Voting is open
Easily fixed - we raise our grades twice, and then 1+3. We never drop below an A, and action economy is preserved.

This seems like a weird argument to make when I'm planning on voting for Raise Grades - if losing grades due to slacking is always terrible no matter what, then I'd probably just vote for Maintain Grades forever?

Fair enough, and though I can think of a couple of places where I could poke holes in that plan, without WOG I'm not quite sure where the critical failure point is. In all honesty, I'm just glad you're willing to talk about raising and maintaining grades and aren't on a "get back to slacking literally the second we can" kick like you seemed to be in your potential plan.

Actually... @PoptartProdigy, two quick questions:

One, if we raised our grades twice and then slacked and rolled a natural 1/0/fumble/the-lowest-number-you-can-roll-on-whatever-specific-dice-you-are-using-for-these-rolls, is it possible that we could go down to where we were before we raised... or is there a hard limit of one "stage" of grades that we can raise or lower in a single turn?

And two, if we raised our grades to get, say, straight 100s across the board and held it there for a good while, but then slacked back down to say a range of 89-90, would our mom get angry at us for slacking again even though we're still barely on the edge of "A range"? I guess what I'm trying to establish is whether or not it was the low grades or the slacking itself when we could obviously do better that really pissed mom off... pretty sure Berra was mostly on about the grades falling.
I'll point out that nobody has mentioned the lack of any options directly addressing the scouts.

That's write-in territory, if you care to be proactive and can find a way to do so. The lack of options is a deliberate representation of the coherent planning coming out of Exile society at the moment.
Oh. That's definitely something we ought to stick our nose into, if we can. Maybe we can try to organise competent ki sensors to patrol the planet without using ki? Now that they aren't in their spaceship, any slipups in their control will be detectable.
@PoptartProdigy : Why does telling Sensi take an entire action? Every other available action is something we will be working on over the course of the entire year. Telling Sensi is a single conversation with a person we are already meeting regularly.
Same reason talking to Maya and Mato cost an action each. It'll cascade into more things once it's done. Otherwise it would've been part of the last Year 3 update.
...Whoa. I can type blind, but writing blind is something else altogether. Props to you!
I honestly don't know how I can. I was taking notes one day and realized I was looking at my teacher more than at my page. It looked like shit, so I focused on it until it didn't. Had it down by the end of the period.

Granted, the resultant notes weren't very good, but they were tidy.

Actually... @PoptartProdigy, two quick questions:

One, if we raised our grades twice and then slacked and rolled a natural 1/0/fumble/the-lowest-number-you-can-roll-on-whatever-specific-dice-you-are-using-for-these-rolls, is it possible that we could go down to where we were before we raised... or is there a hard limit of one "stage" of grades that we can raise or lower in a single turn?

And two, if we raised our grades to get, say, straight 100s across the board and held it there for a good while, but then slacked back down to say a range of 89-90, would our mom get angry at us for slacking again even though we're still barely on the edge of "A range"? I guess what I'm trying to establish is whether or not it was the low grades or the slacking itself when we could obviously do better that really pissed mom off... pretty sure Berra was mostly on about the grades falling.
Well, you can't go higher than an A+, so if you raise twice from where you are and then decide to take university courses for some arcane reason you'll probably get straight Fs. At your present level of schooling, though, no. Stakes get higher as you proceed into secondary and post-secondary (tertiary, I'd think, but nobody calls it that?) schooling, though.

She'd be mad at you for doing less than your best. Much higher principle at work than a simple, "You have fallen below the minimum acceptable threshold." She will never accept less than an A- from you, because that's what she's seen from you. If you get grades to an A+, she'll expect them to stay there until you exit school, and Dad will go right along with her since she's the teacher and he defers to her judgment on matters of education. The exception to this would be if your grades persistently stayed below a certain level in spite of your honest best effort. To be honest, Kakara will never encounter that problem; if you all play it that way she'll get perfect scores until she leaves university. But Mom doesn't know that.
I honestly don't know how I can. I was taking notes one day and realized I was looking at my teacher more than at my page. It looked like shit, so I focused on it until it didn't. Had it down by the end of the period.

