Same reason talking to Maya and Mato cost an action each. It'll cascade into more things once it's done. Otherwise it would've been part of the last Year 3 update.
I honestly don't know how I can. I was taking notes one day and realized I was looking at my teacher more than at my page. It looked like shit, so I focused on it until it didn't. Had it down by the end of the period.
Granted, the resultant notes weren't very good, but they were tidy.
Well, you can't go higher than an A+, so if you raise twice from where you are and then decide to take university courses for some arcane reason you'll probably get straight Fs. At your present level of schooling, though, no. Stakes get higher as you proceed into secondary and post-secondary (tertiary, I'd think, but nobody calls it that?) schooling, though.
She'd be mad at you for doing less than your best. Much higher principle at work than a simple, "You have fallen below the minimum acceptable threshold." She will never accept less than an A- from you, because that's what she's seen from you. If you get grades to an A+, she'll expect them to stay there until you exit school, and Dad will go right along with her since she's the teacher and he defers to her judgment on matters of education. The exception to this would be if your grades persistently stayed below a certain level in spite of your honest best effort. To be honest, Kakara will never encounter that problem; if you all play it that way she'll get perfect scores until she leaves university. But Mom doesn't know that.
Bleh. Scuppers that plan, unless we slack on a year where we very publicly have way too much on our plate - which won't be for several years at best, given the secret actions.
It is just going to be so stupid when some else brings him in and then he asks "Why didn't you tell me?"
And we say "I didn't have time!"
And he says "That is no excuse, we met together for regular lessons."
On the other hand, if Sensei
isn't down with us plotting treason, it's going to be a lot longer than a single conversation.
So, we didn't actually face much actual penalties for dropping a grade? And it was always accepted it might happen by the voters? Because that was pretty much what happened.
@Deathbybunnies , are you aiming for making Multiform/Tien an integral part of our final fighting style? It looks like it, and it's an interesting choice. Watching his scene in Abridged, when he pretty much gives Humanity's last hurrah to Cell, does make me somewhat interested. I did think we should figure out Jaffur's as well though.
The thread's been planning to go with Tien style for a while, partially because we can't train multiform beyond Exceptional without it. Due to limitations of Multiform (splitting your power level is basically terrible) it's not going to be a major part of our fighting style until we get around to researching Perfect Cell's Perfect Multiform, which the Exiles are aware of but don't know how to perform. I think the thread also wanted Tien style due to his life-energy stuff synergising with Spirit Bomb? (Spirit Bomb's a lost art, but I think there were arguments as to how/why we should get it? I don't quite remember.)
We call it that here. Who calls it "post-secondary"? Do you call the future "post-now"?
We just call it Higher Education here.
Figuring out what to drop is
hard. I'd already dropped Learning Magic (with a focus on defending against it) and Multiform for this year... I might drop Tien Shinhan style for a year and replace it with Multiform training? We aren't Exceptional yet, and we don't really need the style until we are - and when we have Exceptional Multiform, there'll be no point in training it any further until we get the style anyway. I've also added a write-in to try and find the scouts.
[] Raise Grades (3 actions)
[] Improve Masque Affinity (1 action)
-[] Train Maya (1 action)
[] Feeling Weird (1 action)
[] Train Ki Manipulation (2 actions)
[] Train Style [Tien Shinhan] (1 action) x2
[] Train With Sensei (1 action, LOCKED)
[] A Scion's Observations (1 action)
[] Contacting Jaffur (1 action)
[] Ki (1 action, may be taken multiple times)
-[] Flight
--[] Multiform
(After Flight, so as to benefit from Ki Talents levelling up)
[] Organise the better ki sensors of the two clans into patrols, searching for the enemy scouts - now that they aren't shielded by their ships' armour, hopefully any slipups will be detectable.