I'm trying to think of a way to express my opinion without insulting someone or re-opening an old argument. Hmm... this thread has become such a minefield
Well, I'll just say that I found this whole situation funny. Poptart said that this was the result of cognitive dissonance between Kakara and the players, but I don't think thats the core of the problem. No, this is the result of a dissonance between the players.
While there seem to be some people here who truly believe in pacifism, I feel like most of the players do not, and as a result do not truly understand how a pacifist would think. They were seduced by the idea of a pacifist saiyan, but never stopped to consider what would happen when a pacifist entered a battlefield.
In a situation like this one, I think attempting diplomacy just struck most people as silly. Who would actually try to negotiate with a slaver whose in the process of trying to kill our allies? Well, that's what a pacifist would do, but most people just don't think that way.
And then there are people like me who hate the entire concept of pacifism and would never vote the pacifist option on pure principle...
Anyway, maybe its a good thing that this happened. I mean, not for Kakara or the planet, but for us the players. This little crisis has given us a chance to possibly change her foundational trait. When the time comes to reconsider her beliefs, we the players need to have a long frank discussion on what kind of character we want to play as.
Personally, I feel like this should be easy. I think most of us are in agreement that we want to be someone nicer than the normal saiyan blood knight who fights for fun and profit. But we should also try to be someone who can fight when necessary, or this clash between the player instinct to fight and the pacifist instinct not to fight will keep happening. Surely there has to be a middle ground trait we can shoot for right?