tally time? Tally time.
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - Dragon Ball: After the End | Page 512 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 12799-13033]
##### NetTally 1.9.9

[X] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. know you can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
No. of Votes: 16

-[x] You are their host. Speak confident, calm, polite and with authority. They didn't want to negotiate from a vulnerable position. Now they are not. What do they want in this planet and why are they here?
No. of Votes: 12

-[X] Take Jaron's hand. Telepathically tell Maya to join hands with us, as fast as possible. Once we're all in contact, use Instant Transmission.
No. of Votes: 5

[X] Draw them away. Whether or not Sensei got the news to Dad, the Hall blocks ki going out, not in. Fight a holding action and get away from the school; your father will be here momentarily, and then this will be over.
No. of Votes: 5

-[X] If the scouts pursue us, power up enough to deter them from attacking immediately, and try to negotiate.
No. of Votes: 5

-[X] Prepare to teleport well outside the city limits.
No. of Votes: 5

-[X] After teleporting, explain to Maya and Jaron. Tell them we're waiting for Dad to show up, and warn of the risk of getting attacked and tranquilized before then.
No. of Votes: 5

-[X] Power up to 1 million to cause hesitation through intimidation. Imply heavier hitters coming. if hostilities break out, up to 5 million is authorized to protect ourselves and our friends.
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] "Your information is clearly lacking. Back off now, before you dig yourself too deep."
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Go SSj.
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] End this with very enthusiastic diplomacy.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Armageddon Initiative
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] Imply heavier hitters coming. Ask what scouts want. Work withthem. Convey that they tracked you, not Maya. Move discussion away from civilians. If not.. Draw them away from school.
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] Take Jaron's hand. Telepathically tell Maya to join hands with us, as fast as possible.
No. of Votes: 1

-[x] If negotiating breaks down and you're forced to hold your ground, power up to q 1 million or more and hold them off until help gets here. If it seems like someone is going to get hurt beat higher for a beat.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Draw them away. By agreeing to fly with them away from any cities. Prepare to fight because they will likely attack.
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] Be prepared to teleport well outside the city limits. Telepathically tell them both the plan to stall for dad and the risk of getting attacked before then and getting tranqued.
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] Power up sufficiently to get them to negotiate/hesitate first.
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] Go to 10 million, intercept the attacks and end all of them except the leader, capture him.
No. of Votes: 1

-[x] If negotiating breaks down and you're forced to hold your ground, power up to 20 million or more and shut them down hard. Making sure nobody here dies and nobody gets kidnapped is more important than maintaining your mask.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 24
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - Dragon Ball: After the End | Page 512 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 12799-13033]
##### NetTally 1.9.9

[x] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. know you can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
-[x] You are their host. Speak confident, calm, polite and with authority. They didn't want to negotiate from a vulnerable position. Now they are not. What do they want in this planet and why are they here?
No. of Votes: 10

[X] Draw them away. Whether or not Sensei got the news to Dad, the Hall blocks ki going out, not in. Fight a holding action and get away from the school; your father will be here momentarily, and then this will be over.
-[X] Prepare to teleport well outside the city limits.
-[X] Take Jaron's hand. Telepathically tell Maya to join hands with us, as fast as possible. Once we're all in contact, use Instant Transmission.
-[X] After teleporting, explain to Maya and Jaron. Tell them we're waiting for Dad to show up, and warn of the risk of getting attacked and tranquilized before then.
-[X] If the scouts pursue us, power up enough to deter them from attacking immediately, and try to negotiate.
No. of Votes: 5

[X] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. know you can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
-[X] Power up to 1 million to cause hesitation through intimidation. Imply heavier hitters coming. if hostilities break out, up to 5 million is authorized to protect ourselves and our friends.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. knowyou can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
-[X] "Your information is clearly lacking. Back off now, before you dig yourself too deep."
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. know you can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. knowyou can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
-[x] You are their host. Speak confident, calm, polite and with authority. They didn't want to negotiate from a vulnerable position. Now they are not. What do they want in this planet and why are they here?
-[x] If negotiating breaks down and you're forced to hold your ground, power up to 20 million or more and shut them down hard. Making sure nobody here dies and nobody gets kidnapped is more important than maintaining your mask.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Go SSj.
-[X] End this with very enthusiastic diplomacy.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Armageddon Initiative
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. know you can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
-[X] Imply heavier hitters coming. Ask what scouts want. Work withthem. Convey that they tracked you, not Maya. Move discussion away from civilians. If not.. Draw them away from school.
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. knowyou can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
-[x] You are their host. Speak confident, calm, polite and with authority. They didn't want to negotiate from a vulnerable position. Now they are not. What do they want in this planet and why are they here?
-[x] If negotiating breaks down and you're forced to hold your ground, power up to q 1 million or more and hold them off until help gets here. If it seems like someone is going to get hurt beat higher for a beat.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Draw them away. By agreeing to fly with them away from any cities. Prepare to fight because they will likely attack.
-[X] Take Jaron's hand. Telepathically tell Maya to join hands with us, as fast as possible.
-[X] Be prepared to teleport well outside the city limits. Telepathically tell them both the plan to stall for dad and the risk of getting attacked before then and getting tranqued.
-[X] Power up sufficiently to get them to negotiate/hesitate first.
-[X] Go to 10 million, intercept the attacks and end all of them except the leader, capture him.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 24
16/24 support negotiation, 10 support a particular approach, with 2 supporting a variation of that approach, and 1 supporting no approach.

