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So what if he writes Kakara wanting power? That is natural. The more power she has, the more agency we have as players, the more changes we can make to our society. Kakara's main trait is that she thinks that violence is wrong yet when she was a child she was treated wrongly by society because she didn't like fighting. That treatment didn't change until they thought she fought a super saiyan. They didn't accept Kakara's perspective, they started to believe she had grown into theirs.

If we want Kakara's viewpoint to be accepted, it must be shown as a valid one. Kakara needs to political clouth and admiration from her people if we want them to change, either to be like her or to accept her belief so that other children don't have to go through what she did. For that, she needs power.

Look, wanting to have more of it is not a bad thing, as long as you don't want it for power's sake. At this point, either Kakara finds a way for her ideas to be accepted or she will end disappointed because she rules a society that thinks that a kid that doesn't like fighting is a disapointment to the point they are somewhat hostile in their behaviour and outright disrespectful. Right now Kakara is loved because the image they had of her changed to a figure of power but not because they think it was wrong to treat a child like that.

If we want to enact change, we need power. To change the way a society thinks? That is an ambitious project. It is a grand dream and it requires power to do it. That is not a bad thing. Furthermore, one is not defined by a single trait but by the collection of them. Instead of just seeing the ambitious trait and saying you don't like what it says about Kakara, you should look at what it means when in conjuction with others. Kakara is an oddball but she is not that all the time and it is not all there is to her. She is a pacifist but there is her drive to train and defend her people and her feelings towards Dandeer. Even though she hates Dandeer, it doesn't mean she will always plot to overthrow her. Heck, she is both hot-blooded and level headed and both apply correctly.

You are making a big deal out of this. It is a level one trait and while alone it could be bad, when taken in conjunction with her other traits it points to gain diplomatic power to enact the changes she wants, which is a good thing overall. Furthermore, it is an extra yearly action and a bonus to willpower. Also, the way she develops and thinks depends on how the thread behaves. While I am happy with this developement since I am part of the player base that wants to gain more political power, I think I would say you are overreacting to this even if that were not the case because, if in the normal discussions the vocal mayority gives importance to other values then those values will be the prevalent ones and if the mayority is in favor of gaining more power, they would be the mayority. Instead of complaining she gained a trait that reflects part of the playerbase, play the game and convince the playerbase to be as idealistic as the character you want to be in the setting. Make it appealing to them. That is how the game is played.

Given that Kakara's thought process in the updates reflect us, instead of focusing on the trait as being a bad thing, focus it in productive ways. Like oddball, which when leveraging correctly it helps our rolls but could get tiresome if overdone. Or pacifist, which helps us in diplomacy but hurts us in training; we try to leverage it as best as we can. This trait is the same.
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I honestly don't have the slightest clue what everyone problem is. Even if the trait does straight up mean "power-hungry."

You know, even though I wasn't playing, I was reading this quest when people decided to make Kakara a pacifist. At the time I though it was disgusting. A saiyan pacifist doesn't even have the right to call herself Saiyan. Despite the fact that I still hate that trait and will take any chance to get rid of it, I am still here.

One vote that does not go your way does not mean its time to give up the quest. Especially when it doesn't really affect us. After all that trait developed due to the way we've been playing. Chances are nothing will change.

Besides, we've just found out that the enemy is an eldritch abomination above the power of a god, whom we can't even look at without going insane, who has personally vowed to wipe out our species.

We NEED power. We need to raise our power level above god level. We NEED to unite our people. We NEED to get back among the stars and make allies. All of this requires power and ambition.

We will be the first ruler to unite our people and we will lead them to glory (and survival). That is a good thing.

Honestly, what did you guys want Kakara to do? Never fight, settle down with a family and get murdered when the plot finally arrives?
Why should I keep reading a story if it upsets me to do so?

It's not @PoptartProdigy who I'm worried about handling a power hungry Kakara poorly. It's me. Poptart has made me care deeply about Kakara and this new trait has made me way more upset than I should be over something fictional.
If you're going to keep acting like a child throwing a temper tantrum over this, maybe you should stop reading. Go do something else for a while.
[] Tell Maya that we Saw something that is one of those secrets we can't tell her.
-[] Tell Dad Everything via telepathy.
[ ] Yes (allow the reveal)

Just a small change to this vote. We don't need Maya to leave since we are telepathic. Just tell her its a secret.

