[ ] Feeling Weird (1 action): Increasingly, you've been experiencing some odd things when under human Masque. You hardly noticed at first, and lately you've been hoping that they'd go away, but if anything they're getting worse. Growth spurts, general moodiness at times. Your body which you've spent so much time getting used to is now changing on you. Boys seem even dumber and yet far more interesting than they used to be. Mom, what the heck is going on?! Effect: Realize that Dad doesn't actually realize that girls start this earlier than boys do. Let your Mom know that it's time for her to start having to deal with the most delightful part of raising a child. Take measures to adjust to the changes occurring to you. Get The Talk.
Well, we dropped that grade - time for the "3" in the "1+3" system.
@PoptartProdigy , our Ki Manipulation skill is apparently in the brink of upgrading and "any amount of practice" will put us over the edge. Can we just spend one action on Ki Manipulation?
EDIT: Those "Breaking the Seal" options need updating.
[x]plan learning
Attend School (Mandatory, choose one of the following): Time-consuming, tiring, and the part that you're most likely to be discovered doing. Unfortunately, you really have no choice. Current grades: trending B. Effect: Attend school.
-[x] Raise Grades (3 actions): Your grades have slipped lately. Your parents aren't requiring it with everything else that's going on, but you still want to get them back to where they were. Effect: Hit the books for a possible grade gain. You are very smart, and thus should almost certainly succeed.
[X] Improve Masque Affinity (1 action): The human world of Garenhuld offers many intriguing possibilities. Now that you're comfortable in your Masque, you feel that you could explore them...but you also know that you could improve your Masque to increase the amount of power available to you in it. Effect: Grind your Masque Affinity, improving your transformation time and available power level while in human form. Success in this is guaranteed with any amount of time investment; the only thing in question is how much you'll improve by.
-[x] By other means (write-in).
--[x]By training with Maya might as well kill two birds with one stone.
[X] Feeling Weird (1 action): Increasingly, you've been experiencing some odd things when under human Masque. You hardly noticed at first, and lately you've been hoping that they'd go away, but if anything they're getting worse. Growth spurts, general moodiness at times. Your body which you've spent so much time getting used to is now changing on you. Boys seem even dumber and yet far more interesting than they used to be. Mom, what the heck is going on?! Effect: Realize that Dad doesn't actually realize that girls start this earlier than boys do. Let your Mom know that it's time for her to start having to deal with the most delightful part of raising a child. Take measures to adjust to the changes occurring to you. Get The Talk.
[X] Train Ki Manipulation (2 actions): You already have something of a gift in this, although again Jaffur proved more skilled in the combat applications. Maybe you could close that gap. Effect: Train your skill in ki manipulation, and thereby your facility in its involved talents. You are enough of a prodigy that you would suffer no maluses to improvement here.
We really don't want to go backwards.
[X] Train Style [tien] (1 action):
Want get those bonuses to Multiform.
[X] Train With Sensei (1 action, LOCKED): Nothing for it but time. Effect: Grind your talent in Seer abilities. Sensei tells you that this will be gruelingly hard, and take years to master no matter how much of a prodigy you are.
-[X] Train Mind Projection: You have asked Sensei about this, and told him (some of) why it's necessary. It's doubtful you wouldn't train this, but if you for some reason found cause to object, he'll have told your parents exactly why your need this and made them force you to lessons.
[X] Contacting Jaffur (1 action): Your plan with the Senzus calls for your to find a way to project yourself into Jaffur's mind yet again in order to communicate with him. The last time was purely by accident, so there are no guarantees, but you need to try. Effects: Flying blind, try to project your mind into Jaffur's Seal in order to move the plan forward. Low odds of success. Significantly more likely to succeed if taken with a successful, "Beg Sensei To Teach You [Mind Projection]," action.
[X] Ki (1 action, may be taken multiple times): ki sense, you would like to find the aliens yourself if you can so you are going to increase your advantage in that regard.
11 actions 2 actions left for social.
You evil man.
It is not a complete vote yet. Still have 2 actions left. Think they will be social. Not sure what. Thinking becoming friends with Jaron and training with our brother in Jaffur's style. Might even ask him about it if we contact.
By laws of statistics, it was going to happen eventually.
Man, hm? Maybe.
I thought it was a typo the first couple of times, but you do know his name is Jaron, right?It is not a complete vote yet. Still have 2 actions left. Think they will be social. Not sure what. Thinking becoming friends with Jacob and training with our brother in Jaffur's style. Might even ask him about it if we contact.
As mentioned before (and as you acknowledged), it's only pure Saiyans that grow weird. Saiyan hybrids have the same growth as pure humans. If she's at the age where she's going through puberty in her Masque, she'd be going through puberty in her normal body too.Increasingly, you've been experiencing some odd things when under human Masque.
Debatably. Even if Dragon Ball snaps most of biology over its knee, I can hold out some kind of hybridization. It's never explicitly stated what the hybrid growth rate is, and in fact there's plenty of evidence that they're still slower. For instance, in theAs mentioned before, it's only pure Saiyans that grow weird. Saiyan hybrids have the same growth as pure humans. If she's at the age where she's going through puberty in her Masque, she'd be going through puberty in her normal body too.
Going by the long, well-documented, and even legendary collection of tales and statistics regarding people who ignore puberty...
Makes more sense to train Mask affiliate by training with Maya. We have to pretend to be human around her anyway.[] Train Maya (1 action)
Not super important, but people like having on-screen social instead of just having a healthy social life offscreen, so here it is. Might be fun?
Excellent idea! @PoptartProdigy , can we combine the two?Makes more sense to train Mask affiliate by training with Maya.
I have no idea what you are talking about.I thought it was a typo the first couple of times, but you do know his name is Jaron, right?
Makes more sense to train Mask affiliate by training with Maya. We have to pretend to be human around her anyway.
I would prefer to train ki sense. Might give us a chance to find the aliens and get this over with.[] Ki (1 action, may be taken multiple times)
-[] Flight
Successfully levelling Flight will also level Ki Talents.
Does our prior training of her also count as Mask training?In fact, the latter necessarily involves the former, come to think. So yeah. Go ahead.
Ki Sense is already Exceptional, I'm not sure we even can level it. Besides, Flight is the one we need to level to level Ki Talents.I would prefer to train ki sense. Might give us a chance to find the aliens and get this over with.