Can I tell them? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?
Is this a secret rolz thing, or have you been beta-ing for
@PoptartProdigy or something?
Anyway, if you're interested in giving vague hints, I'll put out some guesses and you can respond with "maybe

" or "hmmmm" or "no, that's obviously dumb".
The backstory indicates Garenhuld's humans were already uninquisitive when the Exiles arrived, but that could be misdirection or unreliable narration (though the backstory is otherwise written in the omniscient, so idk). It also implies they were part of some ancient human diaspora. So, made that way as a cover for some other group seems reasonable. Maybe even something like engineered soldiers or guards for a group of aristocrats? Hell, they could be lab rats or servants that ended up being the sole survivors of some disaster...
If they were explorers or colonists, on the other hand, something clearly happened to them.
If we assume the Garenhulders weren't always this way (to this extent), maybe...
- The Exiles genetically engineered or culled the Garenhulders to make them much less exploratory
- The Exiles (or another magical group) maintain a glamour that reduces Garenhulder curiosity (or reduces group cohesion in unfamiliar circumstances or something, making expansion less viable)
- Same as above, but with something mundane like drugs or cults or just cultural influence
- Natural selection did it instead- those bears in the woods did a real number on proto-Garenhulder psychology
- V unlikely imo - contrasts with proto-Garenhulders' recent technological revolution (they were medieval a few centuries ago, now largely modern)
- Also, backstory implies Garenhulders were part of an ancient human diaspora, though clearly something took them down several tech levels if so. Maybe they've been around long enough to get inquisitiveness selected against by scary bears or whatever. But that doesn't sound right.
@PoptartProdigy, about how many humans are there (order of magnitude)? How many nation-states, if they're organized into those--or nation-like entities, if not?
Did they invent any of their "modern" (to us) technology, or was it mostly from the Exiles?
Do the Exiles know much about how/when the humans have expanded further into the wilderness, and to what extent it's been? (Seems relevant in terms of keeping their hideouts safe.)
All in terms of what Kakara knows, of course.