I mean we probably just scared the crap out of her. No need to send her off by herself.

Also this doesn't change anything about the reveal for us. Although whether or not dad wants to go through with it after this is another question.

Actually this vision makes the reveal all the more important. Poptart said that visions only happen when they have something to do with us. Getting a vision of THE ENEMY, probably means we are running out of time.
I honestly don't have the slightest clue what everyone problem is. Even if the trait does straight up mean "power-hungry."

You know, even though I wasn't playing, I was reading this quest when people decided to make Kakara a pacifist. At the time I though it was disgusting. A saiyan pacifist doesn't even have the right to call herself Saiyan. Despite the fact that I still hate that trait and will take any chance to get rid of it, I am still here.

One vote that does not go your way does not mean its time to give up the quest. Especially when it doesn't really affect us. After all that trait developed due to the way we've been playing. Chances are nothing will change.

Besides, we've just found out that the enemy is an eldritch abomination above the power of a god, whom we can't even look at without going insane, who has personally vowed to wipe out our species.

We NEED power. We need to raise our power level above god level. We NEED to unite our people. We NEED to get back among the stars and make allies. All of this requires power and ambition.

We will be the first ruler to unite our people and we will lead them to glory (and survival). That is a good thing.

Honestly, what did you guys want Kakara to do? Never fight, settle down with a family and get murdered when the plot finally arrives?

Question for @PoptartProdigy - do we know IC that this vision was particularly personally relevant to us, (ahemwerolleda100ahem) and if so, can we tell if it's anything beyond the fact that we just saw The Enemy?
If you're going to keep acting like a child throwing a temper tantrum over this, maybe you should stop reading. Go do something else for a while.
That was uncalled for. He is just expressing his opinion.

@Aranfan look at the other traits Kakara has. Compassionate. Pacifist. Socializer. Convictions. Do you really think someone like that would become someone so power hungry that you couldn't read about her? Do you have so little faith in us that we would lead her astray like that?

Don't throw the towel so early. Besides it doing a diservice to both yourself and the thread, people could get the wrong imprssion as shown above.
We need to consider the possibility that the seers can see this moment, but have been unanimously lying about it, presumably for good reason possibly related to the Enemy's comment about taking measures. Her rescue and recuperation sounds as if it might have been a friendly seer at work. Perhaps we should speak to the teacher before anybody else?
We need to consider the possibility that the seers can see this moment, but have been unanimously lying about it, presumably for good reason possibly related to the Enemy's comment about taking measures. Her rescue and recuperation sounds as if it might have been a friendly seer at work. Perhaps we should speak to the teacher before anybody else?
...That makes way too much sense.
I am not happy with Kakara being power hungry.

It may be possible to take it back. There's still time to stop this, at least long enough to get Maya looked at by a Sorcerer and a Seer, and we now have a perfect excuse to distract Berra with. Tell him that everything needs to be put on hold and that Kakara needs to go see her teacher to talk about the vision right away before telling anybody, and Maya might as well come along so she can get checked out anyway.
What would have happened if trying to stop Berra had been picked?

And I'm in the "not happy about this development camp" myself. :sad:

Trait would not have developed and been set back a bit.

I think that is a somewhat weird logic. Ambition is about reaching for something great and we have been doing that from very early on. Power, unless the goal, only matters insofar you will likely need it to obtain what you seek. Indeed I am pretty sure most, if not everyone, who voted that way saw it as more power allowing us to accomplish more of our goals not as the end in and of itself.

If this update finally added up enough for a trait it is fine but otherwise I must agree with others in that power for power's sake is not something I want to see in Kakara and which I feel kinda misses the point of what we have been trying to do.

Why should I keep reading a story if it upsets me to do so?

It's not @PoptartProdigy who I'm worried about handling a power hungry Kakara poorly. It's me. Poptart has made me care deeply about Kakara and this new trait has made me way more upset than I should be over something fictional. To address concerns over the new trait in general: yes, this does represent Kakara chasing after power. However, that does not necessarily equate to "power-hungry." That's why I include the phrase, "You have grand dreams." That said, I acknowledge that the phrasing is somewhat ambiguous. To clarify -- and I'll go back to edit the post to reflect this -- the trait as written is meant to reflect Kakara's desire to gain power as a vector for achieving her dreams. Kakara does wish to become more personally and politically powerful, but not for its own sake at this time.