Granted, the resultant notes weren't very good, but they were tidy.
Touch typing is awesome!
Same reason talking to Maya and Mato cost an action each. It'll cascade into more things once it's done. Otherwise it would've been part of the last Year 3 update.
It is just going to be so stupid when some else brings him in and then he asks "Why didn't you tell me?"

And we say "I didn't have time!"

And he says "That is no excuse, we met together for regular lessons."
So, we didn't actually face much actual penalties for dropping a grade? And it was always accepted it might happen by the voters? Because that was pretty much what happened.

Also @Deathbybunnies , are you aiming for making Multiform/Tien an integral part of our final fighting style? It looks like it, and it's an interesting choice. Watching his scene in Abridged, when he pretty much gives Humanity's last hurrah to Cell, does make me somewhat interested. I did think we should figure out Jaffur's as well though.
Same reason talking to Maya and Mato cost an action each. It'll cascade into more things once it's done. Otherwise it would've been part of the last Year 3 update.

I honestly don't know how I can. I was taking notes one day and realized I was looking at my teacher more than at my page. It looked like shit, so I focused on it until it didn't. Had it down by the end of the period.

Granted, the resultant notes weren't very good, but they were tidy.

Well, you can't go higher than an A+, so if you raise twice from where you are and then decide to take university courses for some arcane reason you'll probably get straight Fs. At your present level of schooling, though, no. Stakes get higher as you proceed into secondary and post-secondary (tertiary, I'd think, but nobody calls it that?) schooling, though.

She'd be mad at you for doing less than your best. Much higher principle at work than a simple, "You have fallen below the minimum acceptable threshold." She will never accept less than an A- from you, because that's what she's seen from you. If you get grades to an A+, she'll expect them to stay there until you exit school, and Dad will go right along with her since she's the teacher and he defers to her judgment on matters of education. The exception to this would be if your grades persistently stayed below a certain level in spite of your honest best effort. To be honest, Kakara will never encounter that problem; if you all play it that way she'll get perfect scores until she leaves university. But Mom doesn't know that.
Bleh. Scuppers that plan, unless we slack on a year where we very publicly have way too much on our plate - which won't be for several years at best, given the secret actions.

It is just going to be so stupid when some else brings him in and then he asks "Why didn't you tell me?"

And we say "I didn't have time!"

And he says "That is no excuse, we met together for regular lessons."
On the other hand, if Sensei isn't down with us plotting treason, it's going to be a lot longer than a single conversation.

So, we didn't actually face much actual penalties for dropping a grade? And it was always accepted it might happen by the voters? Because that was pretty much what happened.

Also @Deathbybunnies , are you aiming for making Multiform/Tien an integral part of our final fighting style? It looks like it, and it's an interesting choice. Watching his scene in Abridged, when he pretty much gives Humanity's last hurrah to Cell, does make me somewhat interested. I did think we should figure out Jaffur's as well though.
The thread's been planning to go with Tien style for a while, partially because we can't train multiform beyond Exceptional without it. Due to limitations of Multiform (splitting your power level is basically terrible) it's not going to be a major part of our fighting style until we get around to researching Perfect Cell's Perfect Multiform, which the Exiles are aware of but don't know how to perform. I think the thread also wanted Tien style due to his life-energy stuff synergising with Spirit Bomb? (Spirit Bomb's a lost art, but I think there were arguments as to how/why we should get it? I don't quite remember.)

We call it that here. Who calls it "post-secondary"? Do you call the future "post-now"?
We just call it Higher Education here.

Figuring out what to drop is hard. I'd already dropped Learning Magic (with a focus on defending against it) and Multiform for this year... I might drop Tien Shinhan style for a year and replace it with Multiform training? We aren't Exceptional yet, and we don't really need the style until we are - and when we have Exceptional Multiform, there'll be no point in training it any further until we get the style anyway. I've also added a write-in to try and find the scouts.

