Our being flippant about her constant nagging led to a single incident of minor hurt feelings. If our relationship was hurting, it would have decreased, because that is how the system works.Our slacking is hurting our relationship with gemma, as I feared.
[X] Go to see Maya.
Let's do the thing! I wanna do the thing!
Also, Jaron is backed by some SSJ ki enhancement to his senses, which I really should have seen coming, but didn't. I'm sure that with Jaffur's ki and magic spent, he feels deaf and blind. Jaron likely attributes this to his headache, and will want to fall back to his default 'avoid people I can't punch' mode.
Also, this update made me feel so sad for Jaron. I've been there, buddy, except without the super powers. Let's get you some cocao and some super powers.
Can we take understanding of a subject from the target's mind, or just raw information? The latter would be REALLY useful.We should get mind delve and just rip an education out of somebody.
If Maya turns out to be just wasting our time with a jealous crush it's going to go really badly for her.
Do the Saiyans know any languages the humans don't? That seems like it would be a wise investment
We should get mind delve and just rip an education out of somebody.
Are our baseline senses at that level as a saiyan/SSJ? Because it seems like it could be pretty useful.
Can we take understanding of a subject from the target's mind, or just raw information? The latter would be REALLY useful.
It might still work for primary school homework, though; my primary school homework was entirely comprised of maths problems and spelling test practice, and given our mathematical prowess raw memorisation would probably suffice for the other subject.
Oh yeah, I was thinking for the distant future, and maybe asking an adult Saiyan if we could nab some spelling lists from their heads, not mind-raping a classmate.
I wonder if Kakara has a 'don't be a psycho' rule. If not, I think she needs one.
Could I get a link to that quest?[X] Go to see Maya.
Jaffur is a freaking beast, we don't even need to do anything they're gonna solve the problem, blow up the aliens, kill Dandeer, find Buu lounging around in a sun somewhere, and absorb the enemy.
All we need to do is politics.
Also @PoptartProdigy I just thought that you would like to know that this quest has inspired me to start a quest of my own, albeit on a different site. So thank you for that!
best joke 10/10So...we're the throne behind the power?
I can live with holding the leash of the Universal Powerhouse, as long as we follow the Evil Overlord list and treat him decently. That way when he slips the leash he won't make a special point of seeing us rent asunder, burned, the ashes scattered to the nine winds, and our soul converted into fuel for his universe-ending plan.
Running the first thread later tonight, I'll most likely drop off an archive one the first part is done.
If you look at "Prelude," you shout a greeting to Betarel when he's on the horizon, and he responds. Your senses are better.
Just raw information. Internalizing a subject involves more than simple rote memorization, or otherwise the US would have the best education system on the planet rather than being scrambling to catch up. That said, at your level rote memorization is a lot of school. So, you can attain a primary schoolkid's understanding of most subjects with Mind Delve.
I imagine you want somewhat more.![]()
Oh, certainly. I'm already mapping out a system to use mind-delve, telepathy, IT, fusion, specialized masques, and multiform to forcibly convert the Saiyan race into a relentlessly homogenizing swarm-mind unleashed upon the galaxy.
-or, were you talking about education?
It's good to have the real quest protagonist make an appearance this chapter.
I wonder if Kakara has a 'don't be a psycho' rule. If not, I think she needs one.
"Kakara's rules that make no sense to other people Number 87. Don't follow the posts in the brain by one 'Lailoken', it makes people give you funny looks"
Unlike Jaron's brain, which not only allows them but lets him have them inside of it. I am sure it will invite you to the next one if you ask nicely enough next time Kakara visits it. She could wear a nice blue dress to match Jaron's new hat and why the hell is Jaffur wearing white rabbit ears?Rule 88: Tea Parties are awesome, and I wish my brain would let me have them.
I actually roll for them unless they need to come in some order. For instance, Garenhuld II was always going to be around midsummer and the Senzus were only going to be out from under their wards at year's end, but otherwise the order is random. These ones came first in the order.Hey @PoptartProdigy , does the order of the actions in the plan matter? It's just set up to be the same order as the options given (Masquerade, then Warrior's Path, etc.), but it looks like you're going through them in order at the moment.
...Are we going to regret not thinking of this beforehand?
And voting seems to have died, so I'll call this here. Vote closed. "Go see Maya" wins. Update incoming!
....Well that's what I get for skimming I guess.Swing and a miss!
Just a bit too late, KD. On the up side, you backed the winning horse!