Nonsense. We can turn this around even if things go awry. I have complete faith in Pop to be able to handle this well.

I mean, he handles everything else in the quest well, as well as his character over in the rp. We can handle anything thrown around.

...:D I am touched. Thank you, Lunaryon.

If you're going to keep acting like a child throwing a temper tantrum over this, maybe you should stop reading. Go do something else for a while.

Unacceptable. We haven't had a mod in yet and I encourage you not to provide a case for one. Please and thank you.
We need to consider the possibility that the seers can see this moment, but have been unanimously lying about it, presumably for good reason possibly related to the Enemy's comment about taking measures. Her rescue and recuperation sounds as if it might have been a friendly seer at work. Perhaps we should speak to the teacher before anybody else?

There are a few things that point against that though. Besides the fact that the voice is too friendly for our seer profile, the timing is way too tricky. There would always have to be a seer to help (if they even have the ability), they would need to know about Kakara, there would have to be no records from when they started trying to se, they would have to be strong enough to counter the measures the enemy put..

Not saying it isn't possible but you have taken especulation as almost certain before or at least being fairly insistent from it. I could agree to talking to sensei first but lets not form assumptions yet.
Why don't we just tell our Teacher and let him tell us what he would do.

There's something to be said about self fulfilling prophecies due to temporal knowledge. To address concerns over the new trait in general: yes, this does represent Kakara chasing after power. However, that does not necessarily equate to "power-hungry." That's why I include the phrase, "You have grand dreams." That said, I acknowledge that the phrasing is somewhat ambiguous. To clarify -- and I'll go back to edit the post to reflect this -- the trait as written is meant to reflect Kakara's desire to gain power as a vector for achieving her dreams. Kakara does wish to become more personally and politically powerful, but not for its own sake at this time.

Okay, that's good. I can handle that.
[x] Tell Maya that we Saw something that is one of those secrets we can't tell her.
-[x] Tell Dad Everything via telepathy.
[x] Going forward tell:
-[x] Sensei Carrick
-[x] Grandma
-[x] Yammar
-[x] Let Dad tell Dandeer
[x] Yes (allow the reveal)
So, the enemy is short, gloved (or seemingly gloved), male, their face is terrifying/horrifying/has some mental effect attached to it, and The Void was capitalized.

SO I figure it's either Garlic Junior or Goku Black with a body from the GT timeline.
I am not happy with Kakara being power hungry.
PoptartProdigy clarified that it's not power for power's sake, but to be honest I kinda wish it was part of that. I mean, why wouldn't someone want more power? Power doesn't inherently make you evil and it lets you do things you couldn't do before. How is interest in accumulating power any worse than interest in accumulating knowledge or accumulating friends? It's just another thing she enjoys, like teasing or steak. So long as you're not being a jerk about it who cares?

@Ridiculously Average Guy, put Super spoilers in spoilers. It's a rule. Obey it.
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I love that trait, I was getting tired of being a filthy pacifist.


Great quest btw.
Last edited: To address concerns over the new trait in general: yes, this does represent Kakara chasing after power. However, that does not necessarily equate to "power-hungry." That's why I include the phrase, "You have grand dreams." That said, I acknowledge that the phrasing is somewhat ambiguous. To clarify -- and I'll go back to edit the post to reflect this -- the trait as written is meant to reflect Kakara's desire to gain power as a vector for achieving her dreams. Kakara does wish to become more personally and politically powerful, but not for its own sake at this time.
Then I am fine with things. I just find the notion of pursuing power for itself instead as the means to an end one of the heights of stupidity so really not interested in following a character like that. It even annoys me when antagonists are like that since it feels so pointless.
Considering all the people comming out of the woodwork celebrating this and deriding Kakara being a pacifist...

Well, let's just say I consider it to bode poorly for not being a jerk.
They're a minority of people and Kakara's personality in no way has to be dictated by such a minority just because of the new trait. If you want Kakara to not be a jerk, it's no more difficult to make her not be a jerk than before.

I just find the notion of pursuing power for itself instead as the means to an end one of the heights of stupidity so really not interested in following a character like that.
How is it anything close to stupid? It's just another thing Kakara likes. Are you going to say next that liking nice clothes, doing recreational martial arts, or learning about peach farming out of simple curiosity is also stupid? Because it's not like enjoying power is inherently worse than any of those things.
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