And 5 people support Drawing them Away.
Last edited:
16/24 support negotiation, 10 support a particular approach, with 2 supporting a variation of that approach, and 1 supporting no approach.

And 5 people support Drawing them Away.
Well, I feel good for being able to construct a minority consensus on Draw Them Away, something that presents a credible if unpopular alternative to "negotiate in place." :)
In order to simplify it for myself, I have decided that as power level climbs you basically have subjective time. Yes, that is simpler to my way of thinking. :lol So yes, you think faster. A subjective second to a Full-Power Super Saiyan is actually (arbitrarily small division of a second) in reality. And I shall cheerfully ignore any evidence to the contrary. :p
Wait. Wait wait wait.
Do we age in subjective time scales as well?
Can we train in subjective time, and get years of training in seconds, which increases our PL further, giving us yet more subjective time, and escalate recursively?
Wait. Wait wait wait.
Do we age in subjective time scales as well?
Can we train in subjective time, and get years of training in seconds, which increases our PL further, giving us yet more subjective time, and escalate recursively?
Kakara already trains and studies using subjective time, and said extra time is already included in the number of AP Kakara has. And it doesn't appear she ages any faster while using it.

And there are two problems with your suggestion:
1) Overuse of it causes harmful mental effects. Kakara knows this, and makes sure she doesn't go overboard.
2) Saiyan biology has an in-built PL limit, which Kakara has reached. Going further requires unlocking Super Saiyan 2 or Super Saiyan God, the methods of which are both unknown and illegal.
Kakara already trains and studies using subjective time, and said extra time is already included in the number of AP Kakara has. And it doesn't appear she ages any faster while using it.

And there are two problems with your suggestion:
1) Overuse of it causes harmful mental effects. Kakara knows this, and makes sure she doesn't go overboard.
2) Saiyan biology has an in-built PL limit, which Kakara has reached. Going further requires unlocking Super Saiyan 2 or Super Saiyan God, the methods of which are both unknown and illegal.
Clearly we need to do biological research to increase the limits.
[x] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. knowyou can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
-[x] You are their host. Speak confident, calm, polite and with authority. They didn't want to negotiate from a vulnerable position. Now they are not. What do they want in this planet and why are they here?
So, Poptart is probably going to reappear in the next 3 hours, at which point the vote will probably be announced as closed, so here's the latest tally.
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - Dragon Ball: After the End | Page 512 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 12799-13044]
##### NetTally 1.9.9

[X] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. know you can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
No. of Votes: 17

-[x] You are their host. Speak confident, calm, polite and with authority. They didn't want to negotiate from a vulnerable position. Now they are not. What do they want in this planet and why are they here?
No. of Votes: 13

-[X] Take Jaron's hand. Telepathically tell Maya to join hands with us, as fast as possible. Once we're all in contact, use Instant Transmission.
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Draw them away. Whether or not Sensei got the news to Dad, the Hall blocks ki going out, not in. Fight a holding action and get away from the school; your father will be here momentarily, and then this will be over.
No. of Votes: 6

-[X] If the scouts pursue us, power up enough to deter them from attacking immediately, and try to negotiate.
No. of Votes: 6

-[X] Prepare to teleport well outside the city limits.
No. of Votes: 6

-[X] After teleporting, explain to Maya and Jaron. Tell them we're waiting for Dad to show up, and warn of the risk of getting attacked and tranquilized before then.
No. of Votes: 6

-[X] Power up to 1 million to cause hesitation through intimidation. Imply heavier hitters coming. if hostilities break out, up to 5 million is authorized to protect ourselves and our friends.
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] "Your information is clearly lacking. Back off now, before you dig yourself too deep."
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Go SSj.
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] End this with very enthusiastic diplomacy.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Armageddon Initiative
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] Imply heavier hitters coming. Ask what scouts want. Work withthem. Convey that they tracked you, not Maya. Move discussion away from civilians. If not.. Draw them away from school.
No. of Votes: 1