[] Raise Grades (3 actions)

[] Improve Masque Affinity (1 action)
-[] Train Maya (1 action)

[] Feeling Weird (1 action)

[] Train Ki Manipulation (2 actions)

[] Train Style [Tien Shinhan] (1 action) x2

[] Train With Sensei (1 action, LOCKED)

[] A Scion's Observations (1 action)

[] Contacting Jaffur (1 action)

[] Ki (1 action, may be taken multiple times)
-[] Flight
--[] Multiform (After Flight, so as to benefit from Ki Talents levelling up)

[] Organise the better ki sensors of the two clans into patrols, searching for the enemy scouts - now that they aren't shielded by their ships' armour, hopefully any slipups will be detectable.
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We call it that here. Who calls it "post-secondary"? Do you call the future "post-now"?

Yes I do, thank you very much.;)

Honestly though, I've always heard it as Primary, Secondary, Higher education. Higher, I'd assume, from the large number of post-secondary students who take illicit drugs.
Touch typing is awesome!

So 'tis. :)

It is just going to be so stupid when some else brings him in and then he asks "Why didn't you tell me?"

And we say "I didn't have time!"

And he says "That is no excuse, we met together for regular lessons."

Kakara doesn't expect that it'll cascade, any more than she expected Maya to in such spectacular form. She just knows to leave slack in the time budget for things to blow up. The IC reason she wouldn't personally tell him would be because she thinks somebody else would be better suited.

We call it that here. Who calls it "post-secondary"? Do you call the future "post-now"?

I haven't made a study, but most people I talk to call it that. I have also heard "higher."Huh. I shall inform them that Australians use "tertiary" and proceed to use that. :D

partially because we can't train multiform beyond Exceptional without it.

There are other ways. Elite requires more training than Exceptional and also requires an exceptional impetus to push you into a truly unique understanding of the skill in question. Master-class styles are but one of those ways.
There are other ways. Elite requires more training than Exceptional and also requires an exceptional impetus to push you into a truly unique understanding of the skill in question. Master-class styles are but one of those ways.
Right, my bad - but it's the only exceptional impetus we know we can reliably get to, though it might take a while. Unless researching Perfect Cell's Perfect Multiform would also count as gaining a "truly unique understanding" of the skill?

Oh, and is my write-in action okay?
[] Organise the better ki sensors of the two clans into patrols, searching for the enemy scouts - now that they aren't shielded by their ships' armour, hopefully any slipups will be detectable.
EDIT: Actually, I should point out that you at least need some combat training in your plan, or our skills will literally degrade. Ki Manipulation is a guaranteed success this turn, so I'd take that.
I assumed the training with Mato and practicing Flight would cover that?
I'll point out that nobody has mentioned the lack of any options directly addressing the scouts.

That's write-in territory, if you care to be proactive and can find a way to do so. The lack of options is a deliberate representation of the coherent planning coming out of Exile society at the moment.
Ah. I assumed that was us being deliberately shunted/removed from such efforts.
She'd be mad at you for doing less than your best. Much higher principle at work than a simple, "You have fallen below the minimum acceptable threshold." She will never accept less than an A- from you, because that's what she's seen from you. If you get grades to an A+, she'll expect them to stay there until you exit school, and Dad will go right along with her since she's the teacher and he defers to her judgment on matters of education. The exception to this would be if your grades persistently stayed below a certain level in spite of your honest best effort. To be honest, Kakara will never encounter that problem; if you all play it that way she'll get perfect scores until she leaves university. But Mom doesn't know that.
Would she accept us slacking off if both Dad and Grandma died and we were facing an a fullblown invasion? :V

Anyway, revised my list:

Raise Grades (3)
Loose Lips Lead to Ultimate Power (1)
Train Maya (1)
Feeling Weird (1)

Study Jaffur's Form (1)
-With Mato
Socialize Fetarel (1)
A Scion's Observations (1)
Recruit Sensei Carrick (1)

