...I can see using Ki to, say, burn off dirt and whatnot if we're out "roughing it" and don't have the opportunity for an actual shower, but otherwise, unless we're using Ki to conjure up soap, water, cosmetics, a mirror, etc., no, it can't just replace a bathroom, and even if it could, that doesn't mean anyone would want to.
I mean, you can just go build an outhouse outside your home and use that instead of an actual toilet, and it'll totally save water bills! But will you?
Why would a Pacifist want to not think and feel and believe like a Pacifist? The whole Pacifist thing is about an inherent mentality, not, like a physical block, and so in my mind it would seem counter-intuitive to say "well I want to think less peacefully so I can even better train to kill people, I'm going to turn into a full-blooded Saiyan!". It seems like a strong case for cognitive dissonance, which wouldn't really be helpful (except I guess for the voters who want to completely strip away Pacifism from Kakara?).
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