-[x] If negotiating breaks down and you're forced to hold your ground, power up to q 1 million or more and hold them off until help gets here. If it seems like someone is going to get hurt beat higher for a beat.
No. of Votes: 1

-[x] If negotiating breaks down and you're forced to hold your ground, power up to 20 million or more and shut them down hard. Making sure nobody here dies and nobody gets kidnapped is more important than maintaining your mask.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 25
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - Dragon Ball: After the End | Page 512 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 12799-13044]
##### NetTally 1.9.9

[x] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. know you can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
-[x] You are their host. Speak confident, calm, polite and with authority. They didn't want to negotiate from a vulnerable position. Now they are not. What do they want in this planet and why are they here?
No. of Votes: 11

[X] Draw them away. Whether or not Sensei got the news to Dad, the Hall blocks ki going out, not in. Fight a holding action and get away from the school; your father will be here momentarily, and then this will be over.
-[X] Prepare to teleport well outside the city limits.
-[X] Take Jaron's hand. Telepathically tell Maya to join hands with us, as fast as possible. Once we're all in contact, use Instant Transmission.
-[X] After teleporting, explain to Maya and Jaron. Tell them we're waiting for Dad to show up, and warn of the risk of getting attacked and tranquilized before then.
-[X] If the scouts pursue us, power up enough to deter them from attacking immediately, and try to negotiate.
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. know you can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
-[X] Power up to 1 million to cause hesitation through intimidation. Imply heavier hitters coming. if hostilities break out, up to 5 million is authorized to protect ourselves and our friends.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. knowyou can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
-[X] "Your information is clearly lacking. Back off now, before you dig yourself too deep."
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. know you can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. knowyou can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
-[x] You are their host. Speak confident, calm, polite and with authority. They didn't want to negotiate from a vulnerable position. Now they are not. What do they want in this planet and why are they here?
-[x] If negotiating breaks down and you're forced to hold your ground, power up to 20 million or more and shut them down hard. Making sure nobody here dies and nobody gets kidnapped is more important than maintaining your mask.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Go SSj.
-[X] End this with very enthusiastic diplomacy.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Armageddon Initiative
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. know you can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
-[X] Imply heavier hitters coming. Ask what scouts want. Work withthem. Convey that they tracked you, not Maya. Move discussion away from civilians. If not.. Draw them away from school.
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. knowyou can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
-[x] You are their host. Speak confident, calm, polite and with authority. They didn't want to negotiate from a vulnerable position. Now they are not. What do they want in this planet and why are they here?
-[x] If negotiating breaks down and you're forced to hold your ground, power up to q 1 million or more and hold them off until help gets here. If it seems like someone is going to get hurt beat higher for a beat.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 25

Since we now know what has won, we can start worrying about the result! :V
Last edited:
Wait. Wait wait wait.
Do we age in subjective time scales as well?
Can we train in subjective time, and get years of training in seconds, which increases our PL further, giving us yet more subjective time, and escalate recursively?
You do not age from subjective time.
So, Poptart is probably going to reappear in the next 3 hours, at which point the vote will probably be announced as closed, so here's the latest tally.
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - Dragon Ball: After the End | Page 512 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 12799-13044]
##### NetTally 1.9.9

[X] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. know you can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
No. of Votes: 17

-[x] You are their host. Speak confident, calm, polite and with authority. They didn't want to negotiate from a vulnerable position. Now they are not. What do they want in this planet and why are they here?
No. of Votes: 13

-[X] Take Jaron's hand. Telepathically tell Maya to join hands with us, as fast as possible. Once we're all in contact, use Instant Transmission.
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Draw them away. Whether or not Sensei got the news to Dad, the Hall blocks ki going out, not in. Fight a holding action and get away from the school; your father will be here momentarily, and then this will be over.
No. of Votes: 6

-[X] If the scouts pursue us, power up enough to deter them from attacking immediately, and try to negotiate.
No. of Votes: 6

-[X] Prepare to teleport well outside the city limits.
No. of Votes: 6

-[X] After teleporting, explain to Maya and Jaron. Tell them we're waiting for Dad to show up, and warn of the risk of getting attacked and tranquilized before then.
No. of Votes: 6

-[X] Power up to 1 million to cause hesitation through intimidation. Imply heavier hitters coming. if hostilities break out, up to 5 million is authorized to protect ourselves and our friends.
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] "Your information is clearly lacking. Back off now, before you dig yourself too deep."
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Go SSj.
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] End this with very enthusiastic diplomacy.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Armageddon Initiative
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] Imply heavier hitters coming. Ask what scouts want. Work withthem. Convey that they tracked you, not Maya. Move discussion away from civilians. If not.. Draw them away from school.
No. of Votes: 1