Organise the best sensors of both clans into patrols, while have others(preferably professionals) begin investigating the landed ship and figure out ways to detect them(smell?). Also have the sorcerers and seers look into ways to find them. (2)

This plan has a few main goals:
1) Ensure good relationships with our family through raising our grades and helping Mato.
2) Take steps so our friends can keep themselves safe, and begin the first steps of revealing ourselves, which is almost certainly going to happen at this rate.
3) Begin socializing with other Saiyans, to help offset point 2 and give us some extra say.
4) Make some progress on our immediate, and more long-term issues.
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I assumed the training with Mato and practicing Flight would cover that?
The Maintain Your Skills action:
[ ] Maintain Your Skills (1 action): You're not really focused on training. Why is everybody so obsessed with strength, anyway? Effect: Focus only on maintaining your current standing in Combat and its component skills. Does not need to be taken if any of the above are successfully taken. If you take some of the above but fail all of them, you still risk skill atrophy. I'll cop to it, this is for game balance over realism.
It says "any of the above", which means part of the "A Warrior's Path" section. I'm pretty sure Flight won't count since it's a Ki Talent, and we aren't actually practising any combat with Jaffur's style, since we'd be spending our time trying to figure it out, rather than actually training in it.
The Maintain Your Skills action:

It says "any of the above", which means part of the "A Warrior's Path" section. I'm pretty sure Flight won't count since it's a Ki Talent, and we aren't actually practising any combat with Jaffur's style, since we'd be spending our time trying to figure it out, rather than actually training in it.
Hmm, true. Perhaps switch to the Solar Flare or Instant Transmission...
Well, I guess it is time to be a hero.

@PoptartProdigy didn't we get an extra yearly action from Ambitious? You didn't count that so we should have 14 actions.
Well, I guess it is time to be a hero.

@PoptartProdigy didn't we get an extra yearly action from Ambitious? You didn't count that so we should have 14 actions.


We have another action! This is excellent news. I'm putting a Tien style action back in:

[] Raise Grades (3 actions)
[] Improve Masque Affinity (1 action)
-[] Train Maya (1 action)
[] Feeling Weird (1 action)

[] Train Ki Manipulation (2 actions)
[] Train Style [Tien Shinhan] (1 action)
[] Train With Sensei (1 action, LOCKED)
[] A Scion's Observations (1 action)
[] Contacting Jaffur (1 action)
[] Ki (1 action, may be taken multiple times)
-[] Flight
--[] Multiform (After Flight, so as to benefit from Ki Talents levelling up)

[] Organise the better ki sensors of the two clans into patrols, searching for the enemy scouts - now that they aren't shielded by their ships' armour, hopefully any slipups will be detectable.
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Hmm, true. Perhaps switch to the Solar Flare or Instant Transmission...
It says "any of the above", which means part of the "A Warrior's Path" section. I'm pretty sure Flight won't count since it's a Ki Talent, and we aren't actually practising any combat with Jaffur's style, since we'd be spending our time trying to figure it out, rather than actually training in it.
"Style Training" stuff counts as being part of "A Warrior's Path" too, so training with Mako would accomplish that (though I'd prefer to train Tenshinhan style as well so we're sure to succeed at one of them).
"Style Training" stuff counts as being part of "A Warrior's Path" too, so training with Mako would accomplish that (though I'd prefer to train Tenshinhan style as well so we're sure to succeed at one of them).
I know it usually does, but in this case we aren't training in the style, we're trying to figure it out. That's not the same thing - it only counts because by training in the style, we're just practising using moves in a specific way, but we aren't practising any moves here.
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I know it usually does, but in this case we aren't training in the style, we're trying to figure it out. That's not the same thing - it only counts because by training in the style, we're just practising using moves in a specific way, but we aren't practising any moves here.
The mark of a true warrior is one who unifies their various skills and abilities into a cohesive whole. You're not really suited to fighting, but this could help you. Counts as a "Warrior's Path" action for the purposes of skill degradation.

