The Cynthia you just saw is not the Cynthia
@Aranfan is playing. Their Cynthia comes from a branch timeline.
If that Cynthia dies, she'll re-merge with the Cynthia you just saw, who is the main-timeline version. Given that the branch alt is a Time Patroller, Cynthia Main gets to keep her alt's memories. Beyond that, unless I've greatly misread the character she does not plan on making a stir. While other characters in the RP have fewer than no compunctions about using Patrol-sourced abilities and knowledge to impact their timelines, Cynthia strikes me as somebody who would feel uncomfortable with it outside of direst need. Also, she's going to be kept
busy in the Time Patrol. Her alt lives there full time. I foresee her taking a hands-off approach to her timeline. Even if she doesn't, she's basically not going to be around. That last point isn't even because of anything I'll do; it's just that with all her responsibilities in the RP, she won't have time to
be around.
All of that having been said, I'm not going to explain for every element of crossover why it's not going to be an issue going forward. I'm on record as saying that they won't be huge, mesovoric portions of the story; I'm not going to go into the nitty-gritty of why every time one of them crops up. Y'all are just gonna have to trust me.