-[x] If negotiating breaks down and you're forced to hold your ground, power up to q 1 million or more and hold them off until help gets here. If it seems like someone is going to get hurt beat higher for a beat.
No. of Votes: 1

-[x] If negotiating breaks down and you're forced to hold your ground, power up to 20 million or more and shut them down hard. Making sure nobody here dies and nobody gets kidnapped is more important than maintaining your mask.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 25
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - Dragon Ball: After the End | Page 512 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 12799-13044]
##### NetTally 1.9.9

[x] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. know you can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
-[x] You are their host. Speak confident, calm, polite and with authority. They didn't want to negotiate from a vulnerable position. Now they are not. What do they want in this planet and why are they here?
No. of Votes: 11

[X] Draw them away. Whether or not Sensei got the news to Dad, the Hall blocks ki going out, not in. Fight a holding action and get away from the school; your father will be here momentarily, and then this will be over.
-[X] Prepare to teleport well outside the city limits.
-[X] Take Jaron's hand. Telepathically tell Maya to join hands with us, as fast as possible. Once we're all in contact, use Instant Transmission.
-[X] After teleporting, explain to Maya and Jaron. Tell them we're waiting for Dad to show up, and warn of the risk of getting attacked and tranquilized before then.
-[X] If the scouts pursue us, power up enough to deter them from attacking immediately, and try to negotiate.
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. know you can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
-[X] Power up to 1 million to cause hesitation through intimidation. Imply heavier hitters coming. if hostilities break out, up to 5 million is authorized to protect ourselves and our friends.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. knowyou can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
-[X] "Your information is clearly lacking. Back off now, before you dig yourself too deep."
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. know you can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. knowyou can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
-[x] You are their host. Speak confident, calm, polite and with authority. They didn't want to negotiate from a vulnerable position. Now they are not. What do they want in this planet and why are they here?
-[x] If negotiating breaks down and you're forced to hold your ground, power up to 20 million or more and shut them down hard. Making sure nobody here dies and nobody gets kidnapped is more important than maintaining your mask.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Go SSj.
-[X] End this with very enthusiastic diplomacy.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Armageddon Initiative
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. know you can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
-[X] Imply heavier hitters coming. Ask what scouts want. Work withthem. Convey that they tracked you, not Maya. Move discussion away from civilians. If not.. Draw them away from school.
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Negotiate. Convince them to hold off for long enough to talk. Dad will show up then, and his presence will allow you to dictate terms from there. knowyou can at least delay. That said, if you fail to stop them completely you default to having to hold your ground, so if that doesn't appeal...
-[x] You are their host. Speak confident, calm, polite and with authority. They didn't want to negotiate from a vulnerable position. Now they are not. What do they want in this planet and why are they here?
-[x] If negotiating breaks down and you're forced to hold your ground, power up to q 1 million or more and hold them off until help gets here. If it seems like someone is going to get hurt beat higher for a beat.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 25

Since we now know what has won, we can start worrying about the result! :V
How prescient. ;)

Vote closed.
Since we now know what has won, we can start worrying about the result! :V
a) Alien: She sounds important! Everyone, take her hostage!:evil:

b) Kakara: You are right, we have been terrible hosts! :) Welcome to *gets punched in the face*

c) Kakara: You are-:)
Maya: Attack! :mad:
Jaron: Haaaa! :confused:
Kakara: :facepalm:

d) Jaffur: Scion! What the hell are you doing! Scion, stop!
Jafffur: :jackiechan:
Jaffur: ...well, that was pointless. And now I revealed my triump card over nothing.

e) Alien: I apreciate your words and your willingness to negotiate but we came here to take hostages for a prisoner Exchange so I'm gonna punch you anyways. ;)

f) Kakara: Welcome aliens! I am Kakara! :)
Maya: Karen.
Kakara: Right, Karen. Totally what I wanted to say. Because that is my name. :whistle:
Jaffur: *Mindpalms*:facepalm:
...I just thought of something. Is part of the dislike/prejudice amongst the Exiles with regards to magic a hold over/remnant/cultural wound due to the fact that the Enemy used magic? It's mentioned in the History section of the FP that using was magic was originally controversial afterall.

And while the original reasoning was forgotten, it's influence lingered, and with the growing movement that clings to whole "proud warrior lineage", it gained new reasoning.
...I just thought of something. Is part of the dislike/prejudice amongst the Exiles with regards to magic a hold over/remnant/cultural wound due to the fact that the Enemy used magic? It's mentioned in the History section of the FP that using was magic was originally controversial afterall.

And while the original reasoning was forgotten, it's influence lingered, and with the growing movement that clings to whole "proud warrior lineage", it gained new reasoning.
Nah, that's entirely you reading the RP coming back to bite you. ;) The Exiles don't know what the Enemy used.
Voting is open