[ ] Train Style [Variable] (1 action): You've gained a comprehensive library of styles, and can now choose to pick one to begin training in if you please.

[ ] Study Jaffur's Form (1 action): You know the first step here, but more will take time. And with Mato now on the case, you aren't the only one learning. Effect: Spend more time trying to figure out further requirements for Jaffur's form. With your brain and having made a breakthrough, you know progress to be a near-certainty. Mato working on it means somebody else to make progress as well.
-[ ] With Mato. Effects: Social with Mato, two minds working in concert on the problem instead of separately.
-[ ] Without Mato. Effects: Don't bother with it. Your purpose in getting him to work on it is achieved.
Well, firstly, there's nothing in the action that says it doesn't count as being part of "A Warrior's Path", and style training actions are by default under that.

Secondly, the skill decay is as much mechanics as it's narratively justified, as there's no reason that, say, training Instant Transmission or Kaioken would keep Kakara's fighting skill's sharp, and I wouldn't say that training Kaioken or Instant Transmission involve more actual fighting/sparring than trying to figure out Jaffur's style.
Well, firstly, there's nothing in the action that says it doesn't count as being part of "A Warrior's Path", and style training actions are by default under that.

Secondly, the skill decay is as much mechanics as it's narratively justified, as there's no reason that, say, training Instant Transmission or Kaioken would keep Kakara's fighting skill's sharp, and I wouldn't say that training Kaioken or Instant Transmission involve more actual fighting/sparring than trying to figure out Jaffur's style.

Fair enough. I don't think @PoptartProdigy will rule that way, but I could be wrong.
Got bored and decided to make a few plan suggestions.

-[X] Raise Grades (3 actions): - Mothers a teacher, lets take advantage of her skills to study with her partially

[X] Train Maya (1 action)

[X] Feeling Weird (1 action)

[X] Train Style [Goku] (1 action): x 2, with Dad. Berra is a Master of this style so training with him would be almost as good for our development as training with Goku him self. Plus its a kick way to get some training time with his Instant Transmission variant AND get tips from a Master. It'll likely be one of the easiest ways for us to get power, without improving our power level.

Also it'll be useful for eventually researching the spirit bomb.

[X] Train Style [Tien] (1 action): x 2,

[X] Study Jaffur's Form (1 action): l.
-[X] With Mato.

[X] Train With Sensei (1 action, LOCKED):
-[X] Train Mind Projection

[X] Contacting Jaffur (1 action):

[X] Recruit Sensei Carrick (1 action):

[X] A Scion's Observations (1 action):

This version is basically based around restoring our grades, taking advantage of our families own talents to enhance ours, and of course increasing our fighting style/improving our skills in a way that prevents them tracking us around next year.

-[X] Slack (1 action): You have better things to do! Slack off on schoolwork to focus on other pursuits. Your parents are closely watching you. They will not appreciate you doing this. Effect: Possible grade loss. You're smart and this is primary school, you have a decent chance of not dropping a grade. You will automatically drop a relationship level with your parents by taking this option, and next year will encounter hard restrictions on your actions as they crack down on perceived delinquency.

[X] Loose Lips Lead To Ultimate Power (1 action):

[X] Train Transformations (2 actions): It is absolutely, spectacularly illegal. It would make you the most hated villain in your people's history in a heartbeat. It would almost certainly shatter the Masquerade and send the word of your people's presence racing to the Enemy's ears...and put you on the path to regaining your old strength, and possibly defeating it. A small part of you wants to do it. Effects: Success not guaranteed. Starts doomsday timer to the Enemy's arrival on Garenhuld. Survival of immediate Exile reaction not guaranteed. REPRESENTS A PARADIGM SHIFT IN THE TONE AND PACE OF THE QUEST. In secret moments, try to break through your barriers yet again, and achieve the form of Super Saiyan 2.

[X] Train Style [Freiza] x4

[X] Train With Sensei (1 action, LOCKED): Nothing for it but time. Effect: Grind your talent in Seer abilities. Sensei tells you that this will be gruelingly hard, and take years to master no matter how much of a prodigy you are.
-[X] Train Mind Projection: You have asked Sensei about this, and told him (some of) why it's necessary. It's doubtful you wouldn't train this, but if you for some reason found cause to object, he'll have told your parents exactly why your need this and made them force you to lessons.

[X] Set the Record Straight (1 action): .

[X] Teach the Senzus Instant Transmission (1 action, may be chosen up to three times):

[X] Recruit Sensei Carrick (1 action):

[X] New Tricks (1 action): Hypnosis x 2

(You didn't see anything!)

Its funny as hell and I'd love it see everyones reactions to it IC

-[X] Raise Grades (3 actions): - Mothers a teacher, lets take advantage of her skills to study with her partially

[X] Train Maya (1 action)
[X] My Best Friend (1 action), Jaron

I suspect Maya/Jaron will almost certainly receive some attention from the scouts sometime soon. So lets spend time around them!

[X] Feeling Weird (1 action)
Spending time around Jaron + Magical Early Onset Puberty = Hahahahaha

[X] Loose Lips Lead To Ultimate Power (1 action)
IF they don't try and kidnap one of our best friends? Then we can simply taunt the scouts with a bunch of nice developing Ki talents to examine!

[X] Research Project (1 action): Saiyans have naturally better senses then humans, especially smell. Lets see if we can use Ki to enhance that even further, and try and smell the aliens out!

[X] Train Style [Tien] (1 action):

[X] Study Jaffur's Form (1 action):
-[X] With Mato.

[X] Train With Sensei (1 action, LOCKED):
-[X] Train Mind Projection:

[X] Contacting Jaffur (1 action)

By spending some time with Jaffur/Jaron we can even try and ask him for tips on his style!

[X] Recruit Sensei Carrick (1 action)

[X] A Scion's Observations (1 action):

Lets put a bullseye on all our friends to attract attention!

And we can test if the Garenhilders lack of curiosity is linked to their inability to use Ki 'naturally' without being a mutant!
We want Tien style for Multiform, and because we think we can synergise the Spirit Bomb with his lifeforce shenanigans, right? But since we'd probably need to look into Goku style for the Spirit Bomb, the only reason we have to learn Tien style now (beyond, you know, actually having a style) is so we can learn Elite Multiform.

Poptart has said that in order to raise a skill to elite:
There are other ways. Elite requires more training than Exceptional and also requires an exceptional impetus to push you into a truly unique understanding of the skill in question. Master-class styles are but one of those ways.
You need an "exceptional impetus to push you into a truly unique understanding of the skill in question". I was thinking - wouldn't Perfect Multiform qualify as such? It's taking the Multiform skill and improving it in (as far as the Exiles are concerned) an entirely new way. I think we should seriously consider beginning research into Perfect Multiform this turn, unless @PoptartProdigy tells me I'm getting my hopes up over nothing - except for a new transformation (which would be both spectacularly illegal and summon The Enemy) I think it's the biggest power-up we could conceivably get - two (or more!) Golden Oozarus beat a single SSJ and Kaio-Ken Oozaru.
You need an "exceptional impetus to push you into a truly unique understanding of the skill in question". I was thinking - wouldn't Perfect Multiform qualify as such? It's taking the Multiform skill and improving it in (as far as the Exiles are concerned) an entirely new way. I think we should seriously consider beginning research into Perfect Multiform this turn, unless @PoptartProdigy tells me I'm getting my hopes up over nothing - except for a new transformation (which would be both spectacularly illegal and summon The Enemy) I think it's the biggest power-up we could conceivably get - two (or more!) Golden Oozarus beat a single SSJ and Kaio-Ken Oozaru.


About perfect multiform!

It might be easier to get to the point where we can get multiform to Elite first

I just put training with Dad for Goku style for that plan because he'd likely get a large 'teaching us' bonus, so we could get a pretty nice sized level from it.